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... pOLICE CASES DURING THE WEEK. I A DEsAi Cb saeoMaa._-A man named James Clark ,ras brought up on Tuesday last, charged with having obtained, on the previous day, sundry articles of food at flr. Dunn s Temperance Hotel without paying for them. It appears that Clark, being possessed of an appetite like most other ?? went into Mr. Dunn's house, and called for coffee, and bread and butter, to the ...


... An oyt i - Or - _ . Xd An extensive robbery of valuable parc-;P conveyed by z of tie Great Western Company, from Soulh Wales and ill th parts of the West of England, took place a few days s. back. r(n Thursday morning, the mail train hy the Au )u C:eat Western Railway, leaving plymoutb u: 62S p.m. D td oil the previous eveni:.g, and c-il3ing at the intermediateD towns upon the route, arived at ...


... I- , WioAN LANES LAnKnis.-Feorsome time, Wigan-lane and the neighbourhood have been infested by a set of lark- iug young men, who, for want of: better amusement, have annoyed the inhabitants by tying the door knockers, throwing stones and filth at the doors, and at times run- ning pretended races after night-fall in a state of nudity. The police have been on the look-out for the larking ...


... THE EXAMINER AND TIMES. MANCHESTER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1849. tU UJJJA9LtIt,3 ?? J3,iO 1) 1} .* AW For folly and fanaticism-administrative weak- ] ness and judicial cruelty, the annals of despotism I furnish no parallel that can bear comparison with the hereditary attributes of the rulers of Austria. Through all the long ages of that iron despotism, t meanness and malignity have been by ...


... le CRIMES AINI) O(VY fN`lK! [I PosaoA ?? inquest ont the at bodies of Slirauci arid Eliz ibeth Gregory, the chflilden of ad Mr,. Gregory, a widow, who diled from arseniccontained in mapple dusmpinogs, made from flour procured by Emanuel tO B~arnett, a lodger ill the house, terminated on Thursday in in a verdict of witilfl mu-der against 13 trnett, who has 10 been committed for trial at the ...


... POLICE CASES DUR[NG THE WEEK. ASSAULTING THE PoLsCE.-On Monday last, two men, named Richard and William Worden, were brought up, charged with assaulting Police-constable Rawlinson, on Sunday night week. The complainant stated that he was on duty in Lancaster-road, on Sunday night week, when he heard a disturbance, and saw eight or ten men in the street: In consequence of information he ...


... A aInnv^ ?? o f- ol-nd M- n t. -- - - Au extensive robbery of valuable parcels, conveyed by the 1N Great Western Company, from South Wales and all parts Bi - the west of England, took place a few days back. On Thurs- ri ,lay morning, the mail train by the Great Westein Railway, leaving Plymouth at 0.25 p.m. on the previous evening, and g c calling at the intermediate towns uponuthe route, ...

Police Court

... RAWttt cl rts : ?? __ o' L STEAM-BOAT REGULATIONS.- Oi Tuesday, Captain Or e Milne, master of the Royal Adelaide, steamer, was fined a 10os. and coste, at the Police- Burt, for lanudirg his passen- gers over the paddle-box, and without a sufficient gang- eil way. Mr. Rushton said that the Act of Parliament le- i d quired thepasoengere to have sufficient room, and if cattle R were carried to ...

Police Court

... Valfet Court, ?? hte of BAD MBAA- -OulFhiday Johln Sthbba as iiised INs. and Alsi )08itg for ?? to sale 6lilbsi. Of Unsoutnd beef. a. his 6hop In Oreait elou- Oifiard-tarret. ScOtlani road, also 263. Rse aloste f.r havinig=)lllbi. four of bad beef in LA slaugiier-beos, In Senthit 4-r' d. iiridget jore Ibl'artney, for 'Apnting for itale bad bacon, in her shop in such Marybrine, was ...


... THE COUu'mY COUR'TS. To the EDITOStS of the LIVERpOOL Jl 1,thC'ley- GtaNTrtar~rN,H~virg oloierved, fr-an 'nrai.2 to tirm . your unwtrfrg ?? to cosrect errr aind abutev, \.lhout respet of peraonF, I on induetd to Itay you. & te; liou to what I coosidor a orauitest error in judgmuit, it not a culpable abute of power, exi,:iiag in t0me GI [tie counlty ccurta, The Legislature (wath a view of ...

Police Court

... -= t q I . I % , . . ,, - I., H - -,Wq4 - L i I Is . I I__ _ 5 I Htwon- ad -Lr~ i ?? a n5 fhuiber ef peons vre fiidfordriving on theT wrong ti s fidc of the attcet, ?? gada ehop daan, and other t effenees. They .were. in mtost oaseS fined' ,.and coste. _8eveual lodgiag-heuse keepers were also summoned for a, & at registering theis ?? in accordance with the prop il d vision of the Sanatory Act ...


... T., -- - lpter INnua ROBERT WILLIAM&.0-n Tuesday, this bank- ,ils rapt, whose case had been adjourned from time to time, igor. again appeared before Mr. Commissioner Perry. Mr. pletor Hill produced Mr Price, who stated in evidence that the promissiory notes were all given to him on the IIth of April, that Mr. Morris had, at the meeting of creditors on the 14th of March, consented, with the ...