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... MIJDDLE SEX SE.SSIOAS-TrIuBsidDY. The court sat at Clerkenwell, for the purpose of taking a p- -iicatiol,- for lieclejcs for public mu1:sic andilanicing. Mr. Powtall, tile chalutirall of the bench presided, and there was all unillsilly full attendaice of' magistrates, there being nearly forty ptie-snt. A re:at deal of interest ap- lplared te be excited in, cousetqence .f tere b ein no Icss ...


... CO URtT OF BA.NK-R 1UP TC Y-TUESDAY. [Before Mr. Coinmissioner Evans.] c IN RNS EDWARiD DURIiIiDoE. c The bankrupt was an umbrella manufacturer and dealer in cigars, carrying on business in Piccadilly. His business d transactions commenced in June, 1848, and terminated in a June, 1849. His debts are, in round figures, 1,6001. ; his I assets, as realised, 6001. He now canse up to his ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS-TUESDAY. Ct [Beforie Mr. Sergeant Adams, Assistant Judge.] s The criminal business for the October quarter sesio consieneed this morning. Thre calendar was a light one, there being but fifty-nine prisoners for trial ; fifty-six of ( them, being indicted for felony, and three for misderneaniour. gi Thirty-two prisoners could read anid write imperfectly, six S could read only, ...


... THE POLICE CO UDRTS. CITY POLICE COMMITTEE. SUNDAY TRADING -W, Chapman, the keeper of a beer Ihop in New-street, Cloth fair, was complained against for Suodly trading. A female was seen to leave the shop by a ride door with a bottle containing beer. The offcer stated that in consequence of greengrocery siog sold at the shop great fasilities were allowed for the tale of beer. Many of the ...


... CE4YTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. Ii tras NEW COURT.-YESTlERDAY. Cha BEFOOE T500 BRCORDER. Bui CHARGE OF ¶¶TERING: A SPURIOUS CHEQUE. Spe Robert Take, aged 27, described in the calendar as a the broker, was indicted for uttering a forged cheque for the Iyi scum of 9q. ps., with intent to defraud Edward Darrell, well dre knowing the same to have been forged.. Mr. Parcel appeared for the prosecution, ...


... ( UPUR 7 01 (O 1A/ JON C lUN(XL. , Yc~cdya cor ulwa1s held for tli e dc.-.,patel ofpu!ic ¶IMF NEW C'0T~i0OATION All. A oiil olt, ?? to ''hir i0 tIL elcclee' . a f Mr. Gl~del, an III etioiL thle ' lidito of o hi`ck ?? stroyed br thel, Operation of' t~e 1101` act, :1111 l`ne.e Na i.1 to ho joforinud ibyti ( Ile . 'Ilitil itio'' (it n1 tIlO llIbie,,t. Tlhl ],oil 111MA I Olt 0011i thint if ...


... |CENTRAL CRIMINAL C'O UR TTtUESDAv.i OLD COUE|T. [Before Mr. Bullock.] (bim fes Loecs, 30, labourer, Oeorc 11arri9e, 33, gunsmith, anti William Tltolirson, 33, described as a labourer, three well known members of the swell mob, were indicted for stealing a watch, a sovereign, and some silver, the property of Henry Harvey. Mr. Robinson prosecuted, anid the prisoners were de- fended by Mcssrs. ...


... TNER ad IN BERVONDSET. -;dy, Inspector Yajes waited on Mrs. Manning, mnonger-lane County Gaol, for the purpose of 4g what letter she required, as there was an im- nberx:dudoruftif ts in his possession.- She then Anidi that the letter she wished to be placed in ,,vsion oder- solicitor was one she reediedfrom -. rick O'Co'uor a short time after they became ae- tited, and thatit contains a ...


... THlE POLICE CO U. TS. MARLBOROUGxH-STREET. 2_,0 A DETERMtINRO VAGRIANT.-Anln Brady was chargcd rati Jies a ofierblogig o hel iision, stated that here took her into custody.t Horsford informe temagistrate that the pri~oner had lt been convicted no lesthnd times; in fact, nine ceonthe Cot -out of the twelve sh wa nprison. ket Mr. Bingham comitedler for 10 days. ELnE SstoF ldOBEiTLY.-John, Wilson ...


... Tl CAPCUTTA RESS ON THE CALCUTTA 1 ~ CALCU~POLICE, The imvzstigation of the-cmrnission appointed at Ccutteo to inquire into the state of the police in that I closed. The commr5ssionel 5 have reported, bitlls, at steps governuient may see fit to adopt re- oieto be seen. With one exception alt' the Euro- poe regetrt5 apear as debtors of a 'wealthy th'BbO ltty Loll Seal, and to have beo-me ...

Law Intelligence

... JLab3 JElitcutacum NOTICES-Txis DAY. S i DANEUPrTry 13kASoNGOALL.5T.-(fANE.)-F. D. Lewis, Birchin- ilne. printer, lost exam. ; J. Caidwell, King Williarn-stect, manuhocturer, loot atarm., 11; J. B. spenliOr, Ray~leigh, bakeor, loot t eoam., 12 ; Wm.. Reid, Yarmocuth., botel keeper, last exam., 12.- (SueeLse.ttO.)-Edwd. Ra InsOttaon, Bornee, Norfolk, tailor, exam., 1 .-t , liSOLVENT DEBTOIO', ...


... THE I MEURDER IN BERMO!NDSEY. I CONTINUATION OF THE EVIDENCE FOR THE PROSECUTION, THE STATE OF THE HOUSE AFTER THE MURDER. Eliza Filmin, a little girl, aged twelve, livingin Staple- street, said I recollect the 10th of August. I was op- Vosite 3, Miniver-place. I was selling matches and boot- iaces. On the fallowing Saturday I saw the female pri- soner at the window. I said, If you please, ...