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Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING'YARD, NEAR GOSPORT. 9th July, 1849. T OTICEis hrerebly given -That on THUR LSA Y th l 19t1h I nsiant, I s all be ready to reterv e RE enders in writing, sealed up, aned treat f or S c' Fifty Tons of EDEN MAIN COALS, to be d e- . livered into the Coal Yard of this Department, tree of every expe nse, ira six weeks from the day of Contract-To be paid for by Bills at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXODHR ADORE SESO. OXFORDSHIRE ADJUND SSIOS XTOTICE is hereby given, that an Adjournment of the last General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Oxford will be holden on Saturday the Fourth day of August next, at the County Hall, Oxford, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; when the Business (if any) relating to the ap- plication or management of the County Rate will commence, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3EGS to inform his fijiends and the il)hlf generally that Ie has declined Business in favor of higs 9n J([,N hopes HIALS ?? fie takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks fur the favors he so long received, at' (, hopes they will be as liberally bestowed onl his Sun. J@OHA CRARLES THORP VAILS himself of tl'e opportunity aff'rded him by the above announcement of thanking those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REEVES & SONS' PURE CUMBE.RiLAND PtLEAD PENCILS, of every Texture and shade. REEvES & SONS' PERMANENT AND BRILLIANT WATER CoLORes, tnanuractured with pure Virgin Wax, superseding altogether the ttse of Gum, so irnj. rnuns to Water Color Drawings. a, The above articles, and all others connected with Drawing arid Paintting, are strongly recommended by the most eminent Artists. To be had of all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LST, AYOUNG RED POINTE 1) DOG; if returned to Mr. Shillingford, Corn Marieet-street, Oxford, [llreason- I ab!O expenlcps will be paid. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EClONOMIC FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT. , h g 7, FRINrCE GEORGE'S STREET, FOR TSEA. an J TARRANT, COFFIN MIAKER and FL'RNISHF~t Por .LI J.OF uN'ERtALS, respectfully submits Lo the P~ublicthe foilowing Scaleof FUNERAL CHARGES, Et ~'VIZ. :- Black Stained Coffin, Nailed and Furnished, Maen& Hearse and ore Cloach ?? S 10 0 Wednii Black Covered Coffin Funeral complete 1 18 0 and ?? 2 0 Thursa Inch Black ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~xt = Y- TO GROCERS AND OTHERS. a 0 be DISPOSED OF.-In excellent rcady he g money r E A and GROCERY BUSINESS, situate in one of the principal thorough fares in the Town ad of Gesport, and itn a populous neighbourhood. Coming i- in moelerate. For particulars apply to Crook and Son, Auctioneers, Potmrnouth and Gosport. a- A N excellent FARM, at net reot of 21s. an acre, ?? between Guildford and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AEVOLUTION IN THE BRICK TRADE. WENTY per Cent. saved in the cost otf Brickwork w T by using BEEDLES and ROGERS, PATENT VTENTIiATING BRICKS, wlhich not only possess Itestrclgith and dutability of the cotinltit brick, but also afiord every facility ior a system al thei most perfect a yen tiittto ts. n For further particalars, as wtell as for liceotces to mrakc tc tricks, tapply to Ur. Rulles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRTON INCLS1 . T EDWARD LANE FRANKLIN, of ABC ?? e ki of Great Milton, in the Cou rfO rd, the Valuer act- Ingn the matter of the lincle ree I'anArablc, Meadow, Pasture, and Waste Lands, sitaei h aiah of Pyrton, in iftile County Of Oxford, hereby give N~otice, that I shall hold a Meeting on the Sixth day of Aug t neXt, at thle Hare and Hons0na ¶Vtlntn nt sa-'id County of Oxford, at 1-Eleven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -OX1ORD, WORcESTER, AN iWOLVERHAMPTON D RAIL gy N OTICE is hereby gsven that the NEXT HALF- 11 YEARLY GEN ERAt MEETING of the PROPRI- ETORS in the OXF¢Rp WORCESTER, and WOLVER- HAMPTON RAILW A COMPANY will be held at the LONDON TAVERN, BIS OPSGATE STREET, LONDON, on WEDNESDAY the FIRST day of AUGUST NEXT, at Two o'clock precisely, for the purpose of receiving the REPORT of the pIRECTO S, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOODIJWOOD RACES. rl o LET duringthlc Races fosrmilesfrom the Race 1 Course -Several BED ROO S, a large sitting- roon, and stable. Apply to Mr. Robert Rasell, Wlhite Porse, Chil. 1 grove, Vestdean. JCAPElt ANOIN(GS mlle by Machinery, from first-rate new designs at the lowest prices they have e, cver been solld in this conuntry; asd Block Goitrls rot to be surpased by tny houseiin Eriglanld Bed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O be LET, at Fairford, Gloucestershire,-A good. 'IL' MALTHOUSE and BAKEHOUSE. with a convenient Dwelling. The premises are roomy, and well adapted for carry- ing on a large trade in the above lines, to which a Brewery might be added. May be entered on immediately, or at Michaelmas.- Apply to Mr. Jenner Lane, Broad Moor Hill, near Fairford. LIVE end DEAD FARMING STOCK, AGRICULTURAL UTENSILS ane ...