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... POLICE COIIMISSIONERS. A meeting of the Police Board was held on Monday Dean of Guild in the chair. .-h PRSsENT--Sheriff Watson, Messrs Mlatthews; Bisset, Ness. Sherar. Calder, Nets s 0e, Spa XkSutherlaidA.C. Matthew,B Byres 4l*Hare and Gray. ,, STREET CLEANSING ON SABBATH. The DEAN tif GuILD reported verbally, gnbehalf cifthj Street Committee, that the recommetida ton of the Be0adt in ...


... LORD KINNAIRD'S BILL-ATEETING OF JUSTICES. A meeting of the Justices of' tile City of Edlinburgh was held on Thursdaing foreooc in the Council-Chamber, for the purposc sof taki'ing hco consideration the provisions of Lord Kinnaird's bill. The mceeting was well attended, and on taking tise chair, The Lord Provost stated that he had convened the meeting in consequence oi' a iequisition which had ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CHARGE OF. ABDUCTION. , At the Dover Police Court, on Monday, Maresoa, mate of the re. 'fNeapolitan brigantine L'Oriente, lying. in Dover harbour, was ad 'lbrought before the magistrates, on a charge of cruel treatment to a to It Spanish girl, whom he had induced to elope with him from Gibral- dtar, nder promise of marriage. -Mr S. i Latham, the Spanish ar 'W coneul, stated that ...


... ?? COURT OF JUSTICIAPY. . Il ,, 1X Tem TnerniAy, MAoRC 14. The Court met again this morning. EXvciSrv 5W hDLTXG I Ames Rendria and Daniel Charles 'L2ntosh were placed at the6 bar, r charged with falsehood, fraud, swindling, and wilful insposition, as also forcery, and uttering forged orders, in so far Ps they had formed a fraudu- lent-and felonious design of obtaining the goods of others upon ...

?? AN OP . I t W ' O

... ' DQ ?? t, 05' SToOKwELL isiiana The forhilightly meeting of the Coutilwas hedo hursday last;i present, tie Lor'eaiia'Galbrmith, Messrs ,31EWftenfJl d, MNaught, and Deacayis Christie, Craig, Miller, and Selaiders A cow: id.-rable nuenber of applications Were`.~resinted for altera-, tions itn 'siops. in the various parts of the city and subuirbs, whicha -in usual course, :w~re agreed to, IMr. ...


... the THE EXCISE LAWS -THIE CROWX V. 31URRAY. di .eterns This was an action by the Crown against Airs. M1urray, the lessee T sses f the R umbling Bridge Inn, on the Devon, for two sums of £50 m S ly for selling spirits and beer without a license. a The case was heard before Lord Robertson and a Jury, in the Ol usia ,Exchequer Court, Edinburgh, on Monday. se ro- From the evidence, it appeared ...


... SijEEIFF C6U-T., -- A A - --l .11- AA, f yesterday tae-following cases were disposed of by Sheril Bell, _ attlaje ood pleaded guilty to the tleft of twd wateheaflind I appendaes. v-Seotence-, 6 months' imprisonment. i.sabella ?? pleaded guilty to the theft of ?? brass candle; sticks by means of housebreaking acid was sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment( John Driargy pleaded guilty to the ...


... AVINTER CIRCUIT COURT. ;5U9. The folloowing is a full list of the indictments for our Winter S~s. Circuit Court whiciih still be opened here to-morrow, by Lords Cockburn and Ivory; (sen. YTunis, Esq., advocate-depute. Con- sidering the short period which ha, elapsed since the Autumn Cireuit, the roll is an excecdinglV heavy osne, containing 79 cases, in which 125 ?? are impiicated. It will be ...


... * n . n _ t . . C.ESTL'AL CRa-MNaAL COURT, JULY 11. (Fromn the Times.) having been appointed for the trial of Robert Pate for ucaleig hr MjesVty a great deal of interest appeared to be ,Tjgher shrtlhwvehd ae the proper precautions crsne-t the court from being inconveniently crowded, and no toss were dadmitted except by their authority.. 10 ,ooclock the learned judges, Mr. Baron Alderspgn, Mr. ...


... The following cases were tried before Sheriff Watson and a jury, on Friday last:- TH EFTS. The fbrst three cases were those of four parties charged with theft. The prisoners all pleaded guilty,and were sen- tenced-three of them to 12 months, and one to 6 months' imprisonment. HIOUSEBREAKING NVITH INTENT TO STEAL. William Thomson, a native of Yorkshire, was charged e with the above offence, and ...


... TEE ROYAL BALMORAL ENTERTAINMENT. | tat. BARROWMIAN AND OTHERS -D PROCURATOR-FISCAL | how AND MAGISTRATES OF AYh th e This case, which appears to have excited great interest in rot the town of Ayr, was oF the following nature :-The com-wo plainer, Barrovrinan, with the two other parties, all Professors of Natural Magic, as their counsel styled them in pleading ser their case, on Thursday ...


... (From the Times.) The verdict in this case cannot but be accepted by the public as most satisfactory. The persons in charge of such vessels as the Orion must be made to feel most keenly that if they neglect the important duties of their charge they are criminally responsible to the laws of their coun- try. There is not a single day throughout the year on which many thousand lives are not ...