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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tiispicese Of I )fLrd DcrbyI He ceor ticeicely he s'etdto have ]lid aity political, ~ 'ife If 'gneally gave lies votes to the 'Whig party, but in thle Hoise of Lodof which body lie lied beet, a membuer 45 'ye tars, lie attalined to no eniteueuci. On sonic ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Florence has not long enjoyed the post, a , his appointment to which was loojeed 0upon as the roecompense , of bestowed9l by tho Whig (4overnm11ent for the steady party service I is to which Mr. Sheil devoted the last few years of his Parlia- t ,d mentary life ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... throne at tke I olad Crawn and Anchor Tavern, in Palace Yard, and in Covent ir 05rdeii meetings. U Mt Home worked not for Whigs amd Tories. He laboured p for his country-for the world at large. He never put his ci faith in Sovereigns or in Governments ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sumirution of' Clue art atid eloqucince of ?? vietoriusits ndvocate. p The year 1830 saw all cad of tie lollg exile of the Whig arty froits power. 'lThe oflices of Lord-Adis ocutte umid of Sell- Ci tor-G leerslu fir Scothlmdl IIow fell by cosmusmeim asscnlt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... year Ire was agrrin ciroser ireirser for Mid-Lrtiriars, at tire gene- ral eleetien corracquerrt ers tire aecessiors of tire Whigs to office -unider Lord Grersville. When that bliriotry fell, ii Miarcir, 1807, ?? nsew Prersaicrg the Duice of Portlaird, bestowed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... honestly; and M- although he entered Parliament a Tory of the old andw Ita now obsolete school, he lived to see the day when Whig. cc ia- Governments consulted him. Of late years lie stood he apart from politics, in venerable dignity-an, oracle of ti ed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... question he -was I placed in contact wmith the perhaps superior, anfid'crtainly I more leisure-fed, minds of eminent men of the Whig party. Struck with the views, he did not shrink from adopting t and carrying them against the earnest protests of his ( family ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... this Govermimnett in 1828, Viscoimmt ?? served uinder himn en Alahster-General ?? Ordntance, which office lie held till Chic Whigs caent into pester imi Novemn- ber, 1830. flume emnded time pumblic sreesi of Viscount Beresford ;amid], considerinig that lie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... second time assum powner ~withoult the Certainty of being able to retain it. hs twan ?? tobert Peal's comrse when ?? 89 on the Whigs being left in - a minority, lie wascle pnt frmn anladministration We allude to theecniin holh 'stipulated for with respect ...