... THE INFANT PRODIGY-.THE WFHIG SURP'LUS, Miy nanie is Surplus. On the various Bills Mly iaiter something doek'd-a frugal Whig, Whose constant care was to increase his store, And keep his overplus, myself, in hand; But I had heatrd of squadrons, and I longed ...


... Queen; And every trce comes peeping forth, In robes of emterald itreen; Tie biris with mnsic til the nir, Joy trembling on their whig; All N;aturesttilo: so sweet-so fair- So lovely is the Striltg. ...


... Air, Old Esgtandfor ervshal tl 'weithe stoirm. 'the Charter ! thy principles never shall founder, Though the dastardly Whigs may destroy thy best nien. The progress of truth shall make despots knock under: S We'll rally around thee, again and again ...


... IN )Y ~BTA BITt,8WL Ol F.gZandfor ever ?? ?? tihe ator eCarter, thy nrinciples ne~vr. shall founder, ,Xhough the dasti y Whigs.may49e8tro th.beat Ifen';Ogress of truth shall make. despots knock TheV Pr uenldealy around thee, again and again ! ¶hat though ...


... TPRISONERi.) .Ar, Ol Epglrnad ?? aver h6lt wiaihi the MOMJn_ The Charted rf thy imtieis nvier shall founder, Though the dastaly Whigs may destroy thy best ,men; The progress of truth shall make despots knook under: te Well1 rally around thee, aain and again ...


... idg the usual 'has been 80 frequently given, the Msters won't jrortdiry Post. Tho' bard we strive with might and main The Whigs to overthrow, And lost dom inio to regain- The Ministers won't go As sticks the stubborn limpet race Fast to the rooks just ...


... subscriptions, like the emissary of a begging-letter sonclave. To this employ- ment, however, one of the proudest members of our Whig aristocracy has actually stooped, calling, not very long ago, in person,-it was the first time he ever did so,-to pay his bill ...


... usual turne'% obeen s0 frequently given, the Ministers won't ,otMe ainO Post. S The' hard we strive with might and main t The Whigs to overthrow V And lost dominiou to rogain- The Ministers won't go ! As sticks the stubborn limpet race I Fast to the rocks ...


... 000, and which hI esabled the noble duke to leave, as an inheritance e to his Whig successors in office, a surplus of revenuetP over expenditure of £2,900,000. t ?li e Whig ministry under Earl Ore , in 1831 and be 182-their two first years in office-had ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ass;zes, but was ton late to be srornil on the Grand Jiirv. The wrirtivy haronet haod paired off fur the occcsioo with his Whig col- lea-sruc, Coliel Cnu1 firild. DI\AoRIAcRS IN' ?? LtIR.-Oii Thurs(ay se'riight, fit St. Peter's Churrch, Eaten-square, ...


... the Prince, of Fox, luike, Sheridan, and other kindred spirits of that age, until his Royal Highness left the ranks of the Whigs, when the deceased lord refused to follow the Marquis of hastings and a number of others into tle Tory ranks. Ilis lordship ...


... £5n2,018,000, l esng less than of 1827 £4,18,000, and which t emnabied the noble duke to leave, as an ilheritane t his Whig successors in of fhe, a surplus of revenuei rear expen ditur e of £2,900,000t. , se Whlg ministry under Earl ore , in 1831 ...