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Advertisements & Notices

... ,LN td ~ AIS Direet, from Londtoti- 'ii 'tare. Chief dithil 1', fire tt'. IZ l ' il .iae Loadolai ,iritdc' awiarf i'ttt S.,undayi, JniH tt lt 1 morninig. z ~ il an I 37, jte'g tlt'a'irrtli, ItVLeeiLdi~ll. ~ F \tU ION fromt LONDON tv cater tlle direction itf tin. 1r,,pi'ielttra if 'H ill' II, Pir, Phai',' d, III Hiti ?? NOt. I12, t tir- I' las, it', I aill it II atal apart lii. ilt firat tat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Titia Mart in Fstate, Coinity of C ta.IatoenIt of Sate . JUR. WAINWRIGHTbefgs to ?? the putblic thtilode ogv ?? a furtiher timte to %rico thicl liataitifvellt estate, ?? 116,15-l acres, tle SAEat the( ii Auction Mart, Lononei, ?? lO0STPiN El) to lacedayv 'acia 'i'tivirsclay, Friday, alad Satin rday, thle Mltt antd :tlst a't Cllier-, aiti tast, 2d, and :I 4 Noveamber aext, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXODHR ADORE SESO. OXFORDSHIRE ADJUND SSIOS XTOTICE is hereby given, that an Adjournment of the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Oxford will be holden on Saturday the Fourth day of August next, at the County Hall, Oxford, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; when the Business (if any) relating to the ap- plication or management of the County Rate will commence, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K . S TI E P If E R D9 21, WHITEFRIARGATE, HOSIER, GLOVER, SHIRTr MAKER, AND GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTER, EGS to annex a List of Prices for S H I R TS, and fespectfully solicits a trial:- Each; Per Doz. Gentlemen's Long Cloth, Linen Fronts and Collars, ?? 2. ?? 2s. Do. do. do. ?? 3s. d. . 40s. Do. do. do. ?? 4s. ?? 52s . Parisian do. do. ?? 5s. ?? 64s. Improved Corazza do. 6s. Gd. ma. Fancy Regattas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sovi ADVERtTISEMENT. met Tiem WESLEVAN CONIFEREreci-Dccrinq the eittinjgs of the the Wecley~icnconference at Manchieester, TitnWE5LiYA.N Wal Times will be published twice a week for three weeks, on( the evellino: If Moniday and Wednesday of the following TV dates :-July 23, 25, and .30; and August 1, 6, 8, mced 14. by The paper of Mulnday next. the 23rd i:iatgnt, which will [. be the first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... esPERSONSWANTED. A ?? T~OlOUGlI OF WARtRINGTO'J -WANTFID, a POLIC r-_ ko D IAN, whoa ?? duty will hotoct as an Inspctor 1, of Nuisancesi under thll uithoirity of the Chief Costabl~e. Hils ag e must not texeed 35 years. Waiges, 2ito. per week fer thto first e agyenr. end 21s. per week a~irwards, with Clothing, and tin rig aloac f2s. pe: sqeecrh for oots In addition -A pplientions re Lr and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL INSURANCE COMPAN h CAPITAL, f2.000.000. IN 11*.(00 SHARES or R20 EACH. a - TRUST Be. John Shaw Leigh, Esq. I ILB-B-H-BlumdollZsq. 3 - DIKxC7ORS, Vb Brice Turner. Esq., Chairman. a H. J. Sanderson, Esq., and ohm Camphell, Esq., geputy 0 Clia en. a George Armstrong, Etiq- James Lawrence, Esq. Ralph Brocklebank, E6q. Thomas Lee. Esq. Michael Boustield, Esq. Francis Maxwell. Esq. David ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pJublfratfnon. This day, new and imnpeoed edition, with additions, price Is., C HERILLESFiRSTSIEPto FRENC El indspesale oandin aronywih, ?? Grammars. l~cig ?? t' rogrssie Fmilar onvrsations, in French and n Enlis, chwin a Pralel btwen th Prneniatlon, Ety- mnoogy AcidereandIdomsef he odsof peehin Both Lan- guae., wih Gamuatial bsevatonson Ne Pln.By F. M. Effingham Wilsoe, Rnyal Exchange ; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - ~erfo~itaI%* THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXI., T will be published on THURSDAY, the 12th of July. CONTENTS: 1. Transportation as it now is. 2. Shakspearian Critics, English and Foreign. 3. De Toccueville's Louis XV. 4. Dannis's Etruria, 6. Free Trade. 6. Corpus Ignatiarum-Tho Syrian MSS. 7 Sir E. Bulwor Lytton's KingArthur. 8. Tyndale'sSardinia-The Rouse of Savoy. 9. Austria and Hungary. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 5*alti by Ruttfan. . Pal.umaU.-Chanspagne Wines of the finest quality. 1t ESSRS. FOSTER and SON hre directed to 17 SELL by AUCTION, at the Gallery, 54, Pall-mall, on SATUBI. L DAY, July 28, at I for 2 precisely, and without reserve, 3,000 bottles of Pinbak AMPAGNEjust arrived from Prance, beingpartof the wines contracted for, expresly far the use of a ndghbauring conti- ,nental eourt, oand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E EES'S COMPOUND ESSENCE is with R the greatest confidence recommended as b img the mosl sare, speedy, and effectual remedy ever discoveted for the cure of gsnurrhoea and its cunsequences; gleels,apasmodic strictures. Wvhites,patis in the luins,gravel,irritation of Lhe bladder,urethra, prostrate gland, &c., frequently removing every symptom el disease in a few days, without danger of a return. ...

Published: Sunday 08 July 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3288 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, ORTRAITS OF EMINENT . EN GINE B ItS. Messrs HENRY GRAVES and CO.\PANY. 6. Pall Mall, her Majesty's Publishers, beg to announce the publication of the ioilowing Portraits of distinguished Engineers THE LATh GE9RGE STEPHENSON, Esq., WuOLe LENGTH. STANDING ON CHAT MOSS. Painted for RnsERT STEPHRiNSON, Euq, MI P., by Mr JOHN LucAs, Engraved by T. L. ATKIlNSON, Esq, the talented ...

Published: Sunday 22 July 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 481 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices