Advertisements & Notices

... THE FAMILIES ~~BOOKS FOR PRESENTS, &c. BOND AND BOTTLING WINE CELLARS, JOSEPH WV. LENG begs to announce that 51, HI Gi STR EETr, HUTLL, he has prepared for the ensuing Season, alarge NZAR TO SCALE LA141. Assortment of elegantly BOUND BOOKS, in every Cal E Old Crusted PORT, and Golden department of Literature, among which will be found all F olored SHERRY, 30s. per Dozen; MARSALA the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... glre be fi~t. 0 LET, a GROCER'S SHOP, situated in T 2 central ?? to TIuos. MIDDLETON and SON, Market-Place, Hull. T BE LET, the commodious DWELL. TLIN G-HO USE, Offices, and Pretinises, lately occu- pied by tbelate Mr. B. Boyes, Merchant, Castle-Street, close to the Humiber and Junction Docks.-Apply at No. 15, Nile-Street. TURNPLATE FROA ARO L Wh JTE c1.0s ou atO BEVERLEY. 1TOTICE IS HEIREBY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,o~uranct oz~ SuOTT'ISH E~QUITABLE'LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. (INCORPORATED BY ACT 01F PARLIAMENT,) EDINBURGHn, 26, ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. LONDON, 61, MOORGATE-STREET. His Grace the DuxE or' BUCCaaUooI AND QUEENS- BERRY, President. TOTAL SUM ASSURED -367 ?? 3,,.F i ANNUAL REVENUE - 1in0 ?? ,1 ACCUMULATED FUND.. 4916,535 View of the progress of the Scieoty. I Amount Annual Arcunmu. Assured. Revenue. l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNITED KINGDOM LIFE~ ASSURANCE COMPANY, 8, WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL-MALL, LONDON. U7, GEORIGE.STRtEETl, EDINBURGII. 12, ST. VINCENT-PLACE, GLASGOJW. 4, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. DIRECToRS. James Stuart, Esq., Chairman. Hananel de Castro, Esq., Deputy Chajrrm,in. Samuel Anderson, E sq. BD:0. Q, elleriquce, Esq. )Hamilton Blair Avarne, Es!q. P.C.MItandi, Esq. B. Lennox Boyd, Lsq., Resident Wvilliamn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. El. BAKU, Ancrt 1TECT andSURVEYOIi, 1 3, Higlh-street, Hull, has a Vacancy for a respectable and well educated Youth as an APPREN- TICU.-Apply as above from Ten to Four. A YOUNG GHNTLEMIAN, 19 Ye;rS Of A Age, who is thoroughly ?? with Gerlman, and possesses some knowledge of French, is in VANT of a SITUATION in a Merchant's or Commission Agent's Office for a Term of Years. Apply, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HALJLAST-IIIGHTER FOR SALE. riiO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONK TRJACT, a good BALLAST-LIGHTER . Ton ?? t° Mr. T1os. G1rri3oN, Grocer' bar St. Mirv's Chiurch), Lo'vgate; or prey ;pePelte t ' ' ^lrs. s. GIBSON, 33, Masonstreet. noti ,l Septeniber 26thl. Kee ?? P all F OR STETTIN, the fast-sailing PIIuu Prussian Brig CARL, 227 Tons Boa Register, Captain FRED. BuDiG, wvill sail F l 1t ist. ?? _ iht, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,JffiIellaneou0. TOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, J and the whole of Jo0n Cassell's Books MODEL P'ARISH MISSION COCOA (prepared by Codbury Brothers), HOWQUA AlX'rURE TEAS, At T. wooD'S Central Temperance Dep~t, 67, Whiitefriargate, ,)ppOsitc1Trinity House-Lane. %0 Hourly expected, a large supply of ALMANACKS, to be presented gratis to the purchasers of Tea, Cocoa, &c., at this Establishment. ATAM4ERING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. IT I EUEXIxG, (TITESDA Y ) TIM l30lh, iftoi, ITO-MORflO R1, ( 11EDEDA YJ3D1 ) te lot, inot on 1P'rlbl ?? N-EXT, thk~ od !f ifroy, XWE R ID IJ G B U It G HI, the astonishing l' erfumner onl tloiat anien~tlt 1105trunif'Ot, the(, F)UICI'al 111 AN MU1I, 'sill caell EveOliny performo '1 Viarlu orfthe Oms-t Poopulihir Music, :uod also give Scleectoiioos from ?? ...

7 X fpptna. TO SHIPP

... ERS. fp; LEE SMITH AND CO., DltESSERS OF ?? PATNA AND CAROLINA RICE, HULL. W ANTED to CHARTER, several 1,IP S to LOAD COALS for q yS S EMUNDE and STETTIN, either in !# ~w~inte NrtDock, Sunderland. 11Ot W. J.I1UTC IIINSON, Pelton Colliery Office, jPP ?? )Alay, 1850. GEE & CO.'S STEAMER, (Carrying Post-Office Bags,) For COPENHAGEN & ST. PETERS- agp t HrELLN MI'GREGOR,- on MONDAY 3l tles27th ist. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I in [ADVERTISHMENT.] Wa ar Fifty thousand cures by DU BARRY'S REVALENTA tiv ARABICA FOOD, a pleasant and effectual remedy (with- an] Old out medocine, inconvenience, or expense, as it saves fifty h n ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... - - at CHOLFRA AND BOWEL COMPL AINTS IN GENERAL. Ge WLb ICEY Jr CO.'S TRUE DAFFY'S ELIXIRI. - L This Irost excellent Allodielie baam becri faithfully prepared for upwardls of a cectutry, from the pure ...