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... INST ?? ?? W Mie last of.-*eur*se of sindeoturos es, tbe. national musio rlf 1tiaKdd'- 'wandalivered last evening in the lecture hall of Cti~e~ech~ahics';iltiliolt by William Murphy, jun., Esq., ?? numerous'and res- I pqctahle, comprising a considerable number of ladies. The lebtiiret ' ieotttientd by referring to the bards during the Neign's Fofl lnry tbe Eighth atid Elizabeth, and gave a ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ja5ijim alia Farfctic,5. THE COURT. TOn Queen, Prince Albert, and the juanior branchies of the Royal Fainily, reinalbn at Windisnr Castle, ill the niinterrupltetd eajoymeot o;f good health. The gaieties of the Christmas season were dispcensed with, it, consequence of the lamnclited death of the Queen Dowager. Their Royal [lighioesses the Duke and Duchess of Ne- mours paid a visit on Friday ...


... ?? ratbirw's. Nia. 1. HGoo'n's INSMUtroIZ. Palrt XXII. Edinltirgh: Ja,,,es flrrg. This valuable pnrio.lioal, wve are happy to observe, is begil- ningP to add to the list of its sisual contributors some very cele- brated names; among others, those of Thos. De Quindey, better known as The English Opium Eater, whose chapter on Logic is both a profouid aud original essay; and Miss Fran- ces ...

Original Poetry

... Original Ilortrn. A NEW YEAtR'S CAROL. CoMr, sit round the fire, and l1 sing you a song, To welcome the birth of another New Year, For she comes to us joyant, and hopeful, and buoyant, Unbowed by a sorrow, undimmed by a tear. We'll quaff to the stranger a right merry draught, And wish her God-speed on her voyage through life; That o'er lands and o'er waters her twelve merry daughters She may ...


... ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY-EXHIBITION OF A I IMODEL STRUCTURE. A scene of a very interesting nature took place yesterday, in the board-room of the Royal Dublin Society, on which occasion his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and other dise tinguished visitors attended. Mr. Richard Turner, of the Hammersmith iron works, and his son, Mr. Thomas Turner, an architect of considerable promise, both in taste ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENC& HER MAJESTY. WINDSOR, JAN. 1.-Her Majesty'S new year' gifts of meat, bread, coals, potatoes, blankets, and clothing, wero distributed this morning to the aged, infirm, and distressed poor of Windsor and Its vicinity, in the presence of the Queen and Prince Albert and the royal familyr his .lRoy&1jHl.gbnse5a Prince George of Cambridge, the ladies and gentlemen In walt- ...


... Since the night of its opening the pantomime at this the- tre has continued on each succeding evening to draw an over- flowing honee. The auditory on last evening was crowded to the ceiling, not even standing room could be had at any price either in boxes, pit, or galleries. The pantomime here, both in the introdicetory extrava- ganza, and in the comic scenes and trausformations alter- wards, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... gatijin antb Yarictiem. THE COURT. IIen Majesty and the Prince, with the junior branclhs of the Royal family, continue to take their acciustomcd exercise in the slopes and park at Windior. Prince George of Cam- bridge aud the Duchess of Kcnt are at the Castle. The Duchess of Saxe Weimar, %swith the Princesses Anne and Arnelie, and Prince Gustavus of Saxe Weitnar, left Marl- bornugh House on ...


... LITERA TURE. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. (M'Glashan, Dublin.) The University Alygazine commences the new year with l undiminished vigour and ability. The January number pre- r sents us with an agreeable and instructive melange of fact and r fiction-history, poetry, criticism, and romance-and we do a not hesitate to affirm, that whether as regards the variety or L excellence of its contents, ...

Selected Poetry

... -ScArctrb J?,Ortrp. r I S D f3Sl. WTIERE dwells true Wisdom ?-wihere upon the carth Is her abode? Offspring of heavenly birth I lives she on Grecian or on Roman soil? Lands of the pocts' dreams and sculptors' toil! Is she a tenant of the ocean tide ? Are the wild winds her chariot? Does she rido ,id Winter's storms-or in the desert lide ? Deep in the brenst of him wh1o fears the Lord, Yields ...


... The third half-yearly examination of the pupils in the Trish Academy of Music was held on Tuesrlay in the Antient Concert Room, Brunswick-street. What has beon said often h before on similar occasions might be repeated here. 'WVe might praise the performance of the little fellows, who, with violins and horns, managed, after a short course of instruc- d tion, to make a very agreeable concert, ...


... I FASHIONBLE INTELLIGENCE HERl MAJESTY, &o. WINDSOR, JAN.. 5.-The Queen and Prince Al bert walked on Saturday morning in the Slopes. The royal family took valking and pony exercise In the groands around the Castlc. flis Royal Higiness Prince Albert went out bunting this morning, accompanied by the Duka de Nomours and at- tended by Lord Charles Fitzroy and Colonel F. H. Seymour. The Bishop of ...