... THE HAYNAU OUTRAGE . I - , - 1 .--I - . ?? There are none of his national characteristics which the Englishman dwells upon with so much pride, and preserves with so much jealousy, as his hospitality. It is his glory to think that England offers a safe asylum for every one in difficulty or danger. He wishes to make no inquiry into the statica, -the faith, or the political principles of the ...

Police Intelligence

... V. once malin.jence. a FRIDAY, AUGTUST 9. SMUGGLING TonBveco.-A sailor, beloniing- to the Cle- ofimosier galliot, in Coking Deck, weas finedI 2:_Is. for having finl h1is possession 2 lbs. of smnuggled tobacc'o ; and another 'o sailor wvas also filetl 20ls. for aL like offence. re. ROBBNnaG A MRNSSMATE.-David Nelson, a sailor, wvas an brosight op for stealing ,and paivning a flhunel jacket, et. ...

Police Intelligence

... volice Fonc3 o or TUESDAY, JUNE 1S. 551U 3 FORGE.Pt S OF Ss'IPPINr NoTEs.-Elizabeth Gillespie was committed for trial at the assizes for passing two forged I shipping notes. It appeated that the prisoner had pre- Ay sented two notes to Mr. Richard Lumb, publican, Ray- lio street, in September last, purporting to belong to seamen in the ships Cheshire and Constellation, for which £2 ios. a ansd ...


... Onl Friday evening, Wriliam Wllitwvor'i, a ehilld five months old, liHig: With parent iui St.. J.U! 'N-tt aie died fromt injuries received by fallinh, from his *tlirr's aarms. Thc fathe: wva, going 01) stal air,, whenleea;'t eii ' mtally fell from his arms to the bottom of the Hetai;l. Jlo died from fia tiro of tile skull. Veriict, acd;!ilent td dath. On Satur:l-y, the 2nd inst., Sara1ah ...

Police Intelligence

... I p)olice Ittdi ence, TUESDAY, OCTBER 29. James Rorhiford and William Gilihamn were about to beL committed on a charge of stealing two bags of nuts fromj -the schooner Triumiphant, lying in George's Deck, wheit,sn at the suggestiou of Mr. Superintendent Clough, the Cap- ~s tamn was sent for, and hie admitted that he had given te I'll nuts to the prisoners. MAr. Itusliton, on this information, ...


... LORD KINNAIRD'S BILL-ATEETING OF JUSTICES. A meeting of the Justices of' tile City of Edlinburgh was held on Thursdaing foreooc in the Council-Chamber, for the purposc sof taki'ing hco consideration the provisions of Lord Kinnaird's bill. The mceeting was well attended, and on taking tise chair, The Lord Provost stated that he had convened the meeting in consequence oi' a iequisition which had ...


... COURT OFr SANSRUPTCY. TIIF: bMl.Di nio TRAns.-Rli RAYXnIA.-i-The bankrupt, a builder at Notting-hill, came up at the Court of Bankruptcy for the purpose of passing his last examination. Mr. Archbold appeared for the assigrsecs: Mr. Duncan supported the bank- rapt. The grounds of oppositioci wero principally the conceal- ment of property. Baiikrupt stated that Mrs. Sawyer, of the Ladbroke Arms, ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4407 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... SOMETHfING LIKE CRIM. CON. Mr. Henry Philip Wood, a highly respectable person, residing in Redman's-row, Mile-end, appeared before Mr. Elliott at Lambeth Police-court to answer a charge of assaulting Margaret Elizabeth, his wife. Mr. Turner, the solicitor of Mouut-place, White- chapel, appeared on the part of the defendant. Mrs. Wood, a showily-dressed and rather good-looking woman, deposed, ...

Published: Sunday 03 November 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2231 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I ACCIDENTS AND PFENCES.' I -- - ?? THE ALLEGED POISONING CASH AT HACKNEY.- Tbe adjourned inquest on this case was concluded on Monday, wthe tha ory returned the following pverdici:- That on the 24th day of January, 1850, the said James Merritt died from the deleterious effects of a mortal oia, called white earsenic, found in his stonach; but hen, how, or by whom, or in what manner the same ...

Published: Sunday 17 February 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3529 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... . COURT O4? :04kWNKRUFTY. TN rr DAVIES.-C. W. Davies, victualler, of Brown- low-street, applied for his certificate. His debts were 1,096; assets, 367. Mr. Lawrance urged that one of the bankrupt's former failures was owing to the stoppage of a bank in Shropshire ; a large dividend was then paid. On his second failure there was a great deal of litigation, and that bad prevented any dividend ...

Published: Sunday 03 March 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4859 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Law Intelligence

... - x entr4l F ?? D ,r DANB meJwTCY COURT BASINGKA§LST1AET ?? BWOUR~ M. Co ?? VotuOti.-kAOtert ~Weetl'T Green, wh. ET.maer c Wihehoeaer. cho r~ie 0100,1801, 12; James Ibovey, Watford, inn- keeper, chol;e asgig., 2% Booker qud Hooker, Atark-lane, mer- chnt, ihld sole. 21; riiaoc Jeesup, Kingsdoywn, farmer, choice aselg.. 12. . I NSOL'VIEN¶T DI5TORS8COUR~T, POTG~sam *ATl.-Bsson CterV ?? ltrtaoLus ...


... THE POLICE COURBT.., ROW-STSER!T. Dods on, a beokseller.,10, Holywell-street, Strand, tittne he came ~esse ftwo, unPUlii0 d 11% e ttie71 edidloho Micafi'sl? ,History of ga( spoe thv been stolen,, tbe propletyllof Nows.Lama n o~p Paterinoster-row, publishers: ~- - Thel eftal.140 beepi .djeurned to enable Ddo orde Robirt Acome, a desleg'f in 'ches ~ puloeoi,.rn hom he .ba4 Purcbaegd- themok ...