... NISI PRIUS COOURT. is TUESBeor DM. AroY.LF. thee iSINJURY FROM A RAILWAY ACCIDENT the 18 WOOrDnow V. THE. LANCASTER AN'D CARLISLE RAILWAIY req g COMPANY--Mr. Martin, Q. C,, M*r. Cowling, and Mr. tilil d Laiurie appeared for tile plaintiff. The Atterney-uenerai Big' Knowles, Sir. Atiterton, anti Mr. Overenld for thle eiefeistl toI anccts. Mr. Janies W\oodrowe, tule plaintiff, is a commission ...


... LIVERPOOL OCPOBER SLSSJONS. fullowinig p)ri~sross have bluen triel ;i-e, Tile fullowinag pri srns have li)en trietl .ince our t Imst publication :- t- 'Vlinas lobelrts, for stealing goods from thle person of Samuel IsTUMs seven yells. - James Davies, for ste:ling Indian corn, &c., and George Blacklburne for receiving tie saam, were found guilty on b the thst hidefiniaent. , lary Anil Taylor, ...

Police Intelligence

... volice Entclifacoce. Z-- ho ~~FilRIDAY, Avazil 1 to PVBLP%'1 M, 1 hi n ?? sl010li11 il,ol I0 wrlfu12.20 ?? tile ?? A 1t. .Ve jil112 &'-,soiiV l 111 Weln ton1 ult-il, I liankf ielL-strcet, Deri,%- tat ru'l-eq ttd Ii Jalim Lel--'1toiiI, 1)Icr Par I ti in ?? Jolm 1Trabtic I) i bo41. If',ei Ji'iw Itt~llev ?? cut 411.i X0j .ritian-str out ,Ii -*Ici.1V.1MI t oeti or ??'ok e olII te4i ...

Police Intelligence

... volict latellisture. , jec FRIDAY, JULY 5. ho PUDLICANS AND BnoRSocssRas.-The following oases iut were heard :-Ralph Fazakerley, publican, Tithebarn- lie street, fined 20s. Bce-emllers: Richard Griffiths, Robert- I street, having persons drinking on his premises at unlawful enli hours, 20s. and costs ; Thomas Roden, Robertson-street, hai -Park, 20s. and costs ;Thomas Owens, Norfolk-street, ...


... AVINTER CIRCUIT COURT. ;5U9. The folloowing is a full list of the indictments for our Winter S~s. Circuit Court whiciih still be opened here to-morrow, by Lords Cockburn and Ivory; (sen. YTunis, Esq., advocate-depute. Con- sidering the short period which ha, elapsed since the Autumn Cireuit, the roll is an excecdinglV heavy osne, containing 79 cases, in which 125 ?? are impiicated. It will be ...


... * n . n _ t . . C.ESTL'AL CRa-MNaAL COURT, JULY 11. (Fromn the Times.) having been appointed for the trial of Robert Pate for ucaleig hr MjesVty a great deal of interest appeared to be ,Tjgher shrtlhwvehd ae the proper precautions crsne-t the court from being inconveniently crowded, and no toss were dadmitted except by their authority.. 10 ,ooclock the learned judges, Mr. Baron Alderspgn, Mr. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE, - _ . NEWCASTLE, Fiday, May 24.-Before Michael ridge, Esq., and Robert Alrey, EAq-William Alfred Robinson, one of the boys who were recently convicted of a robbery at Messre Bechham and Grey's, was brought up on suspicion of stealing two brass weishts, but as another boy, not yet in custody; was concerned In the robbery, he was remanded until Monday.-Alexander Kerr. ...


... I NBWOA8TLE-FrWday.-Before Joseph Hawks, Esq., ana Capt. Weatberley.-Rsobert Foster, master of a keel, was charged with throwing ballat into the liver at Shields. After the case bad been proved by necesoary witnesses, Mr SToKga, solicitor, on behalf of the de- fendant, took an objection to the case, inasmuch as no evidence had been tendered to prove that his client was mastor of the keel. The ...


... I 1. NE1WCASTLE.-Fridaly, October 4-Before Captain West, R. X., and Captain WeOLherley.-Joseph Forster was charged with wiliully destroying the iron rails waich protect the Yo k, Newcaetle and Berwick Railway between ths Manors and Stepney. A great deal of damage had been done to these rails by boyr, who, it was said, were encouraged by the nmarine etore dealers. A woman, who had bought the ...

The Provinces

... 1 - .. ? '7'-gwr-ov- - . ?? ?? _Oblacto ?? I ye e be- ?? po~it6?5 of te Ca~jii~B'haiil ?? y'caused the grea test anixtt,'~ ual ~htI'btb R'n ?? th abscorsllink 'of Mr ?? I er ton, clerk ?? Jameapv, Solicitrwhi5th o ?? thebn. la rtyfodf labb, IStratton, who hps saldfrA ,lsklfut wil to no ~small' 9m1nt136% ?? of, 1; last ?? deisieb-MrJmS was 0 to die effect that. kilet!' nth ~ikweer quaired'to ...


... 'Is : .#O ,, i, i., ?? charge, as lit appearod upntspo4e ee,-& It azainst nam man rather, shisbily ssttir~cti and who gaiie his ?? Mf Alhister, forL basng ec Ioud Jineatr the promises; of.Ms ?? 3Y Primrose-hill Road, Regent's Park;, f9ra~onthiwful f a1 purpose.-Court, 3118 Ssi btedfouri and Ifvi bf on Sahdtb~incpIs isBelieW scoachmaxi ?e m omadsaid t~hat idefsjidjtint had b~etx neat f iiik ...

The Provinces

... ;f>e 3rotDntUeo. Tait LutvzsoNszsimuTu Miuu~icu.---The cirtum- st stances attending the teveson-strcet murler6 have saix been painfully brought to mind. The ship Duncan, Sal of which Captain Henrlhason was master, left Liver- a Pool on a voyaie to Calcutta, under the command of sar PTarry, flrmerly chief mate., On the outward voyage th( the son of Mary Parr, (the servant of Mrs., Menricli- for ...