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Advertisements & Notices

... bronchitis, aod cot eli peenayifeou.Tearpeared and sold in boces, oar - Is. tad. end tics, 2g Sd. 4s. Gd. and h~e. d. eScal, by Thomas wvit Keeling, cemist, &s No. 711, 1. Patti' Churchtyard, London. the - Sold i'etcilby all druggiss and patent edicine vendors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANK RUPTs-PRaDAY. CnIsnatLm, John and William, Dorking, and Ludgate.hill, wholegale perfusmers CoLtlNB, Thomas Peter, Bristol, tailor MARSHALL, Thomas, Hatfieid-street, Blackfriarn.road, licensed vie. PeUO, Charles Edward, late Of Cross-street, Islington ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M. A., Curate of ,Berkeley; the Rev. H J Cartor HM -A Curate Of: Slimbridge m and. P.ner Canciss of frlrttol Catlledrai-m Thomas Crooino. Eng'1Us Bieadstone, near Berkeley; Mr. T. Clar'ke ltoifPrk SQ., in Borele; Ms.RI~A O Kng-street. Stroud; John Weight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of matrimonial misery might tben be banished from our land, and the race of the ener- vate be succeeded by a renewal of the hardy, vigorous spirits of the olden tite.-C(hroniCle. I consider the TneATies ON MANOeOD is decidedly the best extant in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL FROM THE REV. THOMAS HINDE, M.A. I certify that I have used Mr. Binyon's Chest Expander in my School and family the last two years and a half with great advantage, and I cau confidently recofimmend it-for gene- ral use. Thomas tuide, M.A; Winwick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... renders of medicines generally throughout the kingdom. Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and observe the name nod addlress of Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London, on the overonment Stamp. ?? to Laidlig. I - - - TEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FE- K MALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wuilliamie RtobCinsonl. Lot 5. All that BARN, Stablo, and Mistil, situate in Crow- I 111110, 11110 iit~llai~coipationiO filr. Thomas Ireelilai. roll Lot (I, All thaut CIOrI AGEh or Dwelling-liouse. Situate ito mep WVitt tergiito, walkh ?? Gardeni 00 1110 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hook. liR ioh 81 Th VICAR o0f WREXHILL: Mrs. Trollope. bu lily 62. The B3UCCANEER: Mi's. S. C. HaL Wrb 8s' 83. TYLNEY HALL: Thomas Hood. tah 84. The WlDOW BARlNABY: Mrs. Trollope. We 85. The SOLDIER of LYONS: Mrs. Gore pa, ID- 86. MA RlIAGL: Anthor of The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... any inquiries.-I am yours, &o., Bury, February 12, 1847. H. MAIDEN, Chemnist. CuaE OF ASTHMA OF TEN YEA5t' STANDING. I, Thomas Hardy, aged 66 years, have been afflicted with see. -were Asthma for ten years; during which time I have tried every known remedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Die A large thin B.W. 4to Post, at 7s. and 6s. per Ream. in COPYING MACHINES. for SE L F- SE AL[IN G ENVELOPE. soil full THOMAS FREEBODY. con CHOLERA p REVENTED. andI G E N T S have been appointed in A HULL for the sale of GRIMSTONE'S CELEBRATED HERB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rst doss, he was able to lie dovn in is bed, and before he had taken three bottles was perfectly Cared. Prepaced and sold by Thomas Powell, Blackfriars Road, London: sold (by appointment by J. Blaclcwell and Co., Couranst Oiic, NWesvcastleo most of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... matricconi linisery might then be bainishced from our land, and the race el the ecner- vale be Otitteeded Icy a renewsal of the hardy, vigorons spirits of I co1osider tic TnRcATIsn ?? MA'NHoOD iS decidedly the best extant in the French or En3glish lancxagee ...