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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... tb.bFEW WORrrb*bBj'-,R, M to the AGRI. i ACULTUSISTS of ENtIGAND Iis WDam Pi ng, 177 Pi y, sadai booksellers. de SMALL BOOKS ON GREAT SUBJECTIL ant Just Publsed a. w, Bv Ed., in CIHRISTIAN DOCTRINE and PRACTICE in the TWELFTH CENTURY. n William Pickeing, 1I7, Piccadl~ly. he eat Js p:E tublsbhea, Prt L ot HE EC AIV -ATSof heMIDDLE hof caerefulal eiecutd en in (tken fromsomeof the bet authoitie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUND for PROMOTING FEMALE F EMIGlIA'ION. COMMITi'EE. ?? Right Hon. SIDNEY HERBERTb M.P. The Fight Hun. Lord John Rus- Sir James Duke, Bart, 1.P. rell, M. . CC . B. Adderley, Ea, M.P. The hf~,t NoNe the Marquess of Gcorge Carr GlyM, ' ., h5P. Wnetrln'ter John MIaterm an, Esa., M.P. 5he Right lion. the Earl of Car- John Walter, Fsq., h.P. lials William Page Wood, Ecq.,M.P. The night Hon. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : bubicaSon0 New , royl 1mo, paie 6ga, T'lt ELEXN4 of sTAtrju;, DyN-AMMC -end HYDBOSTATcLS with an Apendix on the awso or ,ti FOFation of mage. by Iee, and hi Natere od 6Axuz. NEwTr, FL, Yellow of Universit t ture of dozJ. Ths work endbtaam all the gtbjeug in nattrl pophy proscbd by the Senate of -he ?? of londoa, for tue Matrlcucalioo anr B.A. pa ezaae atio It in ilso deined for a irst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J~oNDoN and SOUTH..WESTERN RAILWAY. 'telieir f this COZD1OSDY are' prepared to receive ~sDES orthesupiyof CLIYPIING for their men in the year 1300. rt~eras rf the descriptions of clothing required may seenon nd fte MODAY next, the 2ist iust., ait the otllce of ithe Generl 7daoger fiTufl, York-road, whlere printed forms of the 0,oitirs f te c~trctmay be obtanned. Tenders marked s~ endrs or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ^IMS REEVES, FO RMES, F1tNSItind tMAL- BERG. -EXEER-H AL1,.-WEDNESDA Y next, Jan. 23, will -eheld tho FOURTEENIH uf the L.ONDON WEDNESDAY CON. CEaTS, and lwet but o01 ul the series ot ?? petrormers: Missew Lucomnbe, Poole, and ej51nh and Mr. Alexander Newtson; Mesrs. Lefier, Landl, Heir fornee anid Mlr. Sirms Reeves (his lest appearance th is sesn 5010 Miol a, llrer E rnst G raud Picfw'llo te, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIEXICAN BOXDS.-A MEETING of the ?? MEXICAN BOND!IOLDEIS wl 'be held at the London Sat ern, TV-MORROWV, the 23rr4 tfant, at one o'clock pretV.ely, to Apuoint a Comndltee for the Protection of the Interests oi the sondhaldete il future; to adept sueh mojsturee as may be deemed necesary tm expedite the paylent of thle Reminets of the Dividend due in Janutyt t.7; to set, l the expenr incorred by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aimelcroroee The necessity for this announeement neslts di te'nf, ue nd ishoneetattempts of certain traders to Irm. poeupon the pubito mind an impreasonthat thgoodsood by them are1* merit fri 4othe snjn clectro-plated artcl~ an with Mviwgivthi cm- Due31mame, other then that, nafled by their lntrinslcvalne in order to obteln exobitant profte forin farit inferior artiqles. B. and3. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR BOMBAY Direet.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS. - Sac plsldd E~tbttlt ti GMYXA I tbirt yr, 71 0 'Theslni ftaebil hpGNES hrteaer, 1LB 1)EAS, comnmander, is now In thle Lendon ILcs ready t reeeiv cargo (runder engagemnent to the H, E I. C. to sa1 Feb. 't0 fo 1iaihawntt n gularantee will he givers. Has n full po ' °t e.iient pamenger uaotmdation.Fror freight or n~ appth W.S. LIND9.SAY ed Co, ii. Ab ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M EXICAN BONDS.-A MEETiING of the M ME.XICAN BONDHOLDERS will be held at the London 5tavern, TrIIS DAY, the 23rd instant, at one o'clock precisely, to Appoint a Commiitee for tho Protection of tha Interests of the Bondholdera in future; to udopt sueb measures as may be deemed 3ecesoary to expedite the payment of ?? Remanets of the Dividend due in January, 1857; to settle the expenses incurred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to SHIPPERS for CALCUM.A-The Nsship SOUIBAHIUAR, Capt. S. C. uxFREviLrE wvill ireev r in the East Inlia Dock until 12 O'clock to-mnorrow, but tI I ns she proceeds to sea early the following ?? LIND)SAY, -East India Chambersm T o SHUPERS.-or BOM AY, with leave to na~lat ?? (o ?? lst J~amesr), the fine,' firt-cass frgat-bolt bipH~fiIIES,64 tons register, ALFX-1 ANDEMRLILL, Oj~mader ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NORTH B3RITISH{ REVIEW, No. 24, T FEBRUARY, 1830, . ?? 1. Edinburgh-Lord Cockburn's Letter to the Lord Pwroost 2. Ruskln's Seven Lamps of Architecture. 3 Pope Joan. 4. SouiheVs Lire and Correepondence. O. 8uu ,,ller-Germnax 'tlose bj and Theology. 6. Natlonal Education for 8otllanh 7. Hugh Miller's Footprinta of the OCreator. 8. The Probibited Dcgreee in Mnrrisge-fr. Stuart Wortley'. Bill. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fd P BRENCHI GRAMMAR l)FA PBtVAIT Tumox. Ia UIVDE to' the FRENCH LANGUAGE IE ?? ?? I tat Languae without the Arsitence of a Teacher B J J. P. Ls b Bar;To. ¶1e Tenth Aldtion, revised nd cor P ipeo, A V , b I-fVR93 tha b7ove Woa.~ means oi B wbfeo any person of mature undersataning mray ueqoir e eteame0 of the French language practically, as urely ta rofed techer LI wero dby h de; a, With a 'rvy ...