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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... OR CACUTT (wil hav iwm diafe despatch), OltBOMAYwith leave to call at Port Nal J?~ o lsce he ?? Jauar), te foe, firot-elaso, friga'e. ba' ~~ mBID~.,61 tnsregstrALXADER MELVILLE, TEMt-NI n CHINA, vii EGYPT. Rxegular monthlty mail steam onveyvonre for ?? and tw3to CEYLON, MADRAS4, CALCIJTTA, PXNANG. SINGA. lOjite, and HONG-tiONG.-The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Xavigatiiof Couipany hook ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .,rAAYvee nta, TO TE ;EDI OF TfR fI y NEW& Rz W. T. rue, A DAxyEnvrT. Sir,-As this extr di case has been reported in all he day papers, and my name has been mentioned in con- nexion with it, I am ?? to say a tew words through the medium of your valuable paper in explanation of toee part of the report which relate to wmelf. In the year 18481 had oca to SPply to the oommlt- aoner, of police for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OICF toSHIPER fo ?? OR BONIBAY (under engagement to the o. ijet IndialDocks This si a ueiraemoolnfrpcsn and carries ani expeine uga.Prfegto asg .VOR ADELAlDE Beld S'YPNi',Y (under engage.,, icment to eait 22nd of January; will embark safflengers at Ply.. %nouth), the well-known fzct..aaoing teak-built nehiallmn MARY PIq $0tneWILLPAMt UDARte 2,t rnuoard,r tyigI he spedfiaest A ?? NY IThe g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUND for PROMOTING FEMALEI .5C EMIGRATION. CnamiAn-The Right lioD. STDUNY P ERBERT, M.P. The Right Hon. Lord Jotn Rus- Sir Jamies Duke, Brt, M.P. ban, P. C. Adderlev 1sj M.P. The Moot Noble the Marquess of Gcorge Can Z ., Mh.P. Westninslter Johnb. Mxtes, .P. Te RIght Ha, the Earl of Car. John Walter, Esq., M. Iele William Pge Wood, Esq,.P. Tbo Bight lon. the Earl ol' Er J. Beran, Esq. rowher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Moer Furitretw oft Dina, end YIILTU 15 fare. moved frum No, 28, Glooeter. lee M. PlIILLIPSi wil SELL by AUOViON, at h his Great 31x-1. New nd 51, T nestly), iptnuary le, at I prealsely, eaperlu FL.Ii RE.T we&nt , W-v 'slx rm . ?? suite = tiard, rnd o a tb, two full oetave oda ,afrtes, pir ihneylee, a library tatie Br, eelsand thercarptsomprleng sangie amd ?? Divtci, and FleMis Pic-Lrrw. IL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ufi(Cafon., HORNSEYrB WORMS. 20th Edition, carefully revised and much Improved, 12mo, & trdoth, i HlE: PRONOUNCING EX(POSITOR; or,:4 LINewirpelhlg.Book; in wbiroh tedivieilbid worods are divided agreeblby to the plan reconmmended by lDra. towtlo and Ash, arid pro. councedo and explained accordiug to -the beet arid moast reget autho- raitie. Ly Joamo HtoNoy. I t . By the same A~uthort TE31B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sou CALCUITAr (wvil hav~e iultmedfafe do *ath) tflUAM BRO.Ai)kltiOT contiitnander, uati~tj0~ Loadte Darfri-h orphato~geappltoJ.F CAUIBL n o.. ?? OR J3UMlBAY, 'with koave to enai at Port Natal ?? OLEp lil lDES, ยข43 tons rsgis tatr,ALEXNE NIL E *gegsaoder, loading irn the W~eet hllsdt Dock. Thia esphiptn first Pi mmodceitiofldaun for cabin, Minteemedlaitte, and steerage amngr =agto amsap' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UND for PROMOTING FEMALE F E.MI10HATION. COMM4I rVEIB. CRAoimAx-The RTght i1on. SIDNEY BERBEtT, LP Tho Bight UItw. Lord John ltuA SirJameDuike, Bart M.P. sell, AL P. ' C. B. Addezley, EX.. LP. ho Must ?? the Marquess of Gtorgo Carr yn, Um q., M.P. Westminstor John Mastrruan, Eaq., M.P. The Rigbt Has. the Earl of Car. John Walter, leq., id.eP. lisle William Page Wod, Eaq.,MP. Ibe o ight lIon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ims nEEVES. FO101FES, ERNST, and THAI- S BEEI1.-IXETER-IIALL.-The FODURTEENTH1 CONCERT, and 1 ist tst tone at' the series of filtzen, will be hold on WEDNESDAY Ias EViNING next, Jan.u 21.-Voe. 1 praurtoore bfiaoe Luconibe, to pasansI E yl, ad Mrs. Alexwrcrir Newton ; Messrs. Lel~er,' Ba ln, ierr Funins, and Mr. ,irns Rteevco Sol Violin, Herr nee mEnr: Grand lianoferlce, M. Thed~~crvg Trunipt t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, new ; hfdar for 1850; thoroughly lead e m orrected .ERAGE, ARONEI'AGE, KNIGHTAGE, &o., for 1850 (tenth year.) By CNaELla Ii. Don, Req., Author ~of l The Parliamentary Companorion, &e. Foolacap Gvo, handsomely bound ?? cloth, gilt, peile lea. .d. -alMr. Dod's elegant octavo se especily useful to men of bnuiness. -Daily News, June 1, 1848. Whittaker and Ce,, AveMarla-lone. SILLIPS'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SHIPPE3RS for CALOUTvPA.- 1 mn ,rust be dowfn ani cleared ?? India Dock on or efr Saturday, the 19th inlstant asB the ship proceeds is seea soy on, the SIst.-I HI LINDSAY, Eastiud~awebmbom A USTRALIA. - For ADELAIDR and PORT 1-LPmLLIP, in sail on the, 2.5th January, th peddfiae iait ship JENNY LIND, Al,I 90 tons1 burthen, JoSiEPnHTAYLORp,, Commander; l'adingintlth St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S SHIP.-A first- I Nclass passenger ship Will he despatotred from the Port of Londlon for the Compen)Is Settlements in New Zealand on the first Nooay n eer alerntearicet, nti futhr notice, and 'wilt care I an eperencd sugeo. Te POCTIRS,735 toris, will leave the1 rTHE GENERAL STEAM AIGTO C'OMdPANY'S magnificent STEAM SHIPS leave the EL Kathe- Ain'sWharfofr- EDINBURGH-The ...