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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tebo [Noannouncemnents of Marriages or Deaths can be faserted unless If of authenticated by the name and address of the sender.] 2 MAR ED, n 3 On the 6 th inst. at Richmond Independent Chapel, Broughton 4 Road, Salford, by the Rev. D. E. Ford, Mr. Thomas Grandy to :5 MIrs. Mary Chlutnian, both of Salford. Irih 6 On the 6th iust. at the Catholic Church of E t. John the Evan- to gelist, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIE, bolw On the 12th nat-, at, the Pariah Church, Haallngden,i'by the. doprov Rev. L. H. Mordacque, Paul Catterall, jun. Eaq. of Preston,, to tainabl Mary Anne Geakell, daughter of William Turner'; Esq. of Flax bat us er, Mesa House. former ed On the l2tb inatat the Catholio Chapel of the Bavarian Em- ted bassy in Whrwick-atreet, London, William Ince Anderton, Eaq. of WUEngl ioh Euxton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d di't , , gact' ?? Mepot%. 4j A6BIOULTU-JAL PRiODUcE., i MANWClESTER, Friday, March ?? - Old hay, 5d. te OIp-.; clover, Od. to 9d.; wlheat straw, 3d. to 3id.; oat satrw, 2kL44 'ti A(L per ston-e.' ' IdANLtHEEa'35, Thlursday, Marebc 7.-Ptataeste, 7s. is 1 l C..d earrotue 4s.; to CH. per 2f5`1b. Turnips, 2e. to 39. cd. 'er''i . ck O eh.2,nions, l6si to doe. psr 24i115.- : d ?? ! > crTL~t. \ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, On the 21st inst, at the Cathedral, by the Rev. Henry George Price, incumbent of St. James's Churob, Heywood, ,(ousin to the bridegroom) Thomase M.reaper, Eaq, of Walpole Villa, Fairfield, near Liverpool, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Robert Johnston, Esq. of Mount Broughton, near this city. On the l9th inst. at St. Wilfrid's, Hulme, by the Rev. Robert Croskell, incumbent of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless I authinticated by the name and address of the sender.] BIRTH, On the 5th inst. the lady of Miles Sohofleld, Esq. o f High-street, C Oldham, of a daughter. t V MARRIED, d On the 4th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. P. C. Nicholson, a B.D. incumbent of St. Philip's, Salford, the 1ev. Arthur Tidman, a head master of Woodstock ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onfli Wi , .4o{ ,ra TiEII ;-i~ ,, - d e n Wood-,' :t of W!Iml~iso, ChsshiW o -.On the 3rdL inst. at the Cathedral, by t.le Rev. Canon.Wray, ?? iy,1 Mi Thomas Saslb 'to Mi66 Estbher nsrew ,.Bukjly, ?? of' clime.-. On thb 2n i~ii~.~t~t~is' Cathedr~I, b~ the I~yh ?? Lan ,incinmbsnt of-St. Thomasa'~Churohi, Psildletondh;i. John Fowler, of London;, to; Elizabeth;,,dau~hter of ;fames 1roaidbent, fa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, ;P - On the 14th inst. atithe. Cathedral, by theRev. W. Wilson, M.A. vicar, Mr. Thomas Smith, of Lower Broughton, to Mrs. Martha Bibby, of Levenshulme. On the 13th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rer. W. Wilson,M.A. vicar, James Howard, Esq. of Portwood, to Mrs. C. E.. Howard of Heaton Norris. O r, rP On the 12th inst. at the Cathedral Mr. William Bancroft to Elizabeth, third daughtsr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .7 - ?? 0 ~MAItHlED, a On the 8th inst. at the CatRedral, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M.A vicar, Mr. Henry Higginbotham to Mise Serah Beacall, botA o Salford. Iecl boI 'Ol the 9th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. W. Johnson, 1A.A. Mr. John Bryden, of this town, to Miss Margaret Hether- 2 iogton, of Plymouth Grove. ' * .O the 9th inst. nt.the Cathedral, by the Rev, W. W. Johnson, r. Al A. Ir. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, e James:b of 'St. 31 ?? HenoDe.dighSidey;E84',:TCD:to Rli~hbothdii' da ght 1, 1tichoid;POfen E'sq. 'Tornerl~ ?? or f On the q.oti athe Cathedraly . Wilso M.A. 2 Mr, TB a d erstFlnhe.' t' - IW ~ ham Hill -. 5 1t~ary Ann ; .J n both of. Cheet. ?? the 20tb ins It ?? tdR'~. wlison A.I 1 MrY Charlesq ?? Whie ,both of thie t eWn0 'R On thh 19Rv ijet the Cathedrrleoo Eby the Rev. W. Wil;son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' On the 0th inst. at St. Mtrk's Church;Liverpool, by the Bev. W. 8 Pollook, Mr. Bowes, of London, to Elizabeth, tbird daughter of the lata SamuelDavies, of this town, and grrnd-daughter of the late n WililitaRigby, Esq. of luncorn, Cheshire. ' On the 4th inet. at Basildon, Berks, by the Rev. F. J. Wetherel, ; M.A. vicar of Huroey, Captain W. F; N. Wallace, H E.I.O.S. eldest son, of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . 2 zXARRIED, v Ott rthe Qe6th jilt. at St. John's Church, by tho Itev. W. Han- r tington, Mr. Henry Bolton, eldlest eon ot Henry Belton, Esq. s 'merebant, of I-lull, to 8iss Eliza farie Duretti, actress. I. : PaoijroxD Nrw CoBNe ExoeeAvOaB IN LtVEaepoor,.-otn IVfondday a meeting of gentlemen connected with the corn n trnde, ind interested in the erection of a uew end commodi. onti Cornt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless sI authenticated by the name and address of the sender.) I - b ti MARRIED, M On the 10th Inst. at the Pariah Church, Halifax, John Stores V Smith, Esq. late ofthle townto Mies CarolinelAkers, of Halifax.' t2 On the lOtharst. (by licence), at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. 0 Wilson,,M.A. vicar, William Storey, Esq. of Salford, to ...