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... THEATRE ROYAL-THE OPERA. VI. ?? -h I. . .A A1 fA-- IAO f s+2AtAA For the tirst time since the commencement at nre present operatic engagement, there seemed during the earlier part of lsst evening lo incoisiderable cessation of public ardour and onjiety to secure early places in the theatre. Up to a con- siderable time after the house was opened, the audience ap- ered thin enough. None of the ...


... I _ QUEEN'S LOA:L THEATr.E. On Wedneslay evening a brilliant and crowded audieuez again attended this elegant little theatre, to witness the repe- tition of the highly successful extravaganza of The )slaedof ,Jewets, which was received 'with such eunboucided applobation on Monday and Tuesday nigh,. On seeing its performance for the third tine, the nigh opinion which we formed of its excellence ...


... The Queen nnd 1Prince Alert, wirtn tne rrince oi the nriecess Royal, and the Princess Alice, took an air- ?? lltall opel carriitge and four. ; 1(Sr.11,1 yr BNTlB1.--._VQ (Pri'7lttOtI ' , 1Ipeilre to anltivulitV the arrivel ol satr- (j t . if tbe x.i-x tv)g and Queen of the French, and of the d31x 1fl~ts ibcil> .f .emours, and tleir intereqting offsprih'.- ] v a lplda d* t ioer. 'The ...


... I OSBOn1E MONDAY.-The Queen and Prince walked early this morning in Osborne Park. Their Royal flighnesses the Pr nce of Wales, the Princes, Royal, and younger me., bers of the royal family took their ac. customed early walks and drives. There was no addition yesterday to the royal dinner party. THE QUEEN'S VISrr To BELGIUIM.-It is probable that her Mojesty will embark this evening (Tuesday). ...


... t.-'b v 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ HER MAOJ Ol I 6 i tBATRE. For some weeks past the appearance in one of the boxes of her Majesty's Theatre of a lady of colour has caused much conversation in the lobbies, and the rumour that this was the same lady who, under the name of the Black Malibran, had created a great sensation in Paris, con- tributed much to increase curiosity. Biographies, too, have been ...


... ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY-EXHIBIT:ON OF ART AND MANUFACTURE. Pursuant to our intention, intimated in our preliminary notice in Tuesday's FRHEMANI, we now proceed to give our readers a detailed account of the principal features characte- risingthis exhibition, which comprises an array of specimens of mechanical and artistic skill, the nmst extensive and mag- nificent ever presented for public ...


... I A-rFCTED) ACCOUCHEMENT OF THE QUEEN. ta late hour last night the several members of the cabinet, the Lord /lmancellor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and prin- tial 1enbers Of hlie Queen's household were suddenly placed ODthe ll, ,ie by an intimation procxeding from the Palace on the / tom5 lad developed themselves of the approaching that CYIIrPC(y Ocement of her Mdajesty. At the late hour of ...


... QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, 2 I his new melodramatic fairy extravaganeza. The ljmd ,r Jewels, announced for some time as in preparationat th4 elegant little theatre was presented on last evening before a densely crowded and highly iespectable audience. This brilliant romance of 'the drama is one of those piece whose gorgeous scenic splendour, brilliancy of decoratioet atq racy humour of burlesque ...


... I - DEIPARTUR1S 1rROMTiIi GRitSIIAM HOTE:L.-Lord Viscount Dungannon; Sir Wm and Lady Johnston; Major Ge- neral M'Leod; Dr Oliffe; Dr Harrison; Rev Mr Wliiily Rydock; Mrand Mrs Von Klerk; Mr and Mrs Geaddes; Mr and Mirs Rowley; Mr and Mrs Strachan; Mr and Mrs Ro- therham; Mr and Mrs Patchel; Mr and Mrs Platt, J Bushe, Esq. and Mrs Romer; Mr and Mrs Woods; Frederick Gasking, Eso, and Mrs Morphy ...


... FASHIONAB3LE INTELLIGENCE. I THE ROYAL VISIT TO CASTLE HOWARD. CASTLE HOWAaDf AuGusT 28Ts.-The weather, which throughout yesterday was wet, BtOrmy, and disagreeable, has cleared up this morning, and though there has been a smart breeze blowing, her Majesty has been enabled to see the beauties of Castle Howard in all the advantageous lights which sunshine and a clear sky impart. She had hardly ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. HER MAJESTY, &c. RETURN OF THE CdUtT TO BluCLNGUeAM PALACE.-The Queen and Prince Albert, with the Princess Helena, accompa- nied by Count de Mensdorff-PouIIy and Count Alphonse de Mensdortr-Pouilly, left Osborne, 1I e of Wight, at ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, and arrived at Buckengham Palace at twelve minutes before two o'clock. The Queen held a court and privy ...


... QUEEN'S TH1IKA I'E ROYAL. The magnificent spectacle of The Golden Branch was pre- sented for the eighteenth time on last evening at this plea- sant and elegantly-arranged theatre. The role of the young Prince Bunmpy, afterwards transformed' into the beautiful Prince Peerless, was personated admirably by Miss Julia St. George. This accomplished voung actress and vocalist seems to have acquired ...