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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... E33 1 GR A TI 0 IN iEDUGCE CATILTN, EsQ., the well-known Traveller andt G Hlistorian of the North-Anerican Indians, still deliver a 12ECT'URP in QUEcux SrTef-ra HALL. (on WF.DVNESDA- EviZSI!. Jrxs 19. IS50. on the VALLEY OF THlE MIS- SliSI.''L and its Advantages forr ERMIIIATION- with at' Accotnt o-fthe tOED REGIONS OF CALIFORN4IA. II- istrated hiy Colossal3 Maps ant Iaintings mlade by his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO ROOMIS,R-EGEN;T BRIDGE, EDLNBURGH. FRIDA Y ENWLING, Oct. IS, 1850. riIE DISTINS' SECOND & LAST CONME RT will take J place as above, when the Programme iil comprise en- tire]:' Nsew Selection, from ?? of DONmIZETTI, '.Sanarl BEETROVEIN, MOZART, &c. T , Sar Horns-Mr DisTiNx and his SoNs. Leal PerferW;en-3Miss MoORIATT O'COxoNo. 3Mr H. DISTrz, Mr V. DISTIN, aud Mrr THiEODORE DisTir : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRELVA3INAIRY 751EETI9-G. J4LL opposed to B'UILDI.NG on the MOUND are respect- A fullv invited tf, MEET in the WATERLOO ROOMS, I THIS DAY (TH:URSDA),Y). at Two ?? P.3m.. to consult Y as to the best mean' of savinga the Mound iron destructiou. P GRAN'D NATIONAL ARCHERY MEETIG. r1HE COMMI.% EE of MAN-AGEMIINT beg to announce that a BALL will take plaee on the occasion of the Meet- ing, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Copy OF RETURNY PURSUANT TO THE 8 and 9 VIC. C. 38. NAME OF FIRM. THE NA A T IONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. aeeso ef Irthi-Onz dhe Company or Portnerslip consists. James Anton. Edinburgh, housel actor eenry Arnot. dlo. baker Robert Anderson, di. ;rinter Anderson & Bryce, do. printers Alex. AitchisO3, do. confectioner Represernlltaives of Mrs Jane Aitchison, do. do. j.LiVCs Aitchison. do. do. Joihn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBL 110GHI LYCEU'M, WATERLOO ROOMS. LAS Last NIGHIT nUT TwO OF TLE PRESENT COMIPANY. Thiis present Evening. THURSDAY. A;ouST 22, 1850, MlUSI(CAxL ENTERT.AINMENT will take place, for A the BE'NEF-IT o' Mlr C. DURANI), whenthe following- Artistes will appear :-MiSses BASSANO, r T. pEE7r, Mi' C. DURAND, M~r F. BRIDGMILN, and 9Mr C,. rBVCKLAND. I 0 N E Y. HE fiol1wing Sums are ready to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTRO-BIOL LOGY Y QEENr STREET1 HALL, THEIS EVENING. P At the ?? request of severl Parties of Distinction, rLIG 1NG, M.A., .MD.. has conselted (previous f{* ~ dpartre fr Lodon)to give a Short Sieries of LECTES ad WNDERIJL EXPERIMENITS in FLEC 1 ?? Mo0mAY, 2t3dIecember, (Tis Erenirrg.) and Every Evening during the Week. TIckets-Reserved Seats, 2s. sd., no nbich, an appicatiflll to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUINBoUROII, PERTH. AND DNDEE RAUlWAY. T I IRECTORS are prepared to receeive LOANLIS on DEBE'.NTURE hat- Periods of Two or Three Years. Jater-est xivil be paid H1alf-Yearly, either in London, Liv erpool. 'Application to hie made to 1KR ES sceay dinhtrh 4th April 18.50. SHARESFOR SALE- ;..0ioo RITISIT LINEN CO., New Stock at L.1S0 0 0 LA -500 ROYAL BANK. at 132 10 0 l.nD BANK OF, SCOTLAND . at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL, EDINBURGH. The Theatre-IRoyal will remain Open for SIX NIG I S LON3GER! during which period the Renters and SharehOlIers of the Adelphi Theatre will have Free Admittance; and that celebrated Vocalist, MISS REBECCA ISAACS, having renewed her Engagement for that time, will appear This Evening as Marie, in The Daughter of the Regiment, and Rebecca, in the 1nrlesque of Ivanhoe ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lacclllventenc,! ?? l bich, in all (lisarders particularl- ?? to ('llilllren, are tno lvell knon n to need anv eonmlent The In- aentor and Prplietor of tbis EJIBBOeKTION ean vith pleasllre alld satiseaction decI2ere, that its sahltarv efibets han-e been sv nllivelsillly eSperielleed, and io ?? aeknol ledted, that many ot th: lose (miS2ezle rsf the AFrse:lS;y nolV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TaEATRE-ROYA, EDINBURGHa FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 24, :aso. r 1 jT NIGET OF TEE COMPANY'S PERFORMiNG THIS SEASON. - MR MfURRAY'S BENEFIT. t'iR ?MUltRRAY, in announcing> his Lanst Benefit bint one in j . the Thdeatre-lRoyal, respectfully solicits the assistance of is Friend~s and the Public i general, and has the pleasure of statlflg thR MBhACK~iAY has most kindly consented to give his valuable aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE. COLLECTIOs OF LAND AND ASSESSED TAXES, AND PROPERTY TAX1 FOR TElE YEAR 1849-50, I. TZE CiTY AND COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. -OTICE Ti3 hereby given, that the COLLECTION of the IN TAXES for l849-50 will commence at the Office of the CilectOr, 57, YuEaT BnlDGE, on MONDAY NEMiT, the 28th t: and it is particularly requested that all persons will, ithout delavy, make Paymaent of the Duties with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERRLOO -ROOMS. TIHE LAST NIGHIT PUTT THREEn!! or PROFES SOP AND)ERSON-'S WONDERS. P ERerne~rbtr ! Tile Last N'ghts are This Evening, M1onday 14th. Tuesdav 15th (no Performance on Wednes- day), hursdavy 17, andt the Lost NieN ton FRIDAY 18th. for the BENEFIT 'F MASTER J. ANDERSON, THE JUVENILE WIZARD! THE LAST GRANTD DAY PERFORMAINCE On FRIDAY 15tb, at Two o'clock ! E:- rETIOLD TIIE PIaces! ...