Advertisements & Notices

... At the Blroke rs' Office, 25, T'ernle-street. Liverpool, on AMen- doe, rtyfi ra jjce,,t. Iff2, at tW Oo'clock, (on account of whom it may concern), About 4'1 11ailota ALPACA WVOOL,a damaged by son Witter, ex Easri of Live'-pool. A opty to W.OFEAN1 u & Co., WVool brokera. On Mondaylg ?? fst. at two'eloce, at theelirukersI naItca. 1.-, Ola Balai-sireet, Livernooil, about 2i BIAGS ALPACA WOOL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ove I ?? o., 'ing d. 0th olt- of I1ITAKEFIELD ANNUAL YEOMANRY S W BILL will be held in the Exchangoe fooms, oea IN Tentl Janusary, 1U0S. CIiARLES CLAPHiAM, lloil Sec. Wakerield, Dee 20tl. __ I HE_: 1iNRY WAITE, RliNT CO.LLECTOR, 34, Rinic- | I IL GI r7o, 5gEDS, beg3 to return bis tiuanks to professioelI gentltemene and own~ers of estates for the paltrosiege _ isposs him for tile last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENAMEL C13MNENT FOR PILS0f1\G F Thoughitis a merediel1011 . ?? P'l ing Ass issconii~lable Ifooth.i ob- Messrs. LE DR~AY and 1) hi s, the NriiCSTIrflMT, UXFORDSIiOFiris Io Ie the all disevaes ot the TEEIl laiid GuqIj l II ?? They continue to3 ?? d-~ i msttcs..1 llq'7 A ell belltdEN~IE C~l'i t. cantbe gpplied in alt xrei :sUilich lti-i `griace.1- Iths Got holigh amere ellell to be ?? 180, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINDSOR CASTLE WINE VAULTS and House adjoining. the corner osf Southwarikridgrod and Suffolk-street, SutwNRy AINES is instructed by the ii proprietor to submit to Sale by Publi utoa (H ray'S, on Monday, December 17, at Twelve for One, the above BIGHLY.IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY-VALUABLE It s amos a orkof supererogation to enter into any explana- tion descriptive f the great worth of tbis ...

Published: Sunday 09 December 1849
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5378 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE to SHIPPERS far CALCUTTA U Direct.-Tlie fine Ifrlgate.bullt ship SOUBAHOAlI, 763 tons? ,,.asalr, A i, S.C. TIMFIIEVILLE, Commander, one of the fastest' ?j?psia the trade, is 00W loading In the East India Deck, and will ?ne jisonediato despateh has fleet-rate aenommoclatlan for paassn.i gore, and carrieS it ?ttrgeOli.-FOr freight or passage apply to IL ILl LINDSAY, East India-ahomhet'5, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... §IST OF BOOKS ANP SHIEErTS B. D. COUSINS,. BELMET COURT, 337j, STRAND, LONDON, (Late of Dv',ue-street, Lincoin's Tnn.) SPLENDID BB OADSIIEETS AT ONE PENNY EACH; BY POST, THREEPENCE. 1. .Eegland at O'le View; being a Statistical Aecount oftbe Population of each County, tie state of Agriculture, Ma- nufactures.'istainees of each County Townfroin London, number Of ?? Acres, Ltc. 2. The Hists ry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iTfli` to INDIA and CHINA vib, EGYPT.- iw~igi~r MONTHLY 31AIL, STEAM CONVEYANCE fell pls~esaid Iht gitods to CEYLON. MADRAS, CALCUTTA, tN lNG, St NGAPORE, aind HONG KONG. - The Penkinsulla it,1etictil ?? Company book passetigers and re. .t-e~ani parcels for thle abovt po)rt-s by their steatretrs, Gabti.- i-ca Sitiit pt oii OttSit 201i ofit every mtonth, and froms Suez lit Or allsoU thle i0th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSET'VES GOOD HEALTH, GOOD SPIRITS, and LONG Secured by that highlyetemed ular Redy, PARR'S LE PIL R THOM11AS FPARR, H-~ UJN:DREDS who thave ~tattheir beds for yrors have been so speedily reinvigorated Nvith an infu- sion of new blood, and con- sequextly Cf new life and strength, by the use of PARW8 LIFE PILLS, that their rea ppearance amongst their fellow-beings who hod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n, AGENT% I FOR THE LIVRIWPOOI AtfErVU/r he A~ccrtngton,EF. Borrier It'r ?? Iia,kstcr. .3C~lllpe^ ) Alint, * 'altn , Fie.t-',treet, N2ewt(,ii & id .4sh'na-under.Lvne, Thomnrn I, W*''iek-quars; ly (nun nghancJ.T. rrieon Reynedl, Chaniya, r .. and 1.. wallw ) acne 3a, %cdLrotk. tki'. A-rtbroat lh, P. Wilron Barker, fiiBl)-later, Da-x g- 8raeepT. Rrawn. J. Howartl. I bard.-trect *t. Ili-nn ra, i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVCZ. !DR M. WILKINSON, I , ORKSTREET DUKEESTREgET* Lf'ER poOL,. ofthe ~oyalColegt, Licensed Practitioner iu Medicine ~r the onew qualified Memb)er of the Medisat profession it i rp'oof Who devotes his ontire aittention to the cueo iss'.therefore the great advsiota~'o to thn attiitat e iprf OIOM r5ust bO apparet5ttoall. Dr. W. woak of ri Prequire medical Bilfistlinon, before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T JERE eras LOST in Plnlgow, at two different periods nooie time ago, T WO SUI5TS of MONEY. Whoever evil return the came, or give sulch infornation as will lead to its re covery, will receive a handsome rewvard. Apply by letter, addre.sed R. Y., herald Office. MII)N lY TO 1.EN1. TV O Sum1s or £1000 each, and One of £800. First Secuzrities 1 over Land will he preferred. Apply to Messrs. J. & J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,?-ONTHLY PACKETS for PORT NATAL- ?r?npement5 buying been made lip government for prosnrt- - ?ttdlGl?iION to NATAL, perosne of moderate mean; email ?Orrs, Oraii&liien, mech nice, and labourers, if approved by her ?esly'? Emigration Cetainbe'ioners, mu obtain a sicorage p?mge, ? ?rasroes, nail 20 acres of freehold land, for £10; or an inter- erliate pi350Ie, with provialOOs, and the some ...