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Advertisements & Notices

... QUEENS OYAL THEATRE. TIHS EVENING (Tuesday), Sept. 17, ]850, T The ?? will comtmnence with the Melo- Dramatic Spectacle OfONE OCLOCK, on, T11E ;NIGIT ANDt TIlE WO'OD DEMON. Fardyknute, Mr. Revyiolds; Wililkind, Mr. H. Bedford; Rolph, Mr. Bromley, Lna, MIrs. Harlis; Pauline, Bliss Charlhtte SaundPrs; Sangrida, Ar. Bellair. To be followed with the ttnrlesquur Extravaganza of CINDERELLA; OR, THlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUE-= ROYAL THEARE. IIS ErVENING (Thursday), Sept.,26, 1850, T The Performatnces will commence with the Drama of TEN THOUSAND A YEAR. Tittlebat Tit'nse, Mr. H. Bedford; Quirk, Mr. Red- ford; G13ammon, Mr. Reynolds; Kate Aubrey, Mrs. W. H. Eburne. To be followed with the Burlesque Extravaganza of CINDERELLA; O0, TIHE GLASS SLIPPER! Baron SOldoff, Mr. Bromley; Rodolph, Mr, II. Bedford; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT HOME EIGHT HOURS DAILY. f I ENERAL MEDICAL PRACTICE, or G The New and suitable System adopted by G. T. HAYDEN, Physician and Surgeon, 82, HARCOURT-STREET, Dublin, Bachelor of Arts and Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin; Licentiate and Ex-fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland ; late Lecturer on Operative Surgery in the Ori- ginal School of Medicine, Peter-street, Dublin ; and Sur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARNARDO'S CELEBRATED FUR GOODS, 4, DAME-STREET . (Between the Royal Exchange and Lower Castle Gate). jOHN M. BARNARDO informs the o lity, qJ Gentry, anji his numerous Customers, to tfe fa that his Warerooms are fully assorted with all the p ii g FUR GOODS, In the New Shapes and Fashions and manufactured in that permanent and Is nig way well known and celebrated to the Public far upwards of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --EATR ROYAL, DUBLIN. post p~itive*lY the Last Night of the Italian Operas the Coman poerftrm in Limerick oil Monday next, l1th inst. C OR T 1lE BEN EFIT OF MISS C. HAYES, And her last appearance. Last appearauce of MISS POOLE, MR. TRAVERS, , SIGNOR POLONINI, H EKERR MENGIS. Condictlor, Signor Vera; Leader, Mr. L evey; Prompter, Signor Salabert. rIIIS EA KENING (Saturday), 9th March, 185 0, T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MlISS HELEN FAUCIT ingaged for TEN NIGHTS ONLY, and will make her is enf,86 Fifth Appearance. THfS EVE;NLNG (FRIDAY), 4;th April, 1850, Tr , IMR. CONWAY5 o+f the lato celebrated Mr. Conway, of the Theatre Royal, (no° Covent Garden), rau tle Princess's Theatre, London, is also engaged, and F will make his Fifth Appearance. Thbe Performances will commence nith a New E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TME LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSO- CIATION will Meet on THIS DAY (Tuesday), the 2d April, at THREE ?? rP.., in CONCILIATIO X HALL, Admission to the Associates' Seats, One Penny, for which a receipt will be given, as a Voucher of part payment of renewed Subscription. Admission to the Members' Seats, a proportionate instal- ment of the Member's Subscription. The Receipts given last Monday for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURES FOR THE UNCURED! HTOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT.- AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE or SCROFULA, OR 1;ING'S EvIn-Extract of a letter from Mr. J. If Alliday, 209, High- street, Cheltenham, dated the 22d of January, [850. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY-SIR-My eldest son, when about three years of age, was afflicted with a glandular swell- ing in the neck, which after a short time broke out into en ulcer. An eminent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH ALLIANCE. /pHE IRISH ALLIANCE vill meet on WED- 1 NESDAY EVENING, the 23d1 Instant, inthelMUSIC HALL, LOWER ABBEY-STREET, at SEVEN o'Clock. C Admission to body of the Hall, and back Galleries free; a charge of One Shilling to visitors to the Boxes and Platform. Ladies admitted without charge, and members on present- inc their Cards. ~~o~ M Pi. R. LEYNE, Secretary. Council-rooms, 25, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T ITALIAN OPERAS. Mr. CALCRAFT begs to announce that the unrivalled Native Vocalist, MISS CATHERINE HAYES Is engaged for FIVE NIGHTS ONLY, Being bhr last performances in Dublin previous to her depar- ture for Italy. The Company includes the following eminent Artistes:- MDME. MACFARREN, SIGNOR BORDAS, SIGNOR GALLI, SIGNOR PALTONI, AND IIERR MENGaIS.l On THIS EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XX PORTER. r TNVALIDS and others wlo are in the habit of b I using IMESSRS. GUINNESS & CO.'S BOTTLED XX PORTER t are respectfully informed that they may depend on procur- ing that excellent Beverage, so frequently recommended by the Medical Profession, in its greatest purity, at the Old Establnihment for its especial Sale, THIRTEEN, ARI-AN-QUAY, t PRICE 3s. Gd. PER DOZEN. The first-cost of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q~UEEp1Ns ROYAL THEIATRE. IS EiVErNING (Saturday), August 3, 1850, tie Performance to commence with the Romantic entitled ZARA, THE GYPSEY. i~g h Lidcote: Dir. Redford; Phiip Ormiston, Mr. Sit Id rtogetr, Mr. W- 11- Eburne; Maugraby, M~r. Bel- Me t 51r. Garden; Amy Lidcnte, Mrs. W. H. a Lr g, Mrs. Goward; Zarab, Mrs. Harris; Els- ebrnta~ to the Piece-A May-pole and Morris Dan-e bv the ...