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Advertisements & Notices

... .ADVERTISEMENT.] NOTICrE I-THE COUNTESS OF BLESSINGTONWS NOVEL OoUNTRNs QUARTnRS, in 3 vols. With portrait and Mernoi' of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Mliss flower, is published this. day by Mr. Shoberl. 20, Great. larlborouglh-street.-2. iAfso, noW ready at all the libraries, IIFlifes in Amber, by Miss Pardo&. authoress of the ` City of the Sultan, The Pretty Wosnian. &c., 3 vols.-3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. HIIE MISSES PARKINS respectfully announce that their Seminary will be RE-oPENc ) on WVednesday, lhes Tsbelt.ilhird inltanlt. lolt, Poitland-Crescent, Leeds, January 10th, l150. 3 COOPE;R respectfully announces that her ..L4 SchooI will be ?? o l the Twenty-firti instant. I No. I, Park-square. L UCY WATERFALL, witl grateful acknow- . Iedgments to her ?? that her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B R5TISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH, Ifaw&-RoAD, LONDON. Geneaml ?? 180. Fellow Countrymen -it is again our pleasing tack to In. foemna. that the Hygalan System of Medlicine, introduced Ini 1825, by James iaorisoa, she Hygeret, ist rapidly tri.. umrphilip over every obstacle. During the last year, on the approacr of the Cholera, the members of the, British Col- lege of Health felt it their duty. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B-1RITISH COLLEGE OF H1EALTHS Netw-RoaD, Lo0flO0i. Gelierat Report jot' 1850. Fellow Countrymen ,-It is again cur, pleasing task to in- :form y~s, thast thle Hygolan System of Medlicine, introildued. in 1920, by James Iuorison the Hygsst is rapidly tri-, uniphiog over every obstaicle During the last-year, onwte, approach of thle Cholera, ithe members ot the ?? legs of Health felt it their duty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH -COLLEGE OF0 ATI Gekra-c Rilpor'ifor15. Focllow'Countrymen',-It is again our Pleasing task to in- tlb form yoi, tliat theltgetiln System Of.Medlltlfe, introduced in 1821, by James 1,orisonl the Hygeisit, is rapidly trt- munphin ~oiver every obstacle,' During thle last year, on the- approace of tho Cholera thie inetbtrs 6it the' e'ltlsh Coi, laegsof Health felt it their duty to publish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salt tv urtion. MUSIC IhALL, LEEDS. .MODERN HTOUTSFAOLD FURNITURIE. PIANO FORTE. B: NOBLE LOOKING GLASSES. CHINA. GLASS, IHAND' SO0ME RED'iITSADS AND HANGINGS, &c. Mar. JOHN IIEPPER begs to make known thant he will StILL BY AUCTION. at the Mlusic fMAiL, Loans, on Thulrdayisnext, the Sevene'enthl Jasnarve instant, (and not on Monday, the 14tb, as previously advertisied) [HEREMAINING PORTION OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... htippitng EM I G RAT I O N. U S T R A L I A N Line of L& dA PACKET SHIPS. For Sydney Direct, Sailing the 10th of each Month, and Regular Traders, for Port Phillip, South Australia, Van Dieman's Land, &c. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. To enable respectable persons to proceed to the Australian Colonies, viz., ADELAIDE, PORT PHILLIP, and SYDNEY, at the lowest possible cost consistent with security and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JEnourance Xoticto. ?? THE EsrECIAL PATRONAGE or HlIl8 MOST GRACIOUS MAJlESTY THE QUEEN. 'I OCIETY FOR GENERAL e ASSURANCE ON LIVES. THE ROYAL NAVAL, MILITARY, EAST INDIA, AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Colonel Sir Frederic Smitl, X.H. FP.-RS., R-E., Chainan. James Nugent Daniell, Esq., Deputy, C/hairman Admiral tie Rlight lion. Sir G. ilajor-Gen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rbltblic BOtOMe TC TO SAVINGS' BANK DEPOSITORS. I LL Depositors in theEAST RIDING SAVINGS' AB B,%Nx who did not exhibit their Deposit Books or ?? on Saturday or Monday last, are parti- to cause them to be produced at the Dank, on SATURDAY, the 12th January, or SATURDAY, the 19th January, instant, at Eleven ?? in the I orning, to he examined by the Managers. r JOHN BLYTHE ROBINSON, Beverley, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pubticrofc. THE BRITISH GAS WORKS, Sculcoates, 12th January, 1850. C OKE.-The Proprietors ofthe above Works IJ beg to acquaint the Public that they have a large quantity of excellent COKE on hand, which they will supply to Private Houses, &c., in the Borough of Hull (if within a reasonable distance) at 9s. per Chaldron of 12 Sacks, or deliver into Consumers' own Carts, at the Station, at 7s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGEN I'S FOR THLE HULL PACKET. I Aitford-J. Mountain, book- London-Barker and WBlt, seller. Fleet street Newton; Aidbro'-Mr.Thompsonpost. Co., WEImick equate; master. Hammond, 2,, Lo0b'Ib Blrmeingham-Taylor, Glover, street; C. Mitchell, 8B igo and Co., Sl, Union street. Lion Court, Fleet Onr; Beverley-Michael Ellis. post. Barker, Birchin lane. mastarr J. Kemp, W. B. Liverpool -Standard Ore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'DOO~b PU~iSED AND SOLD.A ,f T ~ 3VATSGNj3 ?? Paterfloster-tow. i Just published, 2id EdtocorteMlloi i2mo., 313 pages. closl orepie2s.,dbo nd In ~cloth: AMERICA C)PAE WITH1 NG LAND, Theo respetv soiloet fth Am~erican etind nglish ?? and to Legislation. and tlce MsinoDe cry. yU.p~ WV. 1tU58t51L, of Cincinati United Sates, counciller .law. This work explains the Institutions ?? of te UitedStaoa ...