Advertisements & Notices

... EXCELLENT FURINITURE, 500OKg, AND) EFFECTS, At No. 4. CLARE-STRIIEICT. ~iESSRS. FARGUS and SON 'IIl Subm it to PUBLIC COMPETITlION. at their Spaiu - Nom ?? 41, CLAIIE-STIIEET, oan THURJISDAY Next, Jolanur 1 oill ?? e days, All the Ila Itdmile~ aid F~lshioltablo 1ItOL'ElIOLO) FURNITURE, Table. Desasert. Tea,anld Orntamental CHINA, Richily-Cut GLASS. :.Cliet one nundred Vlinnes of beautifullyv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CURED YET H OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.- CURE OF RHEUMATISM ANiD RHEUMATIC GOUT.-Extraotof a Letter from Mr. Thomas Branton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 28th, 1848:- To PnoFEssoR HOLLOWAY-Sm-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout,, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -.THEATIE IROYAL, nDUBJJNt, ?? 4fi and under' the Immnediate Patronage oof thb Right dty rabl5 ths e Comwandler of, the Forees,+ Lieutenant- ,]OerOl Sir Edward lakenef,' ?? Lady'Blakeney OI'l mand1n.Officers of Regiments, and the Officers fthe asrrison. N TIllS EVENING, Januaryl19th, 1850, w ill be performed the Comedy of TO MARRY, OR NOT T'O MARRY. SiOsin Motlani, Mr.?Caltraft, Lord DnAber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURBEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE ANI T RETAIL. S. WEINGARTEN, IMPORTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOW-STREET, (Within seven doors of Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey Honeycomb Sponges, which are suitable for either Carriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lr- iHE 3riclosurc Commissiorners fcr England 21. I Wales. hereby give Notice thrt a C )py o tihe Rs- port of tie Valuer acting in the matter of tlie 1nrlCIobU: of TADlEY COMMON and WEST ?? COM1i (IN. situate in the Parish of Tadley. in ;lhe County ot Sttirlrampton. together with an Estimate v- the Expenses it the matter of the sitid Inclosurc hae beeu deycosited at the house of Thomas Pryor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE ROAD, roam Scole Bridge to Diury Saint Edmaunds,. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the General V Annual Meeting of thle Trustees of the above Road dl be held at the Crown Inn, Botesdale, Suffolk, on ;~IDAY, the TrvntY-fth dayv ofJantary, OneThousand *i-ht ?? and Yifty, at 'Iwlve 'clock at Noon. *.)ted the '29th day of De emnber, 1849. By ordrc SA\MUEL GOLO)ING, Clerk to the Trustees. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHE PARAGON COMPOSITE CANDLES (manufacturot by W. S. IALE, Londoin,) do not require niuffing, nd exceed, ti brillimicoandsoftneesoflight, tho lincat wax or spermn, at one-third t(le mst; defying all comparison in their cleanliness of burniing, without tihuslightest tendency to gutter, one of these beautiful candles will give the light of two snoulds, they are therefore cheaper than coumnon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ims nEEVES. FO101FES, ERNST, and THAI- S BEEI1.-IXETER-IIALL.-The FODURTEENTH1 CONCERT, and 1 ist tst tone at' the series of filtzen, will be hold on WEDNESDAY Ias EViNING next, Jan.u 21.-Voe. 1 praurtoore bfiaoe Luconibe, to pasansI E yl, ad Mrs. Alexwrcrir Newton ; Messrs. Lel~er,' Ba ln, ierr Funins, and Mr. ,irns Rteevco Sol Violin, Herr nee mEnr: Grand lianoferlce, M. Thed~~crvg Trunipt t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Preparhig for immediate publication, 3 vols., post Svo., V A I) N E; or, an Empire ill its Fall. E By CHARLES ROWCROFr, Author of Tales of the Colo- liCS, or the Adventures of all Emigrant, Fanny the little Mil- liner, or the Rich and the Poor, &e. t . and W. Boone, publishers, 2_, New Bond-strect, London. Just published, price 2s. ld., S UGGESTIONS for a REFORM of SPECIAL r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI1HE STAUNTON CHESSMEN and BOARDS. T. -W, LEUCHARS begs to informn the nebility, gentry, and public that he haas now completedl a very elegant board tor the above novel anti much-admired chessmlnen. It ia ornamented Is a .tyle corresponding in design ald material witl the unique box belonging to them, Nwhich hoac already obtained suech universal ad- luiration, tle tout eascuible forming the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE3 EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXIII., TH wvill be Published on Saturday, January 12. CONUINTS: 1. Colonisation. 2. BrItish 5incs: Mining Records. 3. Oraige Processions. 4. Grote's History of Greece. 5. Currer Bell's S hirley : a Tale. 6, Turkey and Christendom. ; 7. Sanitary Reform. 8. Lamartiic's History of the Revolution of 1848. London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. JAMES'S FEVER POWDER.-The ge- -2P nuine Dr. Jaines's Fever Powder has been proscribed by physicians with tie utmost success for Above a hundred yearn. Fevers, Measles, Influenza, and all Inflammatory disorders give Way te its benign influence in bringing out upon ?? skin the evil of the disease, and no substitute or intation has ever been at- mpted to its prejudice but what has proved ...