Local Intelligence

... ca1t l~nteltlae¢rre. PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRATION, 1049. a We beg to remind our readers that the period is fast t' approaching when steps must be taken for securing their d votes on the lists to be made the present year. The fol- al lowing is needful to be now attended to.- ti COUNTY VOTERs.-All persons having qualifications Fl for counties,it not already correctly registered, must give I not ce ...

Published: Tuesday 12 June 1849
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5285 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MEETING OF THE BURGESSES OF . GREAT GEORGE WARD. r THE RIVINGTOtN P5IIKE SCHEME. e , 6 A meeting of the burgesbes of this ward was held last n [ ight at the Great George Tavern, Upper Pitt-street, to take into consideration the address of Mr. H. G. flarbord, a and determine on the bert course to be adopted with re- i, ference to the late proceedings in the Town Council b relative to the ...

Published: Tuesday 12 June 1849
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2700 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... The Governments of Prussia, Saxony, and Hanover, having agreed in the scheme of a ConStltutlOll, have also established a Provisional Court of the Confederation (or Bundes-Schieds- gerichtj for the judicial decision of all questions that may arise before the final settlement of the Constitution between the Powers who are parties to it. This court is to consist of Imperial judges (or Bundes ...

Published: Friday 08 June 1849
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 710 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, Mr. Bernal in the chair. The following votes were agreed to:— £ 110,117 for super- annuation allowances and compensation to persons who had been employed in the public service E4,100 for the relief of American loyalists and other charges iC2,000 for the National Vaccine Establishment; E2,000 for the Refuge for the Destitute CS,900 for ...

Published: Friday 08 June 1849
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 73 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

(Eiirignmt/ nlnmn

... MIII lignru. LIABILITY TO INSANITY.—From a table illustrative of the occupation and civil condition of the insane, it appears that the farmers and labourers, whose natural and healthy employments might be thought to bestow almost an exemption from this malady, afford no less than twenty per cent. of the whole number. The mercantile class, whose anxiety and feverish speculations might be ...

Published: Friday 08 June 1849
Newspaper: The Principality
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... Magistrates present—William Evans, Esq., mayor, Thomas Hughes, and Wm. Jenkins, Esqrs. Ellen Connell was committed to prison for a month, as a vaprant. Geoige Duckham, of Merthyr, butcher, for assaulting Mr. David Pavies, of Newport, tanner, by holding awhip over his head, and threatening to split him through, on the last County court day, was bound over to keep the peace, and had to pay costs ...

Published: Saturday 09 June 1849
Newspaper: Monmouthshire Merlin
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 444 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TilE N 1TIONAL ,S'OCIETY. The anitld examliltiol, *f the children of this ocicty's central school took place Yesterday mnoming, at twel'e oclock, in the Schilol-house, irond SanctualrV WQestuiilister. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the chair ; and atmongst tie Coipn present %ec noticed tihe Bishops of Baltagor, St. A.saphi d od Silihry, Arrclideacois Allen, Sinclair, fiuronoy aild Harrison ...

Published: Saturday 09 June 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 461 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... M4ARITIME CASUALTIEB. The Margaret Walker, from Liverpool to Halifax, with losf of bowsprit, foremast, &c, was spoken May 19, in lat. 44, long. 44, by the Wandswoith, arrived in the Clyde - . The Tour d'Auvergne, of Havre, was totally lost on the coast of Patagonia, March 3, and uineof the crew and cargo lost .. . The Friends, of Bideford, from Cardiff, was. run into about 20 miles off Lundy ...

Published: Sunday 10 June 1849
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIL PARLIAMENT. IHOUSE OF T.ORDS.-FRIDAY, JUNF S. The Earl of SHOAFTESBURY (Deputy Speaker) took his meat at 5 o'clock. PRIVATE BUSINESS. SECOND READINGS.-Ogle's Estate; Newcastle and Carlisle Railway (Alterations of, and Branch from Aiston Branch); Charing Cross-bridge (Amendment ofAct, Powersf to alter autherised Approaches, &c.j ; Black Sluice Drainage Acts Amendment (Amendment of Acts, ...

Published: Saturday 09 June 1849
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 14598 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THE SNEW FRENCH CABINET e ?? it,. with~ a heart I ~i battY otlcrs ; 1 Of the two courses open to the President of tI ~ ?? the French Republic in the ioreniitiron of his reas'orabie. Cabinet, Louis _Napoleon appears to us to have Refereilee taken the more prudent. It wvas for some days 2confidently anticipated that the name of Mar- Ad, tI Ro. 2 shal Bugeaud would be conspicuouis amiongst the ...

Published: Saturday 09 June 1849
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1772 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

The Metropolis

... WYbr latropaiot. IIEiLtri OF LONDON DURING Tim E W EEruii.-The 59 deaths reistered in the week exhibit a satisfatory decrease of t;S on the weekly averageof flie springs. The orntality from the zymotic or epidemic class of diseases continues to fall, the deaths in last week hiting been 209-thosein the preceding week 233,; tie aorago is 19S. Scarlatina has now de- clined rather below the ...


... ON THE USE OF CHLOROFORM IN SLTRGEIY, (From the London M£edieal Gazette.) Smit-under your favourable review of my Practical Scr- gLry, for 25th May lest, you mention that I have forgotten to rake notice of the effects produced by air entening into tie veins, although it is obvious, you say, that from thiscanse slight operations in the neck 'mav be easily rendered fatal. Permit me to ...

Published: Thursday 14 June 1849
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1024 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News