... JULLIEN'S CONCERTS-JETTY TREFFZ. Our readers wvill see by the announcement in another sy column that 3,. Jullien intends togive one ?? popu-hI lar concerts at the Lecture Hall, in this town, on Satirdly nI evening next. We take the following notices from two Dub. 1 lin papers, at which city Jetty Treffz has just made her ap. wv pearance :- di (From the Dublin Evening Mail.) ci The first ...


... P OETRY. NEW YEAR'S THOUGHTS FOR 1860. Bty TMEi .UTHUO OF 'THE PAtTRICIAN'S DAUGlHTER.' Unconquered Time! who knvow'st nor halt nor bourn,- With unietarded wiog, unnoting eye, Thou near'st the lamd.mark where the nations turn Their gaze on half an age of destiny. Another fifty ?? dust of thrones Falls scattered from thy pinion. Fame and death Their dissonant cry of paeans of groans- Are drow ...


... - From the Faamly Fttnd of January, nnd serted in ourpaper, In 'gay hnliday time 'twas the fashion of old, For each household its budget of gifts to unfold; And Grand papa's codoming was hail'd with delight Bytheigay-sprightlycirclewhogreeted thtaight. .Bat lot a new era has opened its store. Of a'rt:and of stience, 'and nature'S richtlore ; ' And Grandpapa vows that he noew will display.: The ...


... AT .Y WLADWItIAETTI. ?? IPwy o'nm cym'dogion ffyddlou i -A dleunynat or on hynt ?? Nod *vyf am dal( , mcdid ea rt ?? Ond sjith-swyllt yn y bunt. , )ajied I; and Sisialyint hwy a'u brad yn fawr, d ecek - Nad ydwyfi fol gynt, C lus cl f - Ond fel rhysv adyn gwael or lawr, a f tho Am dalu n1io na phitat. a me of mostt Cyhoeddvwyf lier i inrrhyw ddyn, x I broti hya or hynit; I tbat . rTulais, Ualf ...


... LINES ON TBE OLD YEAR. Fil ntanly a muornings light with rosy dawn, Fall ' nimay a night with sable curtain drawn, THavr round mne bless'd with health, and hope, and love, 11;i1ee richest gifts to earth fromt heaven above, Iriendship hath charmed me thro' the lingering day, And amaranthine flowers of love bestrewed my way, MAv life's untroubled stream has glided on Like shadouws fading with ...


... | LITERARY EXAMAM ill - ';iieat.eit~. -a -; t es -itc je. ~ ~~~-Teeit er trp Gi f rq a- 101 re i 6J to 'Poety. By George E *and MyraSarqenl. Flioreizcnr al Arnott; or, Is She Generous fnf INfatd Classes; with anintrod, ctioll on In fint Class Teaching g le TheTahrs Fried. No; 1.-4 Bblical and r. Is. Thze agelogl ictionary, No. 1. London: B. L' Green. rt ed. e age of rational juvenile ...


... ?? 4OriginaTi. SONNETS TO A RECENT SPEAKER ON IRISH MATTERS. Iconolastes! thou hast spoken well. There is groat need that such a voice as thine Should wake its war notes to a song divino; An eratoric epic, to whose swell The oye dilatos, and tlre big heart goes beating. This land is curmoi that, in, its lattcr days, When its proud sun-stoeds ply their onward course,- That onward course from ...


... Punch, Part 102. London: Office, 85, Fleet-street. The diary of the quaint Pips is continued with all that true humour which has hitherto served to render it a favorite. We must also commend the drolleries of Mr. Briggs -they are a sure incentive to a hearty laugh. There are many other very clever and witty papers. France and its Revolutions, Part 19. London: C. Knight, 90, Fleet-street. A ...


... Eitterature. B,ronsrsiofls in Southern Africa, inscludisng a H1istosy of tine Cape e Colony, anl Account of tine Native Tr'ibes, ~c. Byg Lieunt.- Coloie a S .1?. f~ers enjnie. TwoVol~o-W. Shoberl, 20, Great Marl tisi boroughi-street, London. Ia The merits of Lieut.-Colo~nel Napier's lively and unaflectcd. work would at alltimee have secured for it a large circle of Pel wreader ldbat taei ...

The Drama

... St'e Z1rama* On Monday last Mr. Macready, the great tragedian. as he is emphatically and justly designated, commenced a final en- gagement at our Theatre, and drew together a crowded audience. T'he occasion was indeed one of more than usual interest. There are salways melancholy associations connected with the word f farewell, and the withdrawal from amongst us of one who has administered ...


... WHEATRES, ETO. WINDSOR THEATRICALS TV consequence of the death of Mrs. Bartley, which renders the appearance of Mr. Bartley in Sir John Falstaff quite out of the question, the comedy of Charles XII. has been commanded by Her Majesty in lieu of IHenry IV. Mr. Webster, of the Hlaymarket Theatre, will per- sonate the Monarch in the comedy, and Mr James Wallack Adamn Brock. 1fing Rend's Dauhgter ...

Published: Sunday 20 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4084 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE Music OF A HAPPY CTRISTUAS. No. 1. A Prayer for the Ill-at-Ease. Written by the Earl of CARLISLE. the Music composed by JOHN STENSOS0 MAJOR. R. Cocks and Co. 1850.-This Prayer is the first of three sacred vocal pieces, composed by Mr. Major -one Fl T., Esq -and' M. Jules Benedict. Tliey are 'i Offerings of love for the benefit of a distressed lady for whom a happy Christmas was ...

Published: Sunday 13 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 798 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture