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... LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE—Sept. 25, The Queen has pleased to appoint the Right Rev. John Lord Bishop of Chester to be Clerk of the Closet in Ordinary to her Majesty, in the room of the Right Rev. Edward Lord Bishop of Norwich, deceased. WAR OFFICE—Oct. 5. 3d Regiment of Dragoon F. Chaplin, from $d light dragoons, to be Lieutenant, vice Slade, who ex- changes. 3d Light W. H. Slade, from 8d dra- ...


... naa, “ We shall always find that certain classes, more or less numerous according to the state of society we are examining, are engaged in some kind of occupation that, however much time it may consume, makes a near approach to idleness. . . The handloom weaver docs not /abour, according to the sense in which the term is employed by a people advanced like our own in productive enterprise. He ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AYD COMMERCI Z, AL flEZE A.UURACE\ ADC SOCIETY. C-apyrAr, £1001100 Tt 0trrcs-No. 78 CREAPSIDE, LONDON. -Nlznitty le elffintr'd w.ith thiis Society at 'towrnq E For [TAiLE RATE~S than those chairged Ely any b e traxn,.erred co thtis Ofice free of charac. ?? 2127 eqnritnnaof this Soeieq, is to) rel'ax trees,,p imime,ped en ?? urarl otliurs ip. i'MtTLY A ND tiLMERAr.TLy SETTLED. I :tIl x;.~ ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qS T-1)ARD LIIFEF A SSUl'RANCE; COMIPANY SPEfCAL ?? pIVISION O F PROFITS, r7iTPi)YN lS PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO A;l TiellI BENSFITS TO B33 DIEIlVEl) BY WITTI THE COMPANY BEFORE ' i5TH NOVEMTBER. 1849. . POTC[WW S operred with the Company before 15th r ;A,1nJgKLj participate in the Division of Profits to be made 'ear1 l vio) when the Surplis Funds wiicl havearisen since I ,eaSb&. I45. will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / ' ~WILLXAIV DflNIIIB, 9 PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND PAPERHANGER, t to intimante that, in consequence of the Reduction in OSto Priceof Glass, he is prOpaued to Sell tho following at tho under-noted Pricos:-Good CROWN GLASS, { ~ P7 Tabics, £115s Od ; and if in Squares, 4d per foot, !D 4tn'og50 feet, Good SHEET GLASS, in Crates of 200 to 300 fea, gt 3d por foot; Snd if in Squares, 3&d per foot, ini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NfOR=x Z3IAVSE I UAW@U COMP'ANY. :ESTABLISHED IN 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Act of Paerliamntu. HEAD OFFice-64, PRINCES STREET, Edinburgh. PRESIDENT. His Grace the DUKE of SUTHERLAND. eft A.ssrance Notice. POLICIES on the Participating Class effected before the -. 31st Decembirnext, particioate in the'Profits-of the Year, sharing at the Septennial Division at 31t December. 38,ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I it~rGTLU AfNlD CO IRICAL ACADX;.bmy,. GANNET HILL. ?? of' the COLLEGTATE nod COMNIERR AVDLACADMI'T beg to intimate, thatMIRa. .TAMLIESt >i NCG. CLASSrCAL TMASTER of George Watson's -ti abjnjurgh, has been appointed to the MSoatersiajp of ?? e clpartment in the above Institolticn.' Saiswox 1849-50. -C XI AL DEPATTTRItENT ?? S. BRW._NnG. ?? D-tll Ei.-.T ?? Ft. SIN CLAIR. K .i1lxmUAI DEPARTMENT ...


... LONDON _ GAZETTE. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 6th day of October, 1849, present the Queen's most excellent Majesty in Council, it is this day ordered by her Majesty in Council that the Parliament, which stands prorogued to Tuesday the 9th day of Oc:ober instant, be further prorogued to Tuesday the 20th day of November next. At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOCqTITITTIOX FOR LADIES, I 1r GA °tO2i B]3rrsWvOOO SQitAUR. ] ?? SESSIom. a s so OPENED on the Tst instant, and isnowp ,Olon p wl'A vishing to ?? will please to a r ' t ndtits delay. Fee-S 12 19S. per Session. -[ :e;^rilli's sete°S F. A. VOL$SE', Secretary-. y 0; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U1 talC-R AND fluVcAiflo. I7 MTRSON-S -CLASSES ARE NODW FORMING. C 4streaomNatairai IPhi-j A. ?? ,zz.e3lsr~ %;:ite -Profe~so-r a ire drifserent ib-ts . Mr. Cso Arr1h11,1.7 ?? ?? ?? ?? onr.. . & Mi iadamefl)ua'uc. ifl r. G -% T LeW AY sarin ?? 1r. WASONesi r~ ?? Mr. A. 1..Trolsens Ia rtmeUrin .tlncMr. A-I. 'rrtomso rno - E -i Us cim ?? a fess adlditianrnl Itc~i-rers . .tsrt'ystiael ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE ARRIVALS, AND EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS AT PHIILIP AND. KENNEDY'S, .17, UNION BUILDINGS, (OPPOSITE BROAD STREET.) jHERE is no pleascn-e compas~ablo to that: f communicating our own pleasures--of wafting abroad the tidings of our pr.os. rPerity. But while it isnatural to rejoice in our successes, it is a duty not to' forget to whom we owe them, and not to be old in thieresponses of our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO THE * Burgesses of Guild of the City of Aberdeen. TE - DEAN o0 GUILD helreby intimateS, that the ELECTION of a DEAN OF GUILD, for the ensuing year, takes place in the TOWN-IHALL, on TUESDAY the 30th October current, at 10 o'clock forenoon; when the order of proceeding, in terms of the existing Regulations, w-ill be as follows:- On the day of Election, the present Dean will take the Chair ...