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Freeman's Journal


... COURT Or- BINKRUPTCY-LmoNG)M, TUrsDAY. .. - .. - ?? ?? _ I._. (Before Mr. Commissioner Face.) Till' CiltMORNE GARIDENS. In the Bae1,ruptcy qf James Ellis. This was a meeting for the adjourned last examination of the bankrupt, who was extensively essgagcti in various speci- lations connected with public places of amusement. Ile was the Iessee of the Adelaide (Gllery in the Strand, and of ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE. I COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-SATURDAY. The full Court sat shortly after eleven o'clock. TirH DOLLY'S rulAE ALFAR-CRIVONAL INFOR)MATION. The Queen at the ?? of John Jardaib v. Frederick Williama Conway. Mr. Manrtley, Q.C., appeared to show cause why the con- ditional order for a criminal information in this cause should not be made absolute. It was obtained on reading the report ...


... it ARMAG H. nc (Fitom our, CORRESPONDENT.) Thursday Night, 10 o'clock. The jury have just come into court with a verdict, acquit- Ia tiny the prisoner Bryan Hanratty. the foreman stating that tii the jury found themselves coerced to give the prisoner the benefit of their doubts. Co A large crowd of persons was assembled outside the court- 01 house, awaiting the result, and the announcement of ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. EXCHANGE-COURT OFFICE. DIVISiONAL ExPEsIcNsC V. SOCIAL MOORALITY.-An as- sault case came on for trial in this office early in the afternoon of yesterday. The litigant parties were a number of women who made a great deal of noise in statements on the one part, and in denials and recriminations on the other. The scene of the quarrel which now came before the bench for ...


... I bRECORDER'S COURTYESTERDAY. EXCssiC APt'PEAL. The Queen v. Thiiotias Francis Reid. In this case, Mr. Reid had been proceeded against on the 10th of October last, by information before the magis- trates of the head police office, at the spit of the excise, for that he, being a malt-roaster, had in one of his cylinders, at Ardee-street, a certain quantity, to wit-four bushels of un- malted ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. HEAD OFFICE. - M1INISTERS' MONEY AGAIN.-Mr. Luke Dillon of Parlia- ment-street, propr etor of the Irish Wollen Warehouse, was summoned for resisting a distraint which the Rev. Mr. Mason, Rector of the parish of Sa'nt Werburgh, caused to be made on his property for minister's money. Mr. Fitzgerald appeared for the Rev. Mr. Mason. Mr. James Morrin attended on behalf of ...


... ? . I ?? CUMB?P %URT. Mr. Commissian& D egfeld 3 ioner Har- greave sat yester43ren thv , ,tft ,t,e frthe sale of incumbered estate&. i,.C>I1 The court was extremely ctwd'tse occasion. The following properties were offered for competition:- In the mnatter of tlse estate of Paul Ivy Sterlingowsner, ezpart Samuel Hilt, execetor of Edward Courtney Clibbor, pe- titioner. This property, dividedfor ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YEsTERDAY. HEAD-OFFICE ROBBERY OF A WATCH.-Maryanne Roberts was charged with having in her possession a small Geneva gold watch, for which she did not satisfactorily account. She was ar- rested yesterday morning at Wood-quay by Constable Doyle (73 A), who, in consequence of information which he re- ceived from her, subsequently proceeded to a house in Dean- street, where he found ...


... RECORDER'S COURT.-YESTERDAY. CHARGE OF BIGAMY. Patrick Sherlock was indicted for feloniously and unlaw- fully intermarrying,'on the 5th of December last, with one Bridget Casey, his first wife, to whom lie bad been married at Graugegorman, in the county of Dublin, in the month of April, 1846, being then alive. Mr. John Perrin prosecuted on behali of the crown. Michael O'Brien deposed that he ...


... QUEEN'S BENCH CHAMBER-SATURDAY. I~ ?? . . -1 .! I. -1s__ (Before Mr. Justice Perrin). An application was made to his lordship in chamber this day to admit to bail Mr. William Smith, a magistrate of the county of Clare, and two persons now in custody with him in Ennis gaol-the former committed for trial as princi- pal, and the others as accomplices, on a charge of conspiracy to shoot the mother ...


... ENGLI'SET LA W INTELLIGENCE. I QUEEN'S BENCH-LONDON, WEMNESDAY. The Queen v. Lord Duaboyne. This was in indictment for perjury, preferred against Lord Dunboyne, for improperly describing himself in the parish re- gister of St. George's, Hanover-square, as a widower, contrary to the 6th and 7th Win. IV., c. 86. Mr. Sergeant Wilkins, in opening the case for the prosecu- tion, stated that the ...


... DtUBLIN Pl('L1I-YESTERDAY. IHEAD-OFFICE. HiGnaVAY ROBBERY AT IBLuEBELLa.-A young woman a named Eliza Gorman, living at 43, Bow-lane, James's-street, fattended before the magistrates under the following circum- ?? stated tbat on the preceding evening she was Oil her return from Naas to Dublin on foot when at between seven arid eight o'clock, on reaching a lonely part of the road a short ...