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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... y H YER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- XXA GRANDI~ CLASSICAL MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Will take plhse Oin MONDA~Y MORNING, May 13, -Selected front thle following Authors%: Mozart, Weher, Spohr, Clieruhini, Spontinil, Gfluck, Chinarofsa, ]Beethovens Zinigtrelli, Pur-cell, and Mlendelssohnl C Aiid essilracisig mally h1ighyilitercstieg Novelties. if Oil this occasioli will app~ear:- ?? Sotg Mliss Catharine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LItR MAJESTY'S THEATRE.- Mdllc. CARLO1TA GRISI has the honour to announce that her BENEFIT and last appearance but one will take place on T''ursday next, August 8, when will be presented(for the last time) Bollini's celebrated opera, entitled LA SONv AMBULA. Amina Madamle Sontag; Count Rodolpho, Sig. Belletti; and Elvino, &r. SinisoReeves.: ?? In the course of the evening will be revived the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cc MY YOUNG DAYS are O'ERSHADO)WED, an h alad, A reor uiftlrieded Outcast, suang Selli's le%,, 'TIr E 11Blyorplisi of Geneva, at the Princess's Theatre. W~ith the purity of aI Ltind, and the sweetness of a 1. Saiitag, our gifteod vocalist, Louisa Pync, amnid tho most breathless silence~, warbled those licart-toleihiiig melodies; but when the 2. srtre fiad contluilcd, thle enraptured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. nlrR. ROBERTS begs to announce that the ?? SALE of the RESIDENCE and LAND, at loig's Langley, the property of the late MIrs. Squire, Nvill toke place at thc Auction Alart, on Monday, the 2°d of April instant, instead of Monday, the 16ts, as previously advertised.-llernl Hecmpstead, April 5, 1850. In Bankriptcy.-Oxford-strect.-TlIO Stock in Trade of a Fur- nishing Ironmonger. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rjEAM to INDIA and CHINA vii EGYPT.- S eerMONTHLY )dAll, STEAM CONVEYANCE for ,n'r ' it light goods to CEYLON. MADRAS, CALCU21TA, IS~At' INGAP1liE, Iand HONG K~ONG. -Tt etsua ISt~ma Nuvigti Comipany book paqtoengers and re. ?? ot1 arcls orthe. aboive ports biy their stearbers, etart- * ht~ I o thle 20th of every moath, and frovi Suez tiemlonth. ~ ti~t he tth fotr Bombay can proceed by this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY GPACIOUS3 PERMISSION OF HER% MAJESTY THE CCUE N. ~jHE DEPARTU Rdof tile ROYAL SQUADRON, Tfrout KINO(STONVN HARBOUR. Patinted by X[A'TI''EIVE JjENDRICK, Esq., R.HA. Iii August, 1840, (ielui V'ietoria visited, for the first ltime, her realm of Ireland, Nv her' she seas received with 5 ltiu~nsttie denleols~triithio0 of the atret'loitatc lovatlty and devs-tion toiter per-li and throne Of thle - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Preparhig for immediate publication, 3 vols., post Svo., V A I) N E; or, an Empire ill its Fall. E By CHARLES ROWCROFr, Author of Tales of the Colo- liCS, or the Adventures of all Emigrant, Fanny the little Mil- liner, or the Rich and the Poor, &e. t . and W. Boone, publishers, 2_, New Bond-strect, London. Just published, price 2s. ld., S UGGESTIONS for a REFORM of SPECIAL r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI1HE STAUNTON CHESSMEN and BOARDS. T. -W, LEUCHARS begs to informn the nebility, gentry, and public that he haas now completedl a very elegant board tor the above novel anti much-admired chessmlnen. It ia ornamented Is a .tyle corresponding in design ald material witl the unique box belonging to them, Nwhich hoac already obtained suech universal ad- luiration, tle tout eascuible forming the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORpORT LYTTLETON, Canterbury Settle- We~t i~lliaigtof and Now Plymouth, thre first-class In I IS ?? lIE CUS, 615 toes, chartered by the wnircr s Pwn'tio to sail oil the 21st October. Rates of ksticbu iat- f shin 124; foro cabin, £26 steerage, £1G.-For ~ag ~y to J. Stayner, 110, Fench reir-street, Fechurch-strcet or to Willilam Bowiler, ftlV sippng for ti-b Canterbury Association, IGy2, OND~ t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. In 2 vols., fop.. cloth, 14s., A GUIDE to GERMAN LITERATURE. By FRA AD OPII MOSCEIZISIER, of the University of Leipziht, ansi Professorof the German Language in London. Coni- taining, in addition to all entire llistory of the Literature, 236 Ex- tracts in thc original German, from the best authors, and abridged. Worthyofits royal ?? Chronicle, Argust 28, 1850. Thc author has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. THE3 EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXIII., TH wvill be Published on Saturday, January 12. CONUINTS: 1. Colonisation. 2. BrItish 5incs: Mining Records. 3. Oraige Processions. 4. Grote's History of Greece. 5. Currer Bell's S hirley : a Tale. 6, Turkey and Christendom. ; 7. Sanitary Reform. 8. Lamartiic's History of the Revolution of 1848. London: Longman and Co. Edinburgh: A. and C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER BMAJESTY'S THEATRE.- H E GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. The nobility, patrons of the Opera, and the public are respect- . fully informed that a Grand Extra Night wiil take place On THURSDAY next, April 11, I hen will be presented (with new FCenery, dresses, and decora- tionis), Mozart's celebrated opera, DON GIOVANNI. Thc Scenery by Mr. Charles Marshall. Don ?? ig. Colletti. Don Ottavio Sig. ...