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Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR THE HULL PACKET. AIford-J. Mountaln, book- London-Barker and lt seller. Flcet street. Neon5a .Idbro'-Mr.Thornpson,poet. Co., Warvrick squa5li master. Hammond, 27, L,`5> Birmflsgham-Taylor, Glover, street; C. .Mitcbell, 6,t and Co., 31, Union street. Lion Court, Fleet lb Bererley-Michael Ellts, post- Barker, Birchin lWne. master; J. Kemp, W. B. Liter0pool-StandardOls. Johnson, John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l F _Jffli~eanCotW* NEW INVENTION. F LOFI'HoUSE, CHHUiST AND DRUGGIsT, 0 14, Market-place, Hall, begs to call attention to e LATERAL ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE- E SAPS, &c., for Varicose Veins, Weakness, and Sprains, sde ol an entirely new principle, and recommended my many Medical )1 en. They do not require lacing, are drawn on with the docility of an ordinary Stocking, wash in Hot Water ~thout ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -0 ?? ~ - - 1 - .1 -. ~1,11- ~ I. 11- ~ . . ?? Im A E L. B IE L , 3, XHTtRIf TE. Dear the Bridge, Ivj~~URIS1ING RONONGER, TIN, IRON, COPPER, and GALVANIZED IRON PLATE _Os~nitablisbed near 50 Years. Price's Champion Knife Cleaner; Price's Revolving Mincing Machine; Price's Patent Ironing Stove~. ms Instantaneous Pe lae ?? Door Fastener ; Patent Metallic Lettering n , patent Albata Pens; with ...


... NATAL. A large and respectable body of Wesleyan Methodists and Christians of other denominations having determined on emigrating to the above-mentioned colony, beg to inform the Christian Public that they have room in their vessel for a few more Persons of good character and strictly religious principles to make up the comple- mIlent. The Vessel will Sail from Hull early in Spring. N.B.- As ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,o~uranct oz~ SuOTT'ISH E~QUITABLE'LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. (INCORPORATED BY ACT 01F PARLIAMENT,) EDINBURGHn, 26, ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. LONDON, 61, MOORGATE-STREET. His Grace the DuxE or' BUCCaaUooI AND QUEENS- BERRY, President. TOTAL SUM ASSURED -367 ?? 3,,.F i ANNUAL REVENUE - 1in0 ?? ,1 ACCUMULATED FUND.. 4916,535 View of the progress of the Scieoty. I Amount Annual Arcunmu. Assured. Revenue. l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f~i~1Iantou0 . ST. MARY'S CHURCH. RV, OPENING OF TIHE ORGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9. S PECIAL SENIVICES will be held, on the S Occasion of RE-02ENING the ORGAN of St. Mary's Church, which has lately undergone extensive Repairs, and to which considerable Additions and modern Improvements have been made, on WEDNESDAY, January the 9th. Divine Service will commence in the Morning at Eleven o'Clock, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th1~titrct'hlce Xotltrt EXPERIENC LIFE ASSURAN E E COMPANY-_Establish1ed in 184-3. CHAIRt3A1N-Tt 1Right klon. LORD DUNFERMLINE. 'l'his (ompariv uombines the advantages of a MUTUAL vith the security of a pItOPIRIETARY Office. DIVISION tji PRHOlFITS IN 1850. Aseiores il tile M UTUAL DE PAR TMENT wvill par- ticipate in live-sixths (or ?? of 83 per cent.) of the Profits to bc asc t-riaed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE ROAD FROM BEVERLEY TO KEXBY BRIDGE. NTOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, * tat the TOLLS arising at the Toll-Gates or Bars and the Weighing Engine upon the said Turnpike Road will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best Bidder, at the East Riding Sessions House, in Beverley, on SATURDAY, the Nineteenth Day of January next, at Tve]ve ?? at Noon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the Third Year ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JffJiordlahcot . /|ESsRS LTJNN & SON, SURGEONS, are lvi in WANT of an APPRENTICE. W A N'Tl to RENT, a small furnished W HOUSE, within a quarter of an hour's walk of the Townt-Apply by letter, A.B., Packet Office. X 2900 1 X1,000, £500, and other ^ ?? smaller Sums, ready to be ad. vanced on approved Security. Apply to E. SIDEBOTTOM. Solicitor, Parliament-street, H1ll. I E W Y E A It ' S G I F T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR THE HULL PACKET. ALiford-14. Uo01untte, book- Londone]Barker and thile, seller. Fleet street; Neivton and dibbri'- Mr.Thompson,post. Co., Warwick square; M. masttcur. X nHammond, 27, Lonmbard Birmeingharrn-Taylor, Glover, Street; C. Mitebell, 8, Red and Ce., SI, Uliou street. Lion Court, Fleet 6treetil 3 Beerier-.Mieabel Bills, post- Barker, Bircbian lane. master; J. temp, W. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W15'bipping. FOR NEW ORLEANS, with F Goods and Passengers, to Sail about the 24th Instant, the fine A I Coppered Ship ARAC, Capt. PATCHING; 1,200 Tons Burthen. Freight and Passage, Apply to iULL FLAX & COTTON MILL CO., Agents; 11, Jan. 8,1850. or the Captain on board. K jOR BOMBAY (DIRECT), to Sail XS about the 1st of February, the fine A 1 Coppered Ship IJAMES WHITE, Captain i;, Regtlar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... htippitng EM I G RAT I O N. U S T R A L I A N Line of L& dA PACKET SHIPS. For Sydney Direct, Sailing the 10th of each Month, and Regular Traders, for Port Phillip, South Australia, Van Dieman's Land, &c. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. To enable respectable persons to proceed to the Australian Colonies, viz., ADELAIDE, PORT PHILLIP, and SYDNEY, at the lowest possible cost consistent with security and ...