... EXHIBITION ?? r LIVERPOOL ACADEMY The n A ih;ns OLD AA T *OFF1C F L&aCE. I ULD FUCST.OFF1C0 PL&CE, o - es tton pre The annual exhibition of thia society opened to the pr;, On pablic on Wedaesday laset, anti from the hasty glance we r'n gri- took of it on the previous day, when we were invited Du t of to a private view, we are convinced it will prove as I the attractive as any former exhibition ...


... ii at ich The Bankrupt Lazo Consolidation Act, 1849: (12 and T 1n- I3 Vict. cap. 106) with Introduction, Eplanatory toi ing Notes, Forms and a very Copious Index. By Edward 1 to Wise, Esq.,.iarrister-at-Law, 4.Crockford, Lon- omx don. P The advantages to the public Intended by the Tit Consolidation Act, including in one document so Ne: sed much scattered law on subjects daily litigated, are 5 ...


... I BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL ?? -- .. T'nU1SDAY EvENitN.-Tlle miscellaneous concert this evening was well and fashionably attended. Theprogramme contained a selection of popular pieces from the stores of Donicetti, Meyerbeer, Rossini, Cirnarosa, Auber. Beethoven, and Mozart. Beethoven's symphony in C minor was admi- :rably rendered, and so great . was the sensation effected by the overture of ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? Doetrt. YOU ASK ME HOW I LIVE. LivitN friendly, feeling friendly, Acting fairly to all men, Seeking to do that to others They may do to me again; Hitting no nman, scorning no man, Wronging none by word or deed, But forbearing, soothing, serving, Thus I live-and this nry creed. Harsh condemning, fierce contemrning,. Is of little Christian use, One eoft word of kindly peace Is worth a torrent ...


... THEl- DOAGH FARMING SOCIETY'S CATTLE SHOW. Tnes society held their thirty-first annual meeting and cattle ?? in Doagh, on Monday, the 3rd inst. A large number of gentlemen and farmers attended to witness the exhibition. in the evening, above forty memehrs and friends of the so- ciety dined together in the Doagh Inn. The entertainment was provided in good style by Mr. Wlhiteside. JoHn OwENs, ...

Selected Poetry

... sclectev vactrg. WHAT IS N'OBLE? BY CHARLES SWAIN. WHEAT is noble? to inherit Wealth, estate, and proud degree ?- There must be some other merit Higher yet than these for me!- Something greater far must enter Into life's majestic span Fitted to create and centre True nobility in man! W.hat is noble? 'tis the finer Portion of our mind and heart; Linked to something still diviner Than mere ...


... are I We continue our extracts from the important pcr- Parliamoentary B~lue-bo~k relative to the affairs of Italy eith (Translation. ion, ?? April 5, 1848. r lr' M le Cornte,-We do not think it necessary for us to state tiOOs. to ?? the causes which have brought About a change in the later politiclal systemn of Austria, and which have now placed our oo~i empire en another basis. It is ...


... Ti EElhA'8IADBO. Y]'hev is no greater drawback to emigration than I I th:e mn~etainty whiclh, in the minds of riost mel, attendsthe adveintu.e 'TIhisarisesfromiritlieiginorance which prevails respecting the actual positioli, cli- nitte, capabilities, wants, and resonrces of the dif- fci elt ?? of plrom0ise, and nr ore particularly as to the modes of life which nlist be adopted on ar- rival ...


... THcfH TiEOLS-, ETC. SADLER'S WELLS.-We had a revival of the co- mnedy of She Would and? She Would Net , at' this theatre last week. It is the production of Colley Cibber, a writer who has been hardly treated bot l by the cri- tics of his own time aid those of a subsequent period He experienced the. fate of those who, being in situations for, which they themselves were unfit, and for which ...


... I PU3LIC AUBSEMMTS EOR TSE WaE. ROYAL GARDENS, VAUXUAILL Last week but one of the present extraordift Y attraction, Int =OIO- quience oft Ie various cotatluental and provlimnia engageentaotef the YrO~itOFpl ?? (Modayl), an entire change of performanesO. and inro.duc'1ti1n of various goveltims Mlanter Hernandez for a lew stts lonager. in his mnatehles a nd ?? AartSo aetersebacagshl. st0all . ...


... I ?? FAR EWE LL. Ho w often do we-breathe Farewell! As though it were a final knell To all the heart's most precious things, From whence all joy, all pleasure springs. Nor has its influence o'er the mind Been fitful, as the changing wind, That hurries on its trackless course In murmurs soft, then loud and hoarse, Succeeded by a calm serene As ever blest an infant's dream. This may depart, ...


... WHLTTINGHAM VALE FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society held their seventh exhibition on Friday, the 31st alt. in a spacious pavillion erected for the pur- pose. The display if flowers and vegetables were very good, and refletted great credit on the cultivators. The attendance of the nobility, gentry. &c. of the neigh- bourhood was very great. An excellent dinner was provided by Mr ...