Advertisements & Notices

... SINIS REEVES, ERNST, and THALBERG.- THIS EVk:.EIING, Januazy 2, will be berld the ELIEVEN'T1 ot the LONDON WvEDNESDAY CONCERiTS (uxnd will be the last but four of the series). Vocal preforimrs: Mrs. Alexander Newton, UI s Lucorobe, )dies Eyles, Ml kl's e, and Mies Dolby; Mr. SiArs Beeves nl dMr. Letfler. Solo, Violin, llerr Ernst. Giand Piao. forte, hl .Ihlberg. FlIt, obligate, M. hibas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNERS AND AGENTS OF PROPERTY h TO BE LET OPh ON SALE. E In order to give advantages to Aveletisers w1co have Property 4i to Let or o'r Sak, Id~ PAaotr7 zrtiesewhoare adverlising. p. 'for Sitaustio,; the Pr4 ?? ofi l M hosterExa-| 'miner and Times hdv-e- o'p d a . CLASStFIt13: R(EGISTER of tradverli'semenis of the taboyc k7escriptions which may appeariV their paper.' ' ?? __.p dop licahe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HE MORNING CHRONICLE! LA BOUR AND T THE POOR. The demands constantly made to obtain the early Numbers of T IE MORNING CHRONICLE containing the Letters 0 ALABO5URt AND THE POOR, in the bTEoT'oLITAiS. AuisiCUL TUBAAL, and MANUF~CTU555NG DISTRICiTS, have inductd the ton ductors of that Journal to direct the RErtULICATION of those Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twe cnty-four Columns each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRESS COATS. 9 DRESS VESTS. Z DRESS TROUSERS. : DRESS SHIRTS. DRESS STOCKS. DRESS SCARFS. Z DRESS NECKERCHIEFS. DRESS TIES. DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN DRESS GLOVES. JOHN BROWN 1/ 039, Union street, (Urder the Royal Hotel). Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. Sheriff Watson's Female Industrial school. the Committee of Management, sometime since publicly an- nounced, to require the Annual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITI'dI 'u d NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL p E SHIP~, apointed bye tire Adrniraltyx to sail Lh,, RPO0 ntd B~'ON, aud betwe-en LIVERPIOOL '41g NW YORK, callintg at Halifax to land and I:cilvty passengers nodI her ?? ititlilS. .Ire followijllO or other vessels are appointed to ii~l fromt Liver. evry, alteiillatCSaturday, namely y;, A rARA, for BOSTON, Saturday, January- 12. EUR~OPA, for NEW YORK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. McLEOD, Watchmaker, BEGS most respectfully to intimrate to Otis Friends and the B Public, that he has REMOVED from No. 9, SCHOOLHILL, wo No. 12, Opposite. / Aberdeen, January 1, 1850. Lloyd's Register of Dritish andr Foreign Shipping. ESTAIBLISIIED 1S34. LIVERPOOL APPENDIX. N pwursuance of Resolutions mutually agrecd upon by the Conllluitteo for Lloyd's a-utl the Cosnmuittoe for the Livcr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREY. KINGS- NFN',fON HALL. M B. BBEAREY respectfully inftbrmn; the robility M pnd oublic that lhe Is instrulted by (tisOR VAN- '.luit*Uu, Esq., * ~~TO SiEL.L lY AUCTION',! About the middle of February. The ENTIRE of his VAIG ABLIE ard SPLEIND'D r FURNITJUlE, FARMING STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, G Brewwug Vessels, Dairy Utensils, Gardell inipLteMLets, la .4tC., 8&C. The Days of Sale iii a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. CLXXI., will be published on WEDNESDAY next. 1. Natural Bistory of 2. Clergy Belief lilL 3. Agriculcure-Daining. 4C Memoirs of Lord Cloneurry and Mr. John O'Connell. 5. Free Trade. 8. Venice. 7. Lord Clarendon and the Orange Institutin. John Murray, Albemarle-street Thigdsv, No. 9, price Ss., to be eonflnuiedquarterly, HE JOURNAL of SACRED LITERATURE, T1. Edited by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE3 EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXIII., TH wvill be Published on Saturday, January 12. CONUINTS: 1. Colonisation. 2. BrItish 5incs: Mining Records. 3. Oraige Processions. 4. Grote's History of Greece. 5. Currer Bell's S hirley : a Tale. 6, Turkey and Christendom. ; 7. Sanitary Reform. 8. Lamartiic's History of the Revolution of 1848. London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE FLOWING: RINGLETS,: .The csre of the Hair ?? and Young Children is, by inexperienced mother sand nurses, too little regarded. No mistake can be.more injmuious than the.. supposition that neglect in this particulir can continue with impunity Th'e seeds of strengthbor weakness are laid in the nursery; and 'the majority 'of the fine flowing. ringlets, or bald he6ads, of after-years, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ar - I- . II:.; .. .1 - . le CADVkiR=4kfENcJ-Howseldbm do..we feel, perceive, ig or think of the 'small beginnioge of disease which surround snd of opaerate upon us iii our enjoymaent add intercoirseowith the lo World. ?? ,- ; e * The young dicase, otibihniust subdiu at eagth *e i rosws with our grdwh~and stientoile'se'wlth our strenigth. An improper regimen acti~ng 'p-on',e partihol06 kind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS' HOSPITAL, NEAR EXETER, FOR LUNATICS. Rev. E. B. TROYTE, D.D., PRESIDEsT. AT a GENERAL COURT of GOVERNORS A held at the CASTLE of EXETER, On WEDNDESDAY last, the 2nd day of JANuARY, W. H. FURLONG, EsQ., IN THE CAIAR; The following Medical Report of the Patients, for the past quarter; was delivered in by the lPhysicians, Dr. MILLER and Dr. SHAPTEL; and the Medical Super- intendent, ...