Advertisements & Notices

... flULL MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 1 ILLIAM ATTLAY, PARAGON INN, H ~54-, MARKET PLA C E.H U HLL, wvithin three minuates' walk of the Rail' Just received a large assortment of Black Barege way Station and the D~ocks. Commercial and Private SHAWLS, at 8s., worth l0s. Gd. Barege and Muslin Sittingltoomns,good Beds, superior Stablinig, ?? Dresses iii all the new patens locaretts at reduced Coc os.Tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIERCANTILE MIARINE BILL. ATaM E E T I NG of the STEAM SHIP Z OWNERS' ASSOCJATION,', held at their Offices, 137, Leadonhialli.treet London, oil Monday, 18th of March, 1850 The r. A1NDER,4ON, M.P., in the Chair, Tefollowihng Resolutions were unanimously adopted: * That this A`ssociationl, While it admhits the' expediency of a ?? al Practicable etficient mecans for thc improvemlent of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... re 7jubli fit filtiterr; *e pOLIC1E NOTICE.-X20 HM.WARD.- LOS ThIs i'oreleei, 3Jinii,; 7 I 1.) hI a nf Noithlrn : IMrlanIl.tOrracs Rad 14;c:in 'ileec, Ty iv ori e. te-rre aii I.rl Notlertividroid d Sl, aat i: 0i1ier ciot. ,iTiown ti iPeOx- fe -ioe:t, a illikeel COTEiN UA(, oiuiinis8 .tit: 0r 3 Oo~d. Whfl. ever iw1, t un 1 iho s;Irl-ne. i l iv hri ' it to 8l ''entral Pic (ffioer, D0e1ee.ive li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t SPRING INVITATION TO IIYAM'S. cc ?? ~~~cc The Spring is coming! time serene, When Nature all her boauties shows. Tile flowers new bud, the grass new green, in !r- Then why t ot men roenew his clothes ? 0I o. This city doth a start cotitain Si That dolit all other usarts excel* bc The object there he's sure ts gain, IR zv NWho likes his clothes mnade clteap and well. Ill Lord-slreet the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d -agummoma Di S1?E(CAL NOTICE. TO SECLTRE Tr116 AIVANTAGE ?? IaYEAR',i E'NrRy, PROL) ?? Mlzi at [1 LODil1lE) ATI Till, IIRAL. OFFICE, Oil AT ANY OL1' 'li fE ?? AliEN. : CI,6, ON OR BIEFORCE llT AlAltcil. 'QCOTTISH EQUITAB LE LIFE ArSUICANCR, SCI~l~t~Y. (1[mc.,PWIATED Dsv ACT IFe PAAIIurNT.Mer 51dinburels-cti, at. Alites~ -Fquisre. L,,odon_(G1,AMoorgate-9tt Ilias Gla-cel teie Dllue ofl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. INVESTMENT AND FAMILY PROVISION. Api T6 T present, when Interest is so low, attention 8 I is invited to the mode of Lire Assurance by Siagle Pay- 8 mcunts, and to the peculiarly advautageous tcraus on which it can bep efected in the SCOTTISIT PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. By this mode a person nay asoure a Policy for £1000:- 12 If aged 10), for a singlo payment of ?? 1 £32 0 0 12 . ,4 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ERMS FOR TlE MERCURY-TUESDAY AND i FRtIDAY. i^ In Advance, per Annum * ?? 363 0 Half Year ?? 1S 0 Quarter ?? D 0 ?? It ot?y one coyy eachtc Ic i t ?? tlhen ha; f tlle sth n E tantcd s th ?? nnount. On Credit, to norilw'-N. partiCs, or a reference given for pay- t m1101nt ln Liverpool, 40s. per Aanion. I r Letters on tiesd0 ess to he addressed to EqerIon ,S'naitl and Co., or To the Editors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... anit-t NOTICE 'TO SHIPrERS.-After the Ist April -oext the rate ot Freighit by these Steamers fromt Livcri.,0j will be matarially redecd. PARICEiLS for difflerent Conpognees, colleeted and made uip In4 SQingle-'akag.J lrc,~ed to oie palrty for delivery ist Aticl- rica, for the puqrl650 of evading paymellnt of Freight, Will, .1 armlict in America by the Customs, he charged With tllc proper~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UOUSEIRIOLD FUR.NITUTRE, VIOLONCELLO, OIL -CLOTHS-, V On ~ ~BY MR WALKER, ,OnTuedayinetthe Ist of October, at Eleven o'clock prt. eissly, athis Rooms, No. 55, Chuirch-street, al A N extensive assortment of HOUSEHOLDB J-1 FURNITURE, Gas Chiandeliers, twenty-three pieces ft Painted Lobby Cloth, and a variety of Miscellaneous Property. ' The Furniture will comprise a set of fourteesi oa~k dining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANTf `LOTIM~ TO PARTIES FURNISHING. SELLING OFF FOR ONE MONTH, AT THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FURNITURE MART, 19, BOLD-STREET, Previous to large alterations being made. C U TT ERI respectfully anniounces to his ,4OPatrons arid the P'ublic in general, that from thle great iacerca~e in In0s bu,,inc-s, lie i complelled to enllarge hits Ipreseirt Wt~iieVarerroirrs, consequently )ie will ofler at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e M'ZIE AND GLADST aT , 'WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, ' laf as.a:4SpEOUH CASTLE-STREET, LMERPOOL, 1 A1ss-% CHESTER-STREET, DIR KE-IMB. PRESENT LIST OF PRICES. It Wl EPer daz.,Quarte. Pir&t.8 lS Bestold ?? ?? 43d. - 20H. Od. I Fine do. ?? ls. Od.- 18s. OGd. a- Gobd do.. ?? .I32s( Od - 13s. Od. Ydo. ?? 28s.,Od. - 14s. Gd. C Best Old Sherry ?? 40s.- d - 20s. Od. { Fine i do. ?? Sd. - 18S. Od. h- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The letter of o. P. Q. is under consideration. Received from Mr. William Carson, iSt. Anne-strect, £2. for Mfr. Splatt. G. V. 0. reO1W//MeWN t til Stt between 13iy-8treet and Pall- mall for the new 1o`t4-o;iee. A, Complainer ihold ?? a /5wte to M'r. Dowsling, who Wiltl s/ecdi/y Cusre the ev/il Comnplaibled of. D. K. '-it depjslhds entirely upon the circugtances of thc patient. A17ply ...