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Advertisements & Notices

... AS 8UPPLTI7D TO THE ROYAL TABLE. -N APTAIN PIDDING'S IiO0QUA'S MIXTURE, oF ORTY RARL~ BLACK 'rEAS, prodoeedorflsiatt1fydlif f loren lt atiatons. ?? diffehiog from the rest,sndl~VOrlSO Li flavor, a fragrance, or stretigth, Peeulilar to Itself- Blended tote ?? the relp'otilothyc pia ltt oeooben Tcao. ?? ?? oilvantagertunited in ont jiito divdal, and tho result of nu ?? e'xtirinlents and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREY. KINGS- NFN',fON HALL. M B. BBEAREY respectfully inftbrmn; the robility M pnd oublic that lhe Is instrulted by (tisOR VAN- '.luit*Uu, Esq., * ~~TO SiEL.L lY AUCTION',! About the middle of February. The ENTIRE of his VAIG ABLIE ard SPLEIND'D r FURNITJUlE, FARMING STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, G Brewwug Vessels, Dairy Utensils, Gardell inipLteMLets, la .4tC., 8&C. The Days of Sale iii a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AkSjjB0ITRN $AINGS 'BANK. T aa ANNUAL MEETING of the TRruRTEEaS and DIRECTORS of the ASllBOUR1 BA.NK FOR SAVINGS, held on flit 3rd day of January, 185i FRANCIS WIM JHT, Eaqy ib tle Chair RWqolved--T'hat upon examinationl of the Aenounts of the Banh, from the 20th onu'ovember, 1848, to the 20th of .8orember, 1849, they appear to stand us hicreafter stated, D38. The Tj1UISTEES of the SA\V1NGTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOGS AND) DABIP AIR. S nARCLAY'S ASTBMATI'C CANDY has, forinany gjpyears, bees proved nil eff'ect~iil preservtiitve front tha' Ill effects of thle Foiagaiiid al nip Air. which, In tilti Whiter SeacOll, ace an Ipar. e, vilileinthI li ltAnate. Itnoet r ?? h t Stomauh'l froio the amissioln of' D~amps, aod to relieve tlausp who stof In 'MI, Furriniidonliitree~t Lojidoji and aoid by thieir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS I';2t- iYL'iI'ILnil',YtIENCI t ?? t tt i , fil t o H ' I I ?? \tvt II ,m-d I , liti\ I totlie, ti'l N ) it 'r i'iitl. it' I L:0.1. ii.: U., 1 . 'it IFJj' 'i'iA itl-0>-LC IA, it ,tii~. ,I ni M Oi I * iiti'ii. SI ?? -i ' T1')st ' A) ?? iii I' i' ?? ' Ir 'it t t''itttiii' Ill i. , It i:i 6,1a itt . ?? Li' N NtI i ?? idY - ' t i i ?? L1 d it'it ji!itvt ii; ii ' itt hA tIlI.IIt- tFAt'I 'I'I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUNT' BALL. ]jNllE lHUNT B3ALL, advertised for the 29tl instant, 7 ; IS POSTPONED until further Ontice. , E' D)EE13VSHIIR YEOMA NRY BAI. Will Gi take pjliec W lie SECOSD)) WVEE. jU .i I IIIAIAY. qu SI'. MARY'S-GAT 1E. Bi A I ISS P IKE wvill be ?? to meet her PUPILS oin 1f~t 'ITUESDiAY, Jan. '2and. jP - * -- -- - - -- - - ?? - 1 9n ISS IVA Lh ER ivill he happy to meet her PPIL' t.S V/.I for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPTAIN PIDDING'S CELEBRATED HOWQVUA TEAS. 1'HE more extensive and more deserved the reputation JL an article obtains with the public, the more numerous it is found, are the piracles of It. If then there were rio belter evidence that ?? celebrity CAPTAIN PIDDING'S FOWQUA TEAS have acquire(, is founded upon their itsirivalled excellence, it might rest 1pon tile fact thotin each of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - BY MR. BREAREY. KINGS-NEWTON HALL. '>fR.iBhEAREY respectfully informs the nobility M 1.LVL;and~public that he is instructed by GEOnE VAN- ; TO SELL BY AUCTION, About the middle of February. The Z TIRE of his VALUABLE and SPLENDID FURNITURE, FARMING STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, Brewing Vessels, Dairy Utensils, Garden Implements, r &c., &c. The Days of Sale in a future paper. FREEHOLD WHARF AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. BREAREY. RIP-LEY, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BREAREY, On the premises of RALPH WEBSTERt, Saddler, on MON- DAY, February, 4th, 1850; TALUABLE Incalved COWS, one Incalved Stirk, r V One Barren ditto, One Cow (near at hand), One Fat Pig. One Cart, nearly new, neat Gig, HOUSEHOLD I XiURN ITURE, Dairy Utensils, large brass Cheese-pan, I Press, &c., new Straw-cutter. Brewing Utensils, &-c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he ~ FORI)S PECTORAL J3ALSAM 0OF HOREHOUND. et VHIS article so long and favourably known to the of JLpublIc, from Its extraordinary curative properties InI cases of d r.Cough, Influenza, Asthma, and all diseaseo of the Chest sad Lungs, 1 is prepared no usual by thie Paterrtea. 'The unprecedented demand O~for this excellent remedy Is its best re Commenidationi, and renders a irs, lengthened ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIDLAND INSTITUTION FOR THE BL T IE following DONATIONS in aid ot thisNT T TUTION were announced after the Pp¶II 9.*#1b held in the Town Hall, Derby, TUESDAY,J; . - W. Evans, Esq., M.P. - - - 7 .4 X J. Haywood, Esq., Mayor * . A! rs'a Mr. Henry Darby - -- ° ° W. Turner, Esq. - -.ID Mr. Walters ?? -- -- W. Williamson, Esq. - Rev.E.W.Foley - Mr. G. V. Darby - 2 2 0 Miss Foley - - - I 0 0 Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1i oxLEY'S ESSENCE OF GINGER, FOR GOUT, RUEU- r AIATISM, SPASMS, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, &C. SIC. I. HSbighly CONCENTRATED EsSENCE of 1 IAMAICA, GINGER, recommended by many of the most eminent Medical Men, and used by persons of the highest Rank and Rtespectabiblity, has for more than Five and Thirty Years past btoloetnin an established reputation. It relieves and shortens the duration of filt of ...