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Freeman's Journal


... TUE ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION OF IMANUFACTURES. 3 TO TIlE EDITOR OF THE FPEEIAN. e SIn-I have received the enclosed circular from a commit- tee of gentlemen who are anxious to present to Mr. Belshaw an address expressive of their entire approbation of his most judicious arrangement of the goods sent in for exhibi- tion, and of his urbanity and attention to the exhibitors and the ...


... p IsTHE EXHIBITION OF 1851. THE GRAND BANQUET AT YORK TO PRINCE ALBERT AND )TiE LORD MAYOR or LONDON. I ' YOIsI, FRIDAY Nconr.-The long-anticipated and much- talked of-banquet by the provincial mayors to the Lord Mayor of London, in return for his magnificent hospitality in the month of March last, came off here to day with all the r eclatwhich the aids and refinements of art and luxury, and r ...


... TIBE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FOP OCTOBER, 1850-(MI'Glashan, D'Odier-sfteet).-The number of the 3 University Megazine for this month, although less distin- I guished than many of its predecessors, by the abstract excel- Y lance of its writing, presents a high amount of attractive 0 interest, in the departments, of critical disquisition, and bio- 0 graphic memoir, and this would seem to be ...


... THE EXlIBLTIUN OF 1851. Lost night a meeting was held in the Theatre of the Royal Dublin Society. It was attended by a number of respectable artlzans and mechanics desirous to obtain information in re- fereeice to the great exhibition of 1851. Mr. W. H. Porter addressed the auditory. He observed that the matter he hlad to submit for their consideration would be rather of a desultory character. ...


... I . LITERA TURE. _ THE PEoOPLE'S AND HOWITr'S JOURNAL, PART XVIT.- th A larger mass of print, anu a lighter and more agreeable selection of subjects are g'ven to the public in this miscellany d, than perhaps in any similar publication for the same amount ce of money. The conductors have the advantage of long ex- hte perience and well established popularity to support them. .to Te r r e are now ...


... 'lIIEATR1; ROYAL. The inclement weather of last evening had its effect in damping the brilliancy of the reception accorded to Miss Helen Faucit by our Dublin audience. The house was thin for such an occasion; but yet the assemblage numbered many of the tcost distirguishied patrons of the drama in our city, The pit and galieries were tolerably well filled, and in all, taking into account the ...


... ~-?jIiONABLE INTELLIGENCE F1, DA -.The Queen and Prince, and °:g° ce11 of the royal family, were prevented by the peger al f the Nycatller this morning from taking their usual 11lerueney lnd rides. Her Royal Highness the Duclss of earlyv I e5p~nid by his Serene Higliness the Prince of levt, en 0Itttedcd by tlhe Baroness de Speth and SirGeorge leisie~l aj cdat osborne yesterday afternoon. ...


... I : FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE HER MAJESTY, e. a WINDSOR, JAN. 15.-The Queen and his ROYal Hlighness Prince Albert drove to Frogmxore this morning. The lion. 11i55 CavendislColonel Hon. Ut. Boyl, Lord Chas. Fitzroy, Colonel F. I1. Seymour, and Mr. Birch were in attendance UP his royal highness. Prince Albert, with the gentlemen in attendance, enjoyed the divrsin o sktin on thle ornamental water ...


... FASHIMNABLE INTELLIGENCE. A. 0'3. Bellingham, Esq., is about to return to Dunany Bouse, Castlebellingham, from Harrogate. Lord Mountgarrett has arrived at Nid Hall, Hiar- rogate. The Earl of Rosse has arrived at the Castle, Par- s onstown, from London. Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart., M.P., who is making a short stay at Roobfort Lodge, Bundoran, purposes leaving in the early part of next week for ...


... Slue AND SOnROW-A TALF-COL.. URN, Lornor, u 1850-A title, savouriig somewhat of the Evaugolical, It did not pre-dispose us, we confess, in favourof these volumes, but as we proceeded to BCan the opening volumes at first 1 ligbtly, and then (imperceptibly to ourselves) with attention, y more deeply engaged, we are free to acknowledge that we 1 found, as we went along, enough to rivet our ...


... -o SOCIETY-EXHIBITION OF ARTS gAljif, DU;LII MANUFACTURIES. . I I the earlier part of last week the weather was pairifnglP ble the rain continuing to fall in a suc- Iene os f heavY and almost continuous showers, and yet the l eo~si° Onmpartments of the exhibition in the interior of the ?? l Society RHouse presented on those days'-a 'morel Roya ol, crowded appearance. This may be accounted obu ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENC& HER MAJESTY. WINDSOR, JAN. 1.-Her Majesty'S new year' gifts of meat, bread, coals, potatoes, blankets, and clothing, wero distributed this morning to the aged, infirm, and distressed poor of Windsor and Its vicinity, in the presence of the Queen and Prince Albert and the royal familyr his .lRoy&1jHl.gbnse5a Prince George of Cambridge, the ladies and gentlemen In walt- ...