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... ORS THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. The partnership established on the 4th of Octo- ber, 1842, between Mr. Thomas Rogerson, Mr. John Smith, and Mr. Charles Edward Macqueen, was extended on the 6th of that month by the admission ,of Mrs. Egerton Smith to a dormant interest in the concern, and was subsequently carried on under the title of Smith, Rogerson, and Co.; and the partnership having expired on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~AGAEN ?? |03 TBE LIrERPPOOL mE.CURr. IAinl ,,E. nwklr : Fndon, Biyrker & Wlhiff,3. A- Altsvixini, V'elton FIeett r l-sireeo f NcN'thi Co. t Nct:qrgJt-,.l. ic rizuon ' ltV^rell, Cititicety-li,,- a s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ira re.)xet. is In ennsequence (f the Stamp-eoffie authorities not i being able to completc the peogssary formptities ;n Ilimo for this day's rpwublication, the, imprs;d at our pab remains, fof necess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rt RF T R 0 8 P E C T I 0 N- W; L410 ORA. GLANCE AT THE PAST YEAR. IThe strenuious traveller, who has been, lat elnctheofirst blush of morn was men, id, Thinking and tolling all the day to By many a r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OWNERS AND AGENTS OF PROPERTY h TO BE LET OPh ON SALE. E In order to give advantages to Aveletisers w1co have Property 4i to Let or o'r Sak, Id~ PAaotr7 zrtiesewhoare adverlising. p. 'for Sitaustio,; the Pr4 ?? ofi l M hosterExa-| 'miner and Times hdv-e- o'p d a . CLASStFIt13: R(EGISTER of tradverli'semenis of the taboyc k7escriptions which may appeariV their paper.' ' ?? __.p dop licahe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND BEAUTIFUL ENGRAV. I SIN GILT, RO;E WOOD, AND MAP'LE FRAMES. BY Al R. PORTA S, This Day, (Friday,) at Eleoven O'clock, at hsis Rooms, 75, Lord. street, vu HE PAINTINGS include a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I txegal Bate M7.0TICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN,-that the 1 Partnership carried on at Liverpool, in the county nI Innlcet er, by uq the undereigned, under the firm of l Emithi B 0,rT:eron. ad Cotmpany, as P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? j^tttctf. e SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE C d ASSURANC S EOCIETY. d (INCORPORATZD BY ACT oF PARLIAMENT.) C Edinburgh-ag, St.Aodrew-square. London-61,dMocrgate-st. n Uis Grace the Duke of Bucoleuch and Qu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &uttebttntO% REDUCTION OF FREIGHT, NoTl ON0 FINS GOODS TO 20s. PER TON MIEASUREKMENT, par me THE NEW LINE OF PACKETS CnE FOR NEW YORK. PREE adr Teoailonthefthofeversuzsxeneh. the ROTTiING IJER, I. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIKH LATE PROPRIETORS THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY he partnership established on the 4th of Octo- ber, 1842, between Mr. Thomas Rogerson, Mr. John Smith, and Mr. Charles Edward Macqueen, was extended on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b, i;T R O S P E9 C T I O N; at M u OB, A GLANlCEI AT THE PAST YEAR. ar The strenuous traveller, who has been, Since the first blush of mora was en, as STinking and toiling ilt the day be By many a r ...