... , ' CURLAGU OCTOBER MEETING, 1850. Stewards-bir T. Burke, Bart.; J. Courtenaytasd W. Quin, Esqrs. TUESDAY, OCTOBER li; The last meeting for the year opened this day, and although the weather was most favourable, and a special railway train despatched from Dublin, the attendance was very thin-six carriages being more than sufficient to accommodate the viitors from the metropolis. A-Ong the ...

Published: Wednesday 16 October 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2705 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTIlVG lVI'ELLIGE'NCB. to n, TATTERSALL'S-TiluR5sAy. n Owing to the lslencecofa considerable number oft-i subscribers at the Frith Manor Steeple Chase, the business tratsacted this le afternoon was very moderate. It wan noticeabic, however, for tbe le high favour in which Osteriry, Mousecer, Malratta, Belus (who, it ,o is now said, has never been amniss or lost a day's work), Prestige, e, ...


... SPORTiNG IN TELI JGE CE. TATTERSALL'S-MONDAY. Business was extrentcl flat, the only horses in demard being Voltigcur and The Nger, for the Derby: and Dough and John Cosser, for the Chester Cup. The Metropolitan Handicap and Liverpool Steeple Chase bets were mostly in scores and pouies. CHESTER CUP. 1000 to 20 agst Lord Hoe th's Peep-o'-day 13ov (taken twice) 1000 to 20 - Mr. 31urphy'ii Dough ...


... SPORTING 11TBLLIGENCE. BETTING AT MANCHESTER-TUESDAY. GREAT YORKSHIRE STAKrES.-5 to 1 agst Mark Tapley, 5 to 1 agst Strongbohw 5 to l agst Minimum (take 6 to 1), 8 to 1 agst The Castle (taken), 10 to 1 agst Uriel (offers to take), 10 te 1 agsc CChampion, 15 to 1 agst Baroness, ST. LEOEIR.-6 to 5 agst Voltigeur (taken), 5 to 1 agst Pitsford, 6 to 1 agst Windisehgratz (taken), 7 to 1 agst Bee- ...


... SPORTIZVG INTELLIGENCE. HUNTING AP'OINTMENTS. The Brighton barriers waeet onl Moniday nt Patchanm, on Wedlles- day at Thunders Barrow, aind oil Friday at Dyke, at a quarter to eleveii 'l'he Brookside harriers ineet onl Monday at Newinarket Hill, ind oll Thursday at T'elscolh TNT'yc, at half-past ten. The 2rawley and Horshain lhounds meet onl Monday at Ilolm- bush Lodge, o ll Wcdnosda at ...


... SDORTING ILNTLLUG&NOZ MONDxAY.-Business was extremely flat, the only horees ito demsand being Veltigeur and the N igger for the Darby, and ,Dough and JebohCeseier or the Chester Cup. The Metropdli- ?? ad LveroolSteplchae btswere meotly in aceee nd onis. 0 t I achage Van HpeVengeaunc, Petr Smpl, Rt~m, ad Kigh ?? ' and 25 to I qustatiene are merely nem, ando. MONDAY. TEuns:OAY. Peop-o'day-bey. 1 ...

Sporting Intelligence

... sporting Inteiligence. id BETTING AT MANCHESTER, TuasuRS, Doc. 17. Bo The attention of the Subscribers who were present at the rom waa chiefly eonfined to the forthcoming championslip of Eng. ce laud, between Tipton Slasher and Paddock. In reprd of general 'it betting, the only quotation returnablce is 1,000 to tO being takes IC abont Harricot for the Chester Cap. For the Derby the only g ...

Published: Wednesday 18 December 1850
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1255 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 

Sporting Intelligence

... . I ? - I- I -, i;? 1? .. ispor I' nqi,! nttiligentt..:,, 'CE TuESD~A, J |The Ginsvenor Stakes ',drfll .vseach,'b; ftw ith 30 added ., ?? j a uate *ine saler's d lartholomew, 1 S1r w WShe 2 ,S a.,atting f 7 ?? o . li : er iidetheinhele 102 i 'of the runnuing fol nabout a y On w en zounand want r to 2 e' M, randdelcatedhimeasily by3abot alegt. Nutweighd or 1 Palattibe 'Stakes' df. sofalj. ...


... CRIC KET. f THE LATE SIR. W. WARD'S AVER.AGFES. 1 G f Mr. War commenced his cricketing career in 1810, & s and finished in 1846, during which titec he played in G 140 matcles, went ilt 2G tirnes, amid scored in all ,0069 e runs. The most lie obtained in one inniltes eas 278 o (the greatest score el record,) and the moost ie marked in oneeatch wis 288. Ile vas out 20 times Without G scicfigt, ...


... SPOR TING INTELLIGENCE. LATEST BETTING AT TATTERSALL'S. LIvI'POOL STEEPLE CUASE-15 to I agst Aleath (t), 15 to I agst Farnlham, So to 1 agst Alaria Day (taken to £1ooi, 30 to I ogst Qaadruped, 60 to 1 agst Evertou (t). 'leath was backed with.great spivit, rihing from 30 to 1ISo 1, the highest offer at the close. LINCOLN STOEPLE CHASE.-5 to I agst Trust-me-not, 8 to I aget Maria l)ay. 15 to I ...

Published: Friday 22 February 1850
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 3679 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... | SPORTIMG INTELLIGENCF. A foct race between - Sterling and Christo- pber Elliott, 120 yard&, for £25 a-siae, Came off on Monday. the 25.h ilslt. on Scutswood Road, and was won eatily iy Ellirtt. NEWCAS9LE RACES.-INTE11.1GENCE EXTRA. ACCEPTANCES POR THE NORLTJHUMBERLLAND PLATE. Age. st.ll; Age. Canezon ?? 9 2 Castinette ?? .. _.6 C. Ellerdale.. .8 I The Knout . ?? 6 John Cosear. 5.. 2 ...


... NEWMA31ARE'T SECO)N'D SPRING MEETING. T'UESDAY. liANICAP of' 10 sovs.,1 ,yr-olds. Sir J. Gerard's Jcst, rode by Bartholomew, beat two others. SWEE'S'rTAREs of 10 sovs. each. Mr. Watson's Nineveoh, rode by Sharp, beat Lord Exctcr's Visite. MLrcA t of 100 sovs., hc. f. Duke of Bedford's Mlahratta, rode by Butler, beat Mr. Raimsbottomn's Jole. 501. for S yr-olds. llr. Tlhomlas's Rloyal lHart, ...