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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... sons to snre distant ones, in orderto att avoid the ifluence of the provincialaccent, and that they may acire thelhabrt of speaking usual to well-educated persons. This lauzdablestn caree sth reference to the English language, is entirely lost sight of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... true, sense of ?? whole body of Liberal Electors: but orl tlis ques! ion we cannot with our present amount of information speak with cer- tainty. Nor eai we venture to pronounce what course the ?? Liberals will think it their daty to take. A inrijolrity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... force him into a corner, and he a would fight with the energy of despair. Turninlg upon his persecutor, he said calmly, You speak of d the New T'estament, Mr. S- ; St. John's Gospel r4 is not in that work. This was a poser: there was no argument left to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... your zealous and unanimous support. Thus will you maintain and perpetuate your union, and the consistency with which Leeds speaks to the House of Commons and the People of England. And thus acting, and putting forth your strenuous f efforts, you will place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abuses of the pese bad political system. Such perestns will not need upon any personal defence or laudation. Their works wil speak for them and by abstaining f themselves from personal controversy, as well as die- ?? it in others, they will more truly aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... health. i Icould have sent you many mote cases, but the above, fr&= the severity of tie attack, and the speedy cure, I think, speaks much in favour of your estonishi,,g Pills. . ?? It. v7. Maturcs AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER, IN VAN DIEMEN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... towns can sell 'No silngle article they sell ofB Such famous dress as theirs- Speak Well. But at a mod'rate prces- Speak Well, roil Speak well of Moses', whose attire Speak well of Moses' new spring stork, sty Ini stylea is all that you'd desire. Which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... acceptable to our friends. Tue nutuerolis visits we have paid to the plantations up to Of thle present timle, uenablo Us lo speak with confidence of the sc extent and quality oi the crop, whiclt shaoniud tie weather t cositissui favourable for picking, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Price is. 1I6d. g- 2s. 9d., and lls. per box. Sold by all dlrggista. 14398 id ErTLEPSY, AND ITS CuRFR.-The followving letter speaks V for itel :r,-Penit mc to return you my beat ?? , to which ly ?? alejuitly en'titled, as throughi the medium of your ?? was ...


... whereby persons are enabled to eat and speak with as much ease and comfort as with their own natural teetht also, doing away with the long unsightly fangs hitherto generally left exposed, wvhich, while laughing or speaking, invariably betray the wearers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liverpool to speak to Mr. Keltey's character and business habits, if it had been allowed ; tradeS- cuen that were satisfied that if we hats bought them we should have taken them, and therefore they c.4me voluntarily to the court to speak on our bealsaf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... months, he, much to his gratiftcation, had his hair quite restored, and now possesses a beautiful head of hair. This fact speaks too strongly for itself to require ?? Week ly Messenger. Ro WLANDI'S MACASiSAR 0 ?? success of this discovery in restoring ...