Public Amusements

... sort of agitation-with an imita- 'tic tion of each: the Charters, big and little, are to be Xi superseded by a sort of new Whig charter; the Law he Amendment Society is to see its work done-or ar shelved-by official hands, the Keeper of the Great tb Seal ...


... misguided force Iay set the fram- or-k or the world ablaze: Cursed that the reins are held in such an hour By the weak hands of Whig apostacy. Thereforo tho land hathl need that men like thee Should sp3aktheunvarnishedtruth,andspeak it forth with power There ...


... political vicissitudes to the Chief Jasticeship, had peculiar charms for him. And Mansfield, the tory, id thus indebtedtohis whig biograpberfor a greater meed of justiceand renown thanhe could perhaps havefound from abiographerwho wasnot absolutely a panegyrist ...


... aguarantee for ( d the farther extension of the franchise, and yet that very measure enabled the treacherous and bloody s Whigs, in 1848, to pass their infamous Gagging and Alien Acts, in support of which they could muster 1 s 100,000 middle-class special ...


... anti- pular or asuendancy faction, had pri combined in pulverising the once powerful whig party of us, IIreland. In l~ord Welflesley'h time, there wins a great whig I c=ncto, with considerable territorial influence and per. on, soa uhrlty-.the Boyles ...


... requisite to beer llt iii ad the liiig~ lre ioius sgitaotiotis on the Cathtolie rlucbs lion. thle party coittests between, Whigs, Toriesl, sad catinlietvsitre td the peculiar position mlaintainued by Gi'itig r'telL F1o11tla t his people. Thie effect of ...


... 'th e .Editor;, we give the following extracts:_ 1 : o TiEdvXnN~Ti 'aND:THE Psoraw t. : 'Surely 'the true 'oharacter of the Whig lgovern'. ment must nowrbe'knowa'to the antiona? l)d ever a stateslnan .eonden,,dte m e .paltry b~eggprly : despioablo subt ...


... written: letter by the Editor, we give the following, extracts : THE OOVERNMENT AND THE PEOPaL Surely the true character of the :Whig govern. Went must now be known to the nation ?. Did ever a statesman condescend to more paltry, beggarly, despicable subterfuges ...


... Editoi', we givetthe following extracts a ' . 16 6Ti 'OOV~iiNMENT AND-'THE Piits ?? is. . Surely thotrue character of the 'Whig bovern- hipent inust now bq'kno9yn to the nation? Did ever a .statosman conceocend to more paltry, beggrly, f eespiis.ilile ...


... chance to exhume. And although we fear we are not likely to row much in the same political boat with Lord John, we know no Whig or Tory denizen of the club-house at Cowes, in whose yacht we would more gladly accept an offered berth. The Life and Corr ...


... onthequetio. il hatcomissonsat men *in of every rank, each eminent in his position-ltce prince and the cd printer. or calicoes-tce, Whig and tle Tory-the Radical and al tle Conservative-all uniting cordially on neutral ground, to Db carry out the great purposes ...


... Queen; And every trce comes peeping forth, In robes of emterald itreen; Tie biris with mnsic til the nir, Joy trembling on their whig; All N;aturesttilo: so sweet-so fair- So lovely is the Striltg. ...