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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

The Provinces

... li St$ proutucco. -. ?? THE LVEVSOwN-STaET MUUDEuS.-Tle cireurn- stao stances attending the Leveson-street murders have siiti been painiully brought to-mind. Thieship Duncan, Sabe of which Captain Henriohason was master, left Liver- abov pool on a voyage to Calcutta, under the command of SamE Parry, fertaerly chief mate. Onwthe outward voyage the the son of Mary Firr; (the servant of blrs. ...


... ., i 'Pal j . . - - I I-, 'I -. . - --I I. U of -. .GUILDU.&LL.,-OBTAIISNIN PROPIWTYBI FRAUD, of b- -Ohadles and O.; Machin. were placed -at -the bar Of for final exzamination, oharged -with..obtaining vn i ous sums1118ofranoney.And ?? -aulmbaer R-o-law ,booka-of solicitors and -other- partiqs by snea~ns of, U] a~r- false~pretenaces.-. A. reat many cbarges of th above dA A nahure zwere -bro ...

The Provinces

... .f ?? Tulla MuRinta OF M.AnY ANNE P ASSnSafPersos werg a long inquiry into the case of MaryAnePrssln the magstrateshave committed both thle 'pirsoners lay: Mr. and Mrs. Bird, to be tried rt the aissizes for asoc felonious* assault on the deceased. The cyidencepo the examination of the prisioners was in keep proonedtaet triall Iefore Mr. ItII J-sthdeire Tlofuthe Teproceedings were adopted at to ...

Assize Intelligence

... . . ottv. -luttlugence. I I MONMOUTH. VOILGCrY BY WsReasAh.-Henry New, aged 82, W and marked in the calendar as able to read and tl vrite imperfectly, a respeotable-looking sort of a man was indicted for, uttering, on the 31st of l March last, at Winchcombe, in Gloucestershire, to one Thomas Higgins Brydges, a forged note for 'la e10, purporting to be a note of the Bank of Eng- la ld. It vas' ...


... THE LATE 3URGLARY IN THE REGENT'S PARK. On Monday the four men in custody for the -bur- glary at Mr. Holford's, Regent's Park, were brought ip at the Marylebone court for further examination. A conversation took' plic6 between the magistrate and the police, from' which it ap-. peared that the officers had been- closely watching the women with whom the prisoners cohabited, and that they were of ...


... MURDER AND ROBBERY AT CL.APIlAMi On Sunday, about one o'clock, a female, who for years actedaas honselceeperto Mr. John Maddle, the tenant of a House in Clearmont-place, WA ndsg worth-road, was found by that-gentlemamon his re.- turn from church lying dead in one of the' kitchens, under circumstances which have a tendency to in. volve the cause of death in mystery. Herl head rested on some ...

Assize Intelligence

... , ? U I, ? 4 (ft., Itilture. b-ORCHESTER. . M~SaLAusEtTsRv- AT T'HE PoRO pR *MslgvO-irso..Mr.Johi Brake tess indicted for ba ff, at Fording~n,`sbn 'the 9Oth of' Febr par lr William Alleposq the head, thereby ain, mortal bruise, a mortal fracture of the sk l Oet mortal extravasatirm of 'blood o ti b esku .he died.-Mr. Cockburn, Q. C., and'g' l were the counsel for the defence *r. to peared ...


... I -, - D 'I f et . , ;, 4 , I ?? b~ : - ?? V 9,* MAS [HTSE.?--C'AUTIQX TO THazBZNXVO- isoji 1, MANSIO-The LodM~ayor, Astaed that he had received wer 1from Mr.--Dowhirst, of Bradford, in -Yorkshire, a-pr aj1etttvr~o which bia 'lordship would be~ obliged to te re I finewspapers to-convey an answer, for the satisfaction fort of ]his correspeondent,a5 owell as-fdr the information groi of the ...


... .Iiolfe. - SOUTRWARKl.-&- CLue To AN EXThNSIrt RoBinn ?? Brown, nicknamed' the Doc- in tor, and James Nicholson,. were charged with as- tb saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. th -The complainant, whose. head and face wore co ?? cut and bruised, stated that, on Saturday ce night, about nine o'clock, he went, accompanied by O a woman that lives with him, to Brown's house, 0O ...


... ? Vdict. ? ;, SOUTHWARK-,A- CLUs TO AN EXTIw51YE Roniar.- William Brown, nicknanmed the Doc- ?? and James Nichblsoa, ,were charged with as- t' saulting and robbing John Jones of fifty sovereigns. t -The complainant, whoso head and face were c frightfully out and bruised, stated that, on Saturday a night, about nine o'clock, be went, accompanied by s wa oman that lives with him, to Brown's ...

The Provinces

... 1 - .. ? '7'-gwr-ov- - . ?? ?? _Oblacto ?? I ye e be- ?? po~it6?5 of te Ca~jii~B'haiil ?? y'caused the grea test anixtt,'~ ual ~htI'btb R'n ?? th abscorsllink 'of Mr ?? I er ton, clerk ?? Jameapv, Solicitrwhi5th o ?? thebn. la rtyfodf labb, IStratton, who hps saldfrA ,lsklfut wil to no ~small' 9m1nt136% ?? of, 1; last ?? deisieb-MrJmS was 0 to die effect that. kilet!' nth ~ikweer quaired'to ...


... 'Is : .#O ,, i, i., ?? charge, as lit appearod upntspo4e ee,-& It azainst nam man rather, shisbily ssttir~cti and who gaiie his ?? Mf Alhister, forL basng ec Ioud Jineatr the promises; of.Ms ?? 3Y Primrose-hill Road, Regent's Park;, f9ra~onthiwful f a1 purpose.-Court, 3118 Ssi btedfouri and Ifvi bf on Sahdtb~incpIs isBelieW scoachmaxi ?e m omadsaid t~hat idefsjidjtint had b~etx neat f iiik ...