Advertisements & Notices

... rI1HE STAUNTON CHESSMEN and BOARDS. T. -W, LEUCHARS begs to informn the nebility, gentry, and public that he haas now completedl a very elegant board tor the above novel anti much-admired chessmlnen. It ia ornamented Is a .tyle corresponding in design ald material witl the unique box belonging to them, Nwhich hoac already obtained suech universal ad- luiration, tle tout eascuible forming the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISIIXiAIX, ancie,, IJfp,~te, Itembro ?? Conseil-t.,dnotral this Mano.. frerrire6 dir France, OPlEN DAILY from l1 t) 5, and Ironm 7 till 111. -it Ge rg~steet Ilraoer~qn re.Admrission, Is. O)LONIAL IfOOOMS, No. .454, Chifijnq.oro~s , ,London, cetabl slhed as a place enf rendrzvouis ror portics in- ter. stet in the British colonies, and to stipply the fullest iaioranatlon b3 revvpapeis fcorn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH COLLEGE of HEALTH, New-road, B.London. GEENERAL RtEPORT FOR 1850. FeLLr.ow-COUNToRMEN,-It is again our pleasing task to inform you, that the hygeian system of medicine, introduced in 1825 by James Morson, the hygeist, Is rapidly triumphing over every obstacle. During the lost year, on the approach of the cholera, the members of the BritishCollege of Health felt It their dwy topublish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH1E1 MORNING CHRONICLE LALOU R AND THE POOR. The deniande constantly enade to obtain the carly N umibeC rs of T liE MORNING CHRON CLE ?? the Lettcrs 011 LA BOURV AND THE POOlR in the 2Mwrleo OI.T.A N, A RICUL- TURAL, and M A4NFACIV.LING D aisTltrs, have iuduced the eOiL ductors of that Journal to direct the lltJ'C LICATION of tiosc Let- ters il SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,jmto INDIA and CHINA vik EGYPT.- ~i~~ilar 1IONTO1ILY MAIL, STEAM CONVEFYANCE for c- ~osaild light goods to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA &~% 1NG , _PORE, and HONG HtNG. -'mhc Pemeta;ua I'0,'oknfi Senim NaVigaltion Company book passengers and re- 5nd d~acd paclsfo the Above ports lop their steainers, start- O~~S~l~h~~i~~iaOflIls 20th of every moa1th, and from Suez ~fro~~ti010thoflte month. so o s~ ...


... ORS THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. The partnership established on the 4th of Octo- ber, 1842, between Mr. Thomas Rogerson, Mr. John Smith, and Mr. Charles Edward Macqueen, was extended on the 6th of that month by the admission ,of Mrs. Egerton Smith to a dormant interest in the concern, and was subsequently carried on under the title of Smith, Rogerson, and Co.; and the partnership having expired on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~AGAEN ?? |03 TBE LIrERPPOOL mE.CURr. IAinl ,,E. nwklr : Fndon, Biyrker & Wlhiff,3. A- Altsvixini, V'elton FIeett r l-sireeo f NcN'thi Co. t Nct:qrgJt-,.l. ic rizuon ' ltV^rell, Cititicety-li,,- a s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ira re.)xet. is In ennsequence (f the Stamp-eoffie authorities not i being able to completc the peogssary formptities ;n Ilimo for this day's rpwublication, the, imprs;d at our pab remains, fof necess ...


... HINA, via EGYPT. Is, gutsy monthly mail steam converamce for passengers and Igt goods to CEYLON, MiADRAS. CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGA. ~and UONG-KONG.-The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Favigsicin Cosupany book pissentiers anid reeeivs goods and parcels Jo te bove ports by their steamers, starting from Southampton = h tof every month, and fromn Suez on or about the 111tb of the mon. BOE1 !;lt._ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt RF T R 0 8 P E C T I 0 N- W; L410 ORA. GLANCE AT THE PAST YEAR. IThe strenuious traveller, who has been, lat elnctheofirst blush of morn was men, id, Thinking and tolling all the day to By many a r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AS 8UPPLTI7D TO THE ROYAL TABLE. -N APTAIN PIDDING'S IiO0QUA'S MIXTURE, oF ORTY RARL~ BLACK 'rEAS, prodoeedorflsiatt1fydlif f loren lt atiatons. ?? diffehiog from the rest,sndl~VOrlSO Li flavor, a fragrance, or stretigth, Peeulilar to Itself- Blended tote ?? the relp'otilothyc pia ltt oeooben Tcao. ?? ?? oilvantagertunited in ont jiito divdal, and tho result of nu ?? e'xtirinlents and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTCE t SHIPERSfor CALCUTTA Dirct-Tb tne~frgne-uil s~pSOUBARDHAI, 703 tonsj rsgitw, 1,5. C U~ltE~~t., Comaner, one of the fastest £biuinth tad, s owlodig n ?? India Ikek, and will 19 hav imeiae eoath.lie tre-rteacomceatton for passen- t ars an carries a ,urgeon.-lror frefiht orpsaeapply to U1. H. r1 r7ND`S fY, East tIttia-cbantabors, I0aehl~tel - -0 -OR CALCUTTA. to have inmm-diate de~lpatech ...