Advertisements & Notices

... 'o INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. TLET with Imniediate Possession that t Established and Well Frequentqd Inn, the In the Parish of St. Thomas, Exeter, consisting .ot and convenient House, large brew-house &' Cel- , pacious Vard, stabling, &c. The Stock, which con- ;-s of a Choice quantity of Beer, &O., to be taken at a aucation. BENT MODERATE. The late Proprietor and Occupier carried on an .,ten.mie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVANGELICAL CHRISTENDOM.-This publi. Ecationt contains tbe fullet aud mogt rcornt re ligona £nte'li gen, from the Continent anid al Uof tat elvi1lled wrorld. ina teoe ofall denominsatlos have tardaed to lts vahxe san earnest pro. motor or cbdatlan union. It is wholly nnct dbeing conducted tof the Evangelical The publcatdon being tanUm, orand oa ned througb afu olyllumlar, orof thepub. I Vollte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIATRE ]ROAL-; )DUBLIN.; T InsEX EV-ENING (Thursday), January 8d, 1850, viI be performed Sir E. L. Bulwer'sicelebrated ?? ploY of -RICHELIEU ; Olt, TMIE CONrsrtiAcY.. Cardtral Richelieu, Mt., Calctaft; The Cosot depjddas, Ar. Lugham; Chevalier de hIrujprat,' Mr. H. Blin j Sieur do ,ringben, Mr. Uastings; Father Josepbl IAl3arrett; Jurlb de Mlortemar, Miss C. Coolq; ?? doeL rme, Mrs. llgham.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'EIIE MORNIN G CHRONICLE' s ?? LABOUR AN!) THE POOR. Thlo tie'n.dis cuitstaitly inido to obtain the eary Numiters or TilE .:I;1NING CHfRONICLE ?? teil Lettors oh LAiBOUit AND ' Til-i POOR, iii the MuE1TgOl'OLiTAN, AGRiCtL- TUIAL, aot l .,i ratio tiso DiS'Icites, have ilnlced tthe Coul- ductocs of ?? ?? 0ilet to tirec' dlc ]IcrittlO.ATlON of lh=c- L -o- I tcn.inl ?? P I E hl E N 'Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i.tIqALIAN LINE OF PACKET SHIP, A *tlillcluafly thle 20th Janluary.-For SYDNEY direct, * wsah ?? stilling first-class ?? barque RI FLE- .,.cr402 tollS, Jolts J08o~el II~MCConutnairder; ?? Docks. T1hk~ ship has great height betweent if, t acccllnlitnchtioni for Puseltngers.-h'or terims of' ad :i-icZ~ oplyto Ilcitry and Calvert Touliin, ill, Great n ~ Devist and Moote, 0, lBilliter-street.' ~%R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MlA DAME SONTA S. F A R E W _3 ELL CONCERT, MUSIC HALL, THIS MORNING, THURSDAY, the 3d January. XTUMEROLUS reqnests having been made for a MOTrninl I Concer. MIr nooD has the plessure to announcethat. through thle kindness of MADAMIE SONTAG con seting to deliv herdeparture, he has been enabled to rwake thle neces- sary ?? -with all the Artistes to give A FAIRIEWELL 3fORNINQ- CONCERT, Is MITE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR HONGx KONG and WHAMPOA (will have TOtING, Sun-eourt, CornhiUl. - OR SHANGIHAE, with libetty to toueh at Sin- 2gaorto sail Punatually on the 25th January, the well-known =ilpublLr barqus FANORITE, A 1, 400 tarns, A. S. LEISK, ooin. , ladng n ?? Docks. This hphs superior o commodatien for Pa~saengers.-For freight or passag apply to W. S. SlNDSAY and Co., 11, Abunch-lane; or to W.0 YO NO, Sun- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S IMS REEVES, FORVES, ERNST, and THAL-, Bt:B';.l-WEDNESDtAY next, Janunlyy 9, will be helO the T1NELFIlo .the LONDON lEDNES.)AY CONC[-lTS (which will le the ta t but thbcc of the s. riesor fiRteen), when the above on- ?? artiscs will a, pear togetber, with hiiescs Lucombc, Poole, Eylc:, Doiby, and ?? Alexander Newton; Mesara, Lind and tltlar. Trunipet bbglgte, Mo. T. Harper; and solo, Flute, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIVE DOORS FROM STEPHEW'S-GREEN. MR. IHYMAN DAVIS, SURGEON- DENTIST, 48, GRAFTON-STREET, (Successor to Mons. Desirabode,) Has an infallible method of adapting ARTIFICIAL TEETH To any case, however difficult. They adhere to the gum, rendering unnecessary every descrip- tion of fastening, are made of any shade, so as to correspond exactly to those left in the mouth, and may be had from One to a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,o~uranct oz~ SuOTT'ISH E~QUITABLE'LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. (INCORPORATED BY ACT 01F PARLIAMENT,) EDINBURGHn, 26, ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. LONDON, 61, MOORGATE-STREET. His Grace the DuxE or' BUCCaaUooI AND QUEENS- BERRY, President. TOTAL SUM ASSURED -367 ?? 3,,.F i ANNUAL REVENUE - 1in0 ?? ,1 ACCUMULATED FUND.. 4916,535 View of the progress of the Scieoty. I Amount Annual Arcunmu. Assured. Revenue. l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND BEAUTIFUL ENGRAV. I SIN GILT, RO;E WOOD, AND MAP'LE FRAMES. BY Al R. PORTA S, This Day, (Friday,) at Eleoven O'clock, at hsis Rooms, 75, Lord. street, vu HE PAINTINGS include a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEIFST ANACREONTIC SOCIETY. lIE COMMITTEE bave much satisfactiori in announe- I ilg to tile Meinmbers, Associates, and Shareholders, that ?? first CONCERT, for this Season, vill take place *)n WEDNESDAY Eveninig, the 9th of January, for which oc- casion they have been so fortunate as to susceced in engaging the following highly distinguishled arlistes Aladame DULCKEN, Pianist to her Majesty ...