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... SPORTING INTELlIGENCE. MONKS ['OWN RACES-TUESDAY, JOLY 30. Stewardsl-Garrett iarry, Eeq,; Captain Villiers,47th Regt.; Edmond Burke, Esq ; R Grey, 7 th ilegt. The attendance of pedestrians was not so great as that of the preceding day, bitt the vehicles and horsemen were quite as nu- merous. Handicap Sweepstakes a sovy each, 20 sova added by the Cork an; Passage Railway, the second horse to ...

Published: Friday 02 August 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1736 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... TIlE, liOAL PLATES IN ILELAND. W1I NNEIRS IN TIlE YEAR 1 50. Of the thirteen loyal Plates run for at thc Curraph11 tlas your, four Were MIoN by Mr. INo0laa's Blucher, three by Mr. Co(1rIcdCIIy's Caprice, twD by Mr. Dfsney's Captain Grant, two by Mr. Ilyland's Allegrotto, one each by MIr,% Watis's Marquis and 3larchlioness D5'lEu. C'aprice also won two out of tiae th;es run for it Down. Mr. Wa ...

Published: Wednesday 13 November 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1472 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... WATERFORD STEEPLE-CHASES-Nov. 27. SECOND DAY-TUESDAY. STrwARDs-J. Power and W. Scully, Eqrs. The attendance better than on preceding day. The sportwas L confned to one event, and even that not concluded, having ex- t,'nded to five heats, a return of which is eubjoined:- SwFEPsrArEs of I a0V each, 10 sovs added. Weight for ege. three yrs, 9st 41b; four, Iast 71b; five, list; six and aged, l1st ...

Published: Saturday 30 November 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1678 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... I MANCLIESTER RACES-WEDNESDAr. The Trial Stakes of 5 Eovs enco, and 40 added, for three-yr-olds, est lolb; four, Set 41b; live, Sst 121b; six and age4, sst 21b. Winners once, 31bs; tvice, sibs extra; mares and geldings allowed 31bs. The secontd to save hie stake. One mile and a quarter. 10 subs. Mr. Nic1 l Wowlwicb, 4 yrs ?? ?? ?? ?? I M1r. Dawwon nd Mark Tapley, 3 yrs ?? ?? ?? 2 The Biennial ...

Published: Friday 24 May 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 963 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... BALLINCOLLIG RACES. These races came off on Wednesday, about one mile from pnllincollig. rer~ race for I5 soVS, entrance for all horses carrying eleven stone; 31bs allotved to mares and geldings. The winner of .11) once to carry 71b extra; twice, I 0lb; three timer, l4lbs. The following stat tedt:- 1r. Fallets gr in Fawn, lI st 1' lb (Mr. Harding) I lir. ilawke-'s b m Miss Signal, Itlt .llb .. ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... I SPORTING INTELLIGLNCE. ACCELPTANCES FOR TJIE LUICAN SPRING MEETING MONDAY, M1AIRCII 1P, 1860. Sm~reE.CIIASE.-l'rLO tliandlicap Sweepstakesof ., sovs. eac, ill case of Lieccttaco 30 io vs. added. 'Three milesl, teepl, chase course. 51b) allowed to Corintisiall riders. WVinner to pay s sovs. towards explenses. Sir. 1;. J. Tr\il's cl h1 'Jhe Ottere, C yrs, list 71b. Mr. J. G. MGi.rlly'.s r Ill ...

Published: Monday 11 March 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 666 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTING l.T'ELLIGEYCE. DUN DALK GAR IcISON STEEPLE CHASE. STEwAROS.-1.ieutelialit-Colotel KDnox, lath Light l)rajgoot0; Major White, Gth Iuniskilling Dragoons; Captain Stenvart, 13th Light Dragoons; Captain Oldalbim, 13tb Light Dragoons. These races caine off on Wednesday, the 27th instant. the race was over grass land, and tile ground was in capital Order- The leaps were of the ucual ...

Published: Monday 01 April 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 695 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... RlO;DCROSS (COUNTY WICKLOW) STEEPLE CHASE.. MONDAV, ?? ItI Stewards-J. Callen and.J. Brass, Esrs. A fine day and good attendance. Ony one race was decided as follows, over a stiff and awkward course:- Silver Cup, with 10 sovS added for balf-bred horses. Weight for age; winners extra. Heats two miles. Mr. Wilson's b g Prince, aged, 10st I llb (Ireton) ?? 0 1 1 Mr. Murray's bg Peacock, aged, ...

Published: Wednesday 13 March 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 643 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTING IATELLIGENCE. TALLAGHT STEEPLE CHASES. Arrangemcnts are in progress for a day's sport at Tallaght, on the 2tth December neat, Sr. Stephens's Day, should suflicient subscriptiors be received. T'hree races are contemplated, accord- ing to the following articles:- FIRST RACE.-SwCepstakes of 2 EOVs each, pp. 30 ?? added. Weightforage. Tllrec yrsold, lost; fiuryrs, lost lolb; five yrs, I ...

Published: Friday 06 December 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1498 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTIfNG INTFELLIGENCE. TATTERSALL'S-MoNDAT. LlVERIPOOL 5TE.PlE CHIASE. It to 1 agat Mr. Mason us Chandler, 12 to I agst Lord Wa. terford'e Sir John, 12 to 1 aget Lord Strathmore's Rat-trap, 16 to I agst Mr. J. Fort's Knight of Gwynne, 20 to I agst Mr. J, Fort's Little Fanny (taken), 30 to i agst Mr. Hassalle Vic- tim, 40 to I agst Captain Barnett's Maid of Athens (taken), 50 to 1 aget Mr. ...

Published: Wednesday 13 February 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 572 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SSPORPTNG INTELLIGENCE. SANDtYMOUN r .ACES. Thsee adjourned sports, we perceive by our advcrtising co- lumiD, will come oft' thls day on Sandvmount Strand. Tlhe (X:iguity of thi3 delightful suburb to the metropolis, a prospect cf fiir weather sad sport, afford ample grounds for hope of a nurerous arsemblgc. Three races are announced-the start for the lirit at half-past two o'clock. QUEEEN'S ...

Published: Monday 27 May 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 829 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... GORT RACES T'ie above races came offon Thursday on the Nen town course, the property of Henry Lilill, Esq,, of Cloona, who never refused the use of this course to the inhabitants of Gort, and is besides a liberal subscriber at all times to the racing fund. 'JThe hour appointed fo. the start having arrived, the signal for preparation was notified by sound of trumpet, and the fol- lowing steeds ...

Published: Tuesday 18 June 1850
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 842 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games