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... THE POLICE CO UDRTS. CITY POLICE COMMITTEE. SUNDAY TRADING -W, Chapman, the keeper of a beer Ihop in New-street, Cloth fair, was complained against for Suodly trading. A female was seen to leave the shop by a ride door with a bottle containing beer. The offcer stated that in consequence of greengrocery siog sold at the shop great fasilities were allowed for the tale of beer. Many of the ...


... |CENTRAL CRIMINAL C'O UR TTtUESDAv.i OLD COUE|T. [Before Mr. Bullock.] (bim fes Loecs, 30, labourer, Oeorc 11arri9e, 33, gunsmith, anti William Tltolirson, 33, described as a labourer, three well known members of the swell mob, were indicted for stealing a watch, a sovereign, and some silver, the property of Henry Harvey. Mr. Robinson prosecuted, anid the prisoners were de- fended by Mcssrs. ...


... Tl CAPCUTTA RESS ON THE CALCUTTA 1 ~ CALCU~POLICE, The imvzstigation of the-cmrnission appointed at Ccutteo to inquire into the state of the police in that I closed. The commr5ssionel 5 have reported, bitlls, at steps governuient may see fit to adopt re- oieto be seen. With one exception alt' the Euro- poe regetrt5 apear as debtors of a 'wealthy th'BbO ltty Loll Seal, and to have beo-me ...


... THE POLE CO UR TS. CLERKENWELL. IVFiam Jarvis, 69 years of age, an ?? of nuisances for the parish of St. jaucras, wasplaced at the bar for final Fuxamination, charged by Jane W 5-ms edCollins, aged be- tween 18 and 19, with having violated her person. The court was excessively crowded by respectable looking indi- viduals, and greatinterest seemed to have been manifested, and several of the ...


... CO(tNI IUCT OFt THEl MA N NlIN iS SINC'l THElIR CUN)! t \V IC'TI(N. (V \ho-n thie prisoer- we r reinz iced el foiii the dlo.h af;ter the ilalst ocilttence ef the law\ ,lad beenl l~asced npoiil themi, vi iy ! ohreat once ceodutetd ti Noegate, aolndpo arrirlinc lthorn thoy wvere infrinletl 1y tie 'xoerncor thsat tli v 0 \oId be coni- | \eyed jinnietdiately to ll irsolilongrlate -Iuc .iil, ii -s ...


... THE POLICE CO UR TS. A PCLERKENWELL. A PALACE COURT FUNCTIONARY. -Henry and Afar- garet Joyce, man and wife, carrying on the business of an ironmonger at No. 20, Wilstead-street, Somaers town, were charged by Henry Herrick, of No. 5, Edward-street, New. ington, an officer attached to the P ?? Court, whh having assaulted and resisted him whilst in the execution or | his daty. The complainant ...

Police Court

... Valfet Court, ?? hte of BAD MBAA- -OulFhiday Johln Sthbba as iiised INs. and Alsi )08itg for ?? to sale 6lilbsi. Of Unsoutnd beef. a. his 6hop In Oreait elou- Oifiard-tarret. ScOtlani road, also 263. Rse aloste f.r havinig=)lllbi. four of bad beef in LA slaugiier-beos, In Senthit 4-r' d. iiridget jore Ibl'artney, for 'Apnting for itale bad bacon, in her shop in such Marybrine, was ...


... A WOMK' SHO'T AT'OUE, iN SUSSEX. .. in~iet ?? held 6et Wednesday las-, by N. P. ?? 1 coroner ftr the ripes;f asetings, at the King's Uek&Inn' on the body of Ades-Blizabeth Harman, who wg- kiilledinder the circun stcrnea detailed in the following George Earmark gas ?? was my wife; we have lived in 'North-row, Ore, for three years; George Stone, a railway labourer, has lodged with us 12 months. ...


... F C. SALFORD COUtRT LEET. i A court leet, view of frank pledge, and court of record for It he the hundred of Salford, was held yesterday morning, at the Ste ITown Hall], before Joseph Pollock, Esq. The jury having car tbeen Sworn, the judge said hie believed there was very little im~ .business for the transaction of the court; but there were an( itsome things still remaining within thle ...

Preferment.—The Rev. J. G. M'Leod, 8.A., Exeter College, Oxford, to be Assistant Curate of St. Peter's, Derby. ..

... audit of J. C. Burton Borough, Esq., held on the 19th inst., he kindly returned per Cent, to his tenantry on his Derbyshire Estates. Derby Municipal Elections.—These elections take place to-morrow (Thursday), the Ist November. The following gentlemen go out by rotation, but are eligible for re-election:—Becket Ward, Mr. Fornian and Mr. John Richardson ; Bridge Ward, Mr. Hill and Mr. Chadwick; ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TUESDAY. . tjrbt ?? coiinsijcmc oF tire opening oi' the Coa; v Exchange by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, the ithole of the Mansion-house business wits brought to tie justice- C rooni to be disposed of, but the magistrate did not corn- v menr c until between half-past three aid four o'clock. There wvere bet~ieeA thirty anti for ty prisoners, but none of the charges were ...


... ?? TRA L (RIMINA L CO UJ? T-SATURDAY. OLD COURT. [Before Mr. Judico Cre',sell anti Mr. Jmtice Maulel *?I. j/ii ii .1 /fi'i4 I id.' ii tills,, Iisi? fail, aged 17, si as placed at Clic bar to receive j iiilgiiietit. It ii iii he reiiieiabere' that the prisoner was convicted on Wednesday in this coin t of a joust diabolical ?itlentpt to niur- dcc a vontig ii ottian , with w lion' he had ...