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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAM to INDIA emnd CHINA, vii EGYPT, Regular monthly mail steam eonvoao IbrI= gers und it goodsto CEYLON, MADRAS, CAL.Cth1'A.PE AN 3 SINGA. pORSB, and 1IONG-KONG.-The I'Pnin'tlear ,nd Oriental Steam psiaaton Company book passengers and reeive goods and parcels brthe above ports by their steamers, starting from Southbaptm lb 20th of serymotand from Sees on or about the loth of the month. ?? for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inMRS. GLOVBER';4SuFAREWELLli t0 Under the Patronage ?? Grace the DkOfDevonshire, Ht rc As thcs Duke of Beaufort, tice Earl Olengall, and other dfztivgtti'hd II ?? patons o the rama, ill tke plce ?? Theatre on I I Ful pat~clar wil b shrtl azounod.Subscriptions will bel ?? eceved y M. Legh urra, wo ha kidlyconsented to act as g ooayscear otecielteadwowl attend at Drury.t to ?? thre and five p~m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVENT-GARDEN1 ?? Directors of the loyal Italian Opera beg raost respect. fall t Inform the nobility, gentr, subscriters, and the public, that the SEASON of 185I will COMMEN CE on SATURDAY next, March 16, with Weber's grand Opera, IL FRANCO ARCIERO (Der Frlesehitit), with entirely newscrenery. ceetumes, tmid decoratiorut The prirncipal char.'oter, byiffednne Cnteciian, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ONDON to BRUSSEL1S, Cologne, and the JJ1 Rhine. via Rasgate nnd Oo'tend.- The Belgian opttnerent MAL BOATS snd the hiYtAM-81HIPS of thle Sonatl.Bestera CO1Tn any leavo EAMl[SG3ATIB br OSTEND every ~Monday, Wercdky, Thursday, and Satrday moting, about 11.^0; ant OESTEND far IIAMSGATE, every Sunday, W~eldseday, Thursdy, and Satiecay about the asie hour. rsins from London to Rategate eight U~~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... da 0IHAMPAGNE, 36g. per Doxen, daty-paid, or 2s and HASN ,Estee Cno~te odn A BBHOTT, mud 80N'S PALE ALE. - Bow lie iwes ?? rnc let-rvt fmle n lb re i~esresectull Inormd that S beautiful descriptio of light ALE may arp ow h obtinedfren the abolve brewer at 82s. 42L.. .an W, per Wl. barrel of 88 gallons, the rate of It., per brrel bsong allowed it paid ada for on delivery =~plled In9 18. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITVAUXHIALL GARDENS.-TO-NIGHT.-- y BENEFIT for tho VIDOW and NINE HELPLESSCHILDRDE of the ftmily of the late Lieutenant G. B. GALE, the Aeronaut (Revan of whom are under ilyeara of ?? of Mrs. Graham (who bas kindly given her ?? vocal and instrumental Con- cert, supported by the following artistes. who have moat generously tendered tbeir gratuitous aid: Miss Pearce, Mias E. Nelson Miss L Day, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ARWICH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY.- To INCORPORATE a COMPANY for the IMPROVEMENT of the TOWN of HARWICH, for the PURCHASE of LAND, end for OTHER PURI'OSES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that APPLICATION is Intended to bemedo to PARLIAMENT to the ensuing Session for leave?.lo bring in a hILL to Incorporate a company by the name of the Earwicia I.nproeetnent Etompeny,?edler enabling ?? to purchase, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- THE GRAND NATIONAL CONCERTS. *THE LAST WERtK OF THE SEASON. TWO FAREWELL NIGfTS OF MOLLE. ANGRT. MR. BALFW'S BENEFIT ON MONDAY NEXT. T .ls EVENtNG:- The Pastoral Symp onnie ?? Beethoven. Overture to Maaniello ?? Auber. The Calph's March, from the rew 'cre. nlath The Sleeper awakened , .. Maefrran. Grand Battle OvertureL ?? ?? Ldpainter. Grand, Selecton frm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, price Is. Gd., 1HURTON'S LIBRARY for the MILLION, - Part I., contining a HISTORY of CHARLEMAGNE. By a P. R. JAs, Esq., author of Richelien, ' Darnley, &c. &o. E. Churton, V, Holles'street. Thb day is published, Vol. 1., tobe completed in tw price 2. 6d, THE DE CLINE of EN LAND. TL BY LVD~RBoLs.r E. Churton, Library, 26, Holles-street Thi dav is published, prnces. with Wood-cuts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TfHEATRE ROYAL, ADELIPHI. - Madame CELiStiErespectfully informs tke nobility, gent,7, arndipublio in general,that her BENEFIT will take pl ceonWVEUON SDAY nxti Juneo5, when 'wil be reproduced tbe celebrated drama of TNl WEPT OF TUE NVIjSRION VWISII, founded on Ceoper's popular novel of The Bo-derers -Nazzamattah (her oxigiual character), Mladhaue Celestc. With othf r Enterttainments.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a INTERMOTSA OUSEHOLD} WORDSDAR s 3 ~ L deige for the teatuton and enteriaiet e Twill be poeblielsed at the cod otf e~acdh moth.L r tme Q,. D to tho adicr must he addressed;aect li b~ookseller end cwtnrmictio g - - - .- _ __ __ __ B TiHE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS8, of B National institutio Ehibetloa= Picture b Lauder-Opeangofthhe O Hstlga-Th~e Azerlan, Orsged&hooner-Th=;e Iso t. W. L9Be a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYA LlTXALIAN(PERA,COVEiNT-GARDEN. It EXTRA NIIIT. TOMOROW DON GIOVANNI. Mzr' TOMOeRRO.~(Thursday), June r , will be performed Mozart. 'Grand Opera, Do. GOIVANNI. Donna Anna Mdmo Grnu; Elvirs, AidUo. Vera; Zerlina, Madamne C batelbuc; )on Giovanni, Signor Tatnburini; Leplorelia, Herr ltormes; Measr~etlo, Sigaer Polunin; L CommendatereSignor Taglia3; Don Ottuajo, SignorMario. The oper a will bc ...