... TRIE GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. bon Wec have had ain opportunity of inspectilng thle tion works 01100 or twvice at least every week since their quei comimenccfement, but Liever have we seen 'such ditio general atid manifest progress made in one week VI in every portion of the building as has been made inot durin~g the past one. In addition to the portion of dc 1: the works already in hland, ...


... J,~'Z!3~ITION~ OP 1BSL- -- W~~AT. VAI.Affl?. Co s 0p THE CiIYST.AL rkA54&Ia. on the ?? osh Thursday. Sreat ar1p501.sde in every otoeo h ok af yin easrly two thousand men were at in, W'3e 0f the operationsr, whieh we have talc i iPleSOW broken by the clank of hammers srj; ncedl^9didt. It is wonderful to see how nosg 555 sodrcf Bteam. There is the steam. l sr b stear saw0s and drills. There is ...


... UTEW-UE. I.en ien OLD aL GOLDBMIIYE By Washington Irving. Murray, Alhemoarle5a reMt.-Mr. Washington Irving's pen has produced a remarkably popular life of this once very popular poet, novelist, and historians He has collected his facts with assiduitys and worked them tip into a very readable narrative. The history of the Goldarsith family is taken up at an early period; and then the career of ...

Public Amusements

... ioltblic fintuormuto.. QUEEN'S THEATRE. ne Mr. Kirkland, a young aspirant for his- il trionic fame, has teen representing soile of W Shakspeare's best characters for several nights Sti with great success. The pieces usually repre- th sented at this theatre are of a melo-dramatic la character, and the company being adapted for co such pieces, any artiste in the higher walk of tragedy, ...


... vieel)lwo. The War in Hungary, 1848.9. By Max Scble. singer. Translated by J: E. Taylor. k Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, t by Francis Pulszky. 2 vol. Bentley. i M. Max Schlesinger is by birth a Hungarian, c -by the accidents of fortune a German. For , some time a resident in Prague, and more re. a cently settled in Berlin, he has had excellent E opportunities of seeing the men and ...


... L ?? -- THEl POPULAR LIBRARY. (tondon: Geo. Rout-!, ledge and Co.)-This age of cheap publishing has scarcely produced anything that can surpass the volumes of tile Popular Library. It is not only their price, but the manner in which they are got up, that gives them a claim to the Nbibiotheque in the kingdom, whilst the works themselves, so far as the merits of authorship are concerned, are of ...


... P OETRY. NEW YEAR'S THOUGHTS FOR 1860. Bty TMEi .UTHUO OF 'THE PAtTRICIAN'S DAUGlHTER.' Unconquered Time! who knvow'st nor halt nor bourn,- With unietarded wiog, unnoting eye, Thou near'st the lamd.mark where the nations turn Their gaze on half an age of destiny. Another fifty ?? dust of thrones Falls scattered from thy pinion. Fame and death Their dissonant cry of paeans of groans- Are drow ...


... On Friday last, at the Athenscum, the Rev. T. Hineks delivered a lecture on the Poets of Humble Life,-Thom, Prince, and Nichol. W. Hichens, Esq., in the chair. The lecturer observed that the poets he had chosen for consideration were comparatively but little known, but they were truly deserving of a more wide spread repu- tation. They give us the result of their experience,- they' tell us of ...


... - From the Faamly Fttnd of January, nnd serted in ourpaper, In 'gay hnliday time 'twas the fashion of old, For each household its budget of gifts to unfold; And Grand papa's codoming was hail'd with delight Bytheigay-sprightlycirclewhogreeted thtaight. .Bat lot a new era has opened its store. Of a'rt:and of stience, 'and nature'S richtlore ; ' And Grandpapa vows that he noew will display.: The ...


... O- am-db ?? Two YreaSa RESIDENCE IN A LEVANITINE FAMiILY.-UY B. Sr. JOHN.-Chopinenand He, Strand-There is some- thing so quaint and original in many of the custones of Musselmen, that we-the inhabitants of these unromantic isled zbannot but feed interested. andocurious in any fresh de- tails which are afforded us by eastern travellers,., Although ,there is but little in Mr. St. John's work ...


... The period of the atinual cattle exhibition having arrived, the judges assembled on Monday morning at the usaal place in Baker-street, for the purpose of conducting their exami- nation and awarding the prizes. Their names were Messrs. Torr, Turner, Buckley, Webb, Grantham, and Burgess. About eleven oclock her Majesty and Prince Albert, together with the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, ...


... ErNr.AND'S DECAY. I NV CirTIZE LED1u-liiOLs1A.--- Pa~is.-lg. hayo- now befoie us, and have carefully perused this invailuable, work of the exo-mieabor of the- Provisio'all anld Execu tivc government of France. In its pages are startling asserti.ns which wo, unfortuliately,.. are not in a psosition to euntraiict. for they are buti tob title. Bitterly does the author reproach the aristocraci- ...