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... COURT Or- BINKRUPTCY-LmoNG)M, TUrsDAY. .. - .. - ?? ?? _ I._. (Before Mr. Commissioner Face.) Till' CiltMORNE GARIDENS. In the Bae1,ruptcy qf James Ellis. This was a meeting for the adjourned last examination of the bankrupt, who was extensively essgagcti in various speci- lations connected with public places of amusement. Ile was the Iessee of the Adelaide (Gllery in the Strand, and of ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE. I COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-SATURDAY. The full Court sat shortly after eleven o'clock. TirH DOLLY'S rulAE ALFAR-CRIVONAL INFOR)MATION. The Queen at the ?? of John Jardaib v. Frederick Williama Conway. Mr. Manrtley, Q.C., appeared to show cause why the con- ditional order for a criminal information in this cause should not be made absolute. It was obtained on reading the report ...


... it ARMAG H. nc (Fitom our, CORRESPONDENT.) Thursday Night, 10 o'clock. The jury have just come into court with a verdict, acquit- Ia tiny the prisoner Bryan Hanratty. the foreman stating that tii the jury found themselves coerced to give the prisoner the benefit of their doubts. Co A large crowd of persons was assembled outside the court- 01 house, awaiting the result, and the announcement of ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. EXCHANGE-COURT OFFICE. DIVISiONAL ExPEsIcNsC V. SOCIAL MOORALITY.-An as- sault case came on for trial in this office early in the afternoon of yesterday. The litigant parties were a number of women who made a great deal of noise in statements on the one part, and in denials and recriminations on the other. The scene of the quarrel which now came before the bench for ...

Law Intelligence

... Law rilitclUgeme. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCOI.-DUBT',NMONDvY. Jardine v. Co1nwtiay. Tue Court, at tilrce o'clock, gavc jiltginenit in this case, dischargiig tile Order fora criminal prosecution, without costs. Thu CitIIEF Justricu:, ill pronouncing judligenit, said the court hadit(o ndilfictiltv whatever inl alloiviog the cause shown agninst the conditional ordtr. T'iev dlil so on two grounds ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCII. | Mr. Justice Cramptton entered court at half-past twelve o'clock, whea the swearing in of the county and city of Dub- lin grand jury panels were proceeded with. Thefollowing are the-names of grand jurors sworn from the city panel:- Sir Edward Borough, Bart., foreman; Jon Drew Atkin, George Boileau, John Wisdom, Charles F. Dowling, John Clarke, Richard Atkinson, Joseph ...


... COUNTY WATERFORD PETTY SESSIoNS._, U- g The presiding justices were-E. Mulcaby (6,! I Colonel Phipps and John Ryall, Esqrs. r 1 SHOOTINGS AT THE WIDOW BATES Mary Bates, v. Mr. JRhn Hudson, was tb called. The prosecutrix had to be assisted to the tab, cN tronstable Confnolly, being in so erifdablbd 'a state ta e by effects of the dreadful outrape that bad been otnl ti upon her-her lacerated ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. COLLEGE-STIREET. OMNIBUS CormLuisoi AT HATHMINtrs.-Another of the, unpleasant occurrences resulting from the misguided spirit of opposition and rivalry on the part of the drivers of oi buses plying to and from Rathmines, &c., against those em- ployed by another company, was submitted for investigateoj in the shape of a charge of gross and malicious injure of property ...


... I - ~. ASIZF.S INTELLIGENCE. TIPPERARY-NORTH RIDING. I I MURDER. Pat Hogan was put at the bar, and given in charge, for a' that he, with a person named Michael Byrne, did, on the 11th 01 January, at Mount Falcon, kill and murder William Ardell, 81 by his (the said Patrick Hogan) discharging a loaded pistol, e: and inflicting a mortal wound on the left side of the body, of o which he died, ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-SATURDAY. HIENRY-STREET OFFICE. OUTniAGEoUS ASSAULT AND STREET RoBEERY 0F A LADY AT MID-DAY.-Two atoutyoung fellows of rather ill-favoured appearance, and a female, who was charged as an accomplice, and who gave their names respectively as Michael Canter- bury, John Dunne, and Eliza Ricket, were brought up in custody of Sergeant Hilliard 6 G, and Constable Donne A 44, and charged ...


... ENCUM BERED E1STATES COURT. Tsise counmissioners sat on Friday, weher the following pro- pestics were offered for sale:- T. Fozier and o tlhers, owners ; ee'jarte Johtn [ergusosn, p~eti- tioner. The lands of Blsllingarry and BIallinalhich, in tile connty TippPrary, held mis1Cer a leaqe for lives renepwable for ever, sad cotalinsiug 32Sa. 30p., Irish pliita tion *re isire, equal to 531a. 2i. 3 ...


... .MURiDER OF MR. MA ULEVsRER, J.P. COtROWER'S IINQUEST AND) aIAGISTERIeAL INVESRTIGATrION. .As the pubhlic arc, no imlibt. caiious to learn every particti. icr connected ll dii the barbarous anfd brutal murder Of th~is Kentletleat, we flowv proceed to Icy before our readers f1ll1 nirticltiars eiCscritijila it, aIn detailed it) flhe evidence at thle inquest. coil at the sitia'neqenit ...