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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I BLCKTTAS, of the import 184DM)0. SIDNE8Y AND STABLES, A M L ~ ?? BR~IGGATE, LEEDS. Fine ripe Pekoe ?? 39. ot1. and 4s. lid, per lb. The ttine0t CongoU of this year's Import .. .48. 4d. per lb. ~~ stonchon8 ?? Sd. per lb.e i for ees~lmer. SIDNY ANDSTABLES, I rUOVHACHN,.- O Cure, n ?? ete Lat~ havng asovreign recipe. ?? an n~pliO forthecue o tis isreesintg malady, wl ehpyt on uq~us AP~Y. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Canted [ R OBERT BANKS, Wholesale and Retail |RDRUGGIST, &C., 22, Blaekfriargate, and 76, Walker. Street, has a vacancy for an APPRENTICE. M RS. MASON, MILLINER, DRESS AND E CLOAK MNAKER, 17 Mytongate, is in immediate ti WANT of an ASSISTANT and APPRENTICES. i 1E/F ESSRS. LUNN N SON, SURGEONS, are N ± l in AWANT of an APPRENTICE. C -C A GENT required at l-lull for the Medical C Ati~ Protection ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~EnottranceoI~~ UNDER I TuE ErSPErAL rATRONAG -F. HERl MOST GRACIOUS MAJ NSTY 'I'llE QUEEN. OCIETY FOR GEN ERAL S ASSURANCE ON LIVE.S TFHE ROYAL NAVAL, MILI I'ARY, EAsIr INDIA, AND GENERAL LIVE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. 13, WATE ELGO PLACE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Colonel Sir Frederic Smith%, RH., ?? RE.B.Chairnian., James Nugent Daniell, Esq., Depluty ChVairmian. Admiral the Right Hon. Sir G. M~a~or.Gen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS FOR TH{E HULL PjCiV. Alford-J. 3Moutltaill, book- Lotndo-Bariier aid \ Gellert. F: et :eelrr NnCwlon .ld bra'- :Mr.Tlhompson,pust- ?? Varwick W0ere; master. HIaltislod, 27, I Birminsglhant-Taylor, Clover, sireet; 1Milld), and Co., 31, Unrion streL'. I.,;UI Court, Flt Berrl'ey-1Michael Ellis, post- lljartr, ?? 1i master; J. Kemnp, IV. B. Li,,rOS -no1-all ?rd Oiltr Johnson, John Green, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAN1ED by a respectable well- .e1tad Young Main, Aged 24 Years, : J | t e:+l as CLERK, CASHIER, , e i~t~iLLI ll. ?? Advertiser is wvell ' C'31,,h [0k.keopign, bv double entry, and can ?? : as' characlter front his ]ast Situation. r kto HE Packet-Office, Hull. 'l 1 47~ iE3 (7 4EN, taking Gcods to iladiact ?orwegian Ports, the A I Schooner AIODESTA BEREN- tWA 1pP gISTOCrK. Will sail about the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NA T IONL BE AN E I T S O tC TI Y, Iiirrollod, puruaunt to statte 9tbattd 10th Victosiia.c-' Tl5HE ABOVE SOCwiTY, a5 amildeflt 0and jlegalised ! was formerly - known as the dtr [ATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE BENEFE SOCIBTY;4he managers of wehicirshave. long seen ?? ot I Ilprotection for the security of it members ID framtgthe nerue, care haesbeen ?? expen- evtttherschut3 s tha th pemannt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURES FOR THE IUNOURED! TT OL'L OWA Y'S O INTMENT.. J Ar. ¢£traordislal7 Cure of Scrofcdce; or tiing'e Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. 11. Alliday, 20;, HIg-stref Cheltenuam, dated January 22nd; 1850. Siu,-My eldest son, when about three years of age, was afflicted with a glandular swelling in the neck, which after a short.dme broke out into an ulcer. As eminent medical man pronounced it as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilg mr wne eame reason., L it or e esae eaon Dr A in _Il 3r ytattt D W ANTED immediately, a competent Person to VT assist as SALEShlAN andinlIOO0iREEPING, Apply e 42, York-street. _ ,_ r 10 a0 011.]16c Or ,ritaitt, ?? ,j ,(ei 1 WRIGHT, DRAPER, PONSTEFRACT, is in inlmme- an U * diate want of an ASSISTANT. Personal application preferred. n rr0 DRAPERS' ASSISTANTS.-W. J. and J. 1 is T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gs [AEVERTISE)I5NTS.] AEvwyGS ,rAT SEA.-A work has just appeared under 1s, this title, without the name of the author. but the power dits, es Played in it will not permit it long to remain unknown to, II- whom the public is indebted for one of the most charming and ?? books lately published. That the narratives had a- tfeir oundation in real life, the able author himself assure, of s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 23lubitNMUM.0 T.EEDS AND LIVERPOOL CANAL AND1 .L DOUGLAS NAVIGATION. N410 T IC Bis hereby given, that the next GENERAL ASSENI BLY of the COMi'AN Y of PROPRIEtTORtS of thev gain ilb eda h ?? nBradford, inksirthe prc, 85 EleVEnTolec iunithedfrno, gai wihe arntwere ithproprion- as tor the thmsdevsorthi proxiesgan ate rexpensted tof atotend.nI Forig onrder, ?? ALtOhe, VeiriAt Lh mpranofwhichr to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM BETWEEN GLASGOW AND NEW YORK. IHIE powerful new Screw STEAM CITY OF GLASGOW 1,0I7 tons register (1,610 tons over all); 3t0 horsepower, B. It. &lATIIRWS tformnerly of the ,lJVlrn) momadetr; Is intended ,to sail regularly I GLASGOW 'O NLW YORK, about the middle of evlryrbate Mut. vizn:-Ap~t. June, A spoil, October. .Vfccolb~ler, ltnd etmr lar7;ad FRlOMi NhWx Yfloit, in 31031, Jsly, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..CURE,,SYOJ THiE UNC1JtiEDLt; T OLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. .1.1 Ass Eitraordindary' C(ureiof Scrqf Za, or ling's lvil. Extract ofsa Letter fi*MMr. J U.H.Aldldasy,20.4,igh.street Cheltenham, dated Jahuary 22nd, 1851.6 Sirx-My eldest son; when about three years of ape, was affalcted with a glandular swelling In the neck,, which after a short time broke out into an ulcer. An eminent medical man ...