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... The Ifiisttry of Englland during the TliirtyYears' Peace, Uy Jlarriet fAlar.enu. Vol. II. Knight. The scenes on the meminorable 22ud of April 18SI, whilen King William the Fourtlh prorogued Pliflilamclit with a vies. to ite imniediate dissolorioti, are described with'so muleh aninmationi arnd fidelity, that we will pre- sent thle envire passage to our readers. They will re. collert ?? of the ...


... AT .Y WLADWItIAETTI. ?? IPwy o'nm cym'dogion ffyddlou i -A dleunynat or on hynt ?? Nod *vyf am dal( , mcdid ea rt ?? Ond sjith-swyllt yn y bunt. , )ajied I; and Sisialyint hwy a'u brad yn fawr, d ecek - Nad ydwyfi fol gynt, C lus cl f - Ond fel rhysv adyn gwael or lawr, a f tho Am dalu n1io na phitat. a me of mostt Cyhoeddvwyf lier i inrrhyw ddyn, x I broti hya or hynit; I tbat . rTulais, Ualf ...


... ADDOLIANT Y BEIRDD AR HU CHWYL ADFY- FYRIAWNL YN NHENKL NATUIL. IORWE rRTUT.; O frorau nefolaidd! mor glir yw yr awyr, I wenau yr haul ci ghyys ddorau a egyrr; Y mor sydd yn ll yfnd g, a'r bryniau draw'n scrohawg i A daenaut cu larlun ar ei fronau ardderchawg ! Y gwlanog gyniluylan lowyrchant gysgodion Eu porphor ar flodau y dolydd hyfrydion; A'r haul fel rhyw olvyil o aurr yn pclydru, A'i ...


... REIlIBV. IvW Addlys9 Chanmbers i'r Bobl.-( Cjtamjjbers's Snforniation for Hi the People.) Parts IX and X.-E dwards, Pa'Ilheli. On We have always looked upon the undertaking of tio translating and publishing Chambers's Information in de Welsh, without the auxiliary aid of a munificent patron, Pr a bold step. Chambers, with the wide field of the United an Kingdom, the British Colonies all over ...


... TIHE MUSIC OF THE FESTIVAL. - , . L - -. - I I I., .1 . . . Nothing in the ?? aIInIl]S ot' the Priucipelity lies ever occurred if such vest ini]orlance, ::s the present arrangements. A most larinig innovation has been madle-an innovation, on the success or failiure of which, will materially dlepend the cause of art in in wales. Thc question ill fact to be decided is, whe- ther we are to ...


... BHAUTY Of A Corrus: PLANTATION.-,Anything i1 the. al way'of cultivation nmore -beautiful or more fragrant t~bah- tul a coffee plantation I had not conceived; and oft did 1'say. aij to myself that if ever I became, frown health or otherwise,. in: a cultivator of the ?? the.tropics, I would cultivate'b the coffee plant, even though Idid so ?? pai of the profit that might .be derived from so ...


... LITERARY ERAMOTS. il UrToIr'Y or ])oOeNKIS IN MEIxCO.-Olur Wood Wns LI ?? brought to its nlicely out in short. stinks by loilcans, C'5 Iliitad packedl on little dankeye. Thsce asimoslo are very~ Si Itaisuirotirt ; and You 'flsy (lion see, mooving MoG11- With p Ira short, rockting motion, large bundles of haly, rodde, 'N or otheir articles, without perceivitig anoythtiag to rouse i nlee ...


... -wIrTr77 .- . ? ? ? ?? . ?, I I- ,, , , , - , 7. -- .. i H, 6 ?? M ? - ? .I -II.- - -- I 1, -: ?, ? ., T- ?? . pt. f jj r' ' Cwy a; ?? 3ciety' whihowas heldin the Assembly fl- eI forme~d a prtinif 'tl'anuersvibitoitrs, 'viz ?? H ' R. ch id f ndbach;'Eti'q, Presidebiit'Ribt Rbvii Th'iLocrdBi-. 'H li-i ,sholpf'btSt. Asaph John iL'eatoii, Esq.' and'tlre'H'on;. in 4 'Mrs 'Heatdn- andi nily- ...


... POETRY-ORIGINAL AND SELECT. GRtANDFATHERI'S P RIZE ENIGi1A.S. [by the Editor of the Famliy Friend]. An old mar sat in his antique chair, Searching his lockers, and ?? their store A rosy-faced boy, with goldell hair, Accepted the treasurcs to count tleio', 5'or. Said he-' Grand-Pa! don't go axvoy, Until y0ou have given tile till, I prily!' 'helln the old ilua drow tilhe voll t o his side, And ...


... ;hi LINES ON THE DRUID'S ALTAR NEAR utn Me, WATERFORD. gat the (From the a lvateiford Mail.) ha Ceaseless and silent ever flies wat The stream of ages fast away- her And quickly fall, as quickly viselect Life's frail creations of a day- do Yet may some monuments outlast or Unletter'd annals of the past. An Thus here, surviving all beside, or t Stands this rude altar-heap alone, us, Where many ...


... a LIKING AND DISLIKING. a 9:Y CllA\r,6Jl.S S5VAIN.O Ye who know the reason, tell Ic t How it is that instict still t Prom pts the hcert to lilke - or likeo not- d At its )fvn capritious will! o Toll me ho' bvhit hidden nsgie G Onr impjressions first ore lcd 12 Into liking-or disliing- . Ofthbeifore a word be said ?E a W hy should smiles somletilmes repel us1n Bright eyes turn Our feelings ...


... :THE MONSTER EXHIBITION OF 18W1, (From th/e Athl/saeunl) IS Trhe newf Palace. of Industry begins to rise from the ar rgIoulsl. Not only in the beauty of its form aud brillian- t' c5 of its materials, but in the rapidity with whl'ich. it seems's to gr-ow does it realize the magic of an eastern fable. ar What a day or two ago sedmed a confused plantation of le iron columns, is' now the ...