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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... attentively the interests of his constituents. In his public capacity lie knew no party, e and made no distinction between Whig and Tory; and to this t cause, as well as to the high sense of honour which regtlated n | all the actions of his life, he owed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... notwith- ,a standing that politics and partyfeeling ran high at that particular a etra.- Mr. Mills was always a consistent Whig, and attached to h the party that maintained the principles of that s chool, which ha Charles James Fox, 'Earl Grey, and other ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Scottish bar in 1799, and through life was a consistent supporter of the principles of Fox-in short, a zealous constitutioloasal Whig. When the project w.a mooted, about the year 1825, of effecting two leading public improvernents in Edinbturgl, viz. thle approach ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... daughter of the C late Captain Ogstone. q At St. John's, Newcastle, on the 4th inst., Mr JAMES BRUCE, v Editor of the Northern Whig, Belfast, to ELIZs MARGARET, 0 youngest daughter of Mr Matthew Plaes, Newcastle. Ii Deaths. I' At 211, King Street, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... solemn, a lesson so striking, should~not be lost on us. , ,,, , The lastor nearly the last, survivor of tliat briiiant group of Whig barristers, who6so signally adorned thelegal profe6sion, and the .political history of Scotland-the 6larer qf the friend- ship ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... John Dalrymple-to call him by the title by which lie Di , was longest known in the political world-early embraced the M tr Whig cause, and more than once contested the roprecsentation so r- of Alid-Lothian without success before the Reform Bill. The Jr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... attempt to ponrtray the character and genius of Lord Cockburn. ,The last, or nearly the last, survivor of that brilliant group of Whig barristers, who so signally adorned the legal profession, and tice political history of Scotland,- tile shalrer of the fiarendship ...