... It is quite unexampled at the present day that men of such sagacity and such firmness should be employed by either party, Whig or Tory. We need care little for speeches. icholas. Perhaps so. But sometimes a red-hot word, falling upon soft tinder and ...


... ' triumph to the Whigs was a nt .ly great defeat aid a mortification. The low or Ra- Co sg dical party, in the county forced him lilupoi the £ a * Whigs, to the exclusion of their ow5' candidaite; sa .et anid the aristocratic Whigs of' Yorkshirie have ...


... partisan of the whigs or conser- a vatives, I have seen that the whole of the difficulties in the at Rouse of Commons, that is, the difficulties in addition to the difficulty which we know to exist in the inherent weak- ness of the whig party, from causes ...


... York, has invented a csnnott whilc will load and discharge itself fifty times in a inminute. It is stated in the Caltaragus Whig that the officers oF thle war department bave passed a resolution 11, favour of adopting this ingeoious destructive power fur ...


... committee. It bad been a matter of ceneral remark that Cire cester was a Conserva- Itive borough, that it was absurd for a Whig to try to force a seat, and that the electors of Cirencester would not dare to asserttheir independence, or to return a memberof ...


... to endless light. And all things as through life we plod, Which bring us nearer truth and God. -Johe Rushton. VARIETIES. A WHIG AFTER DR. JOHNSON S OWN HEART.-The good logier.wmaydgas A gentleman having asked, HOW many dog-days there were in a year ...

Fashion and Varieties

... dimocratic ticket; this 'are is the Whig. But if you strive to vote twice, I shall have you arrested. on vill, will you? shouted the son of tile sovereiggn people; then I says if I'mll denied the right of %votin- for ?? Whigs, after ggoim' the whole ticket ...

Pickings from Punch

... majority got: His Reform Bill brought on, His majority's gone- Whiggery, trickery, hot. 2. Rupert and Ben took up the pen, 01 Whig Reforms to aughter: Rupert fell down, From serving the Crown, And Ben came tumbling arter. Henley and Walpole ware two pretty ...


... Septe mber next, falls considerably short of the- amount re- quired, the sum of 600. being only as yet contributed.. Norther, Whig. THE GALwAX TELEGRAPH.-Daring the week several -experiments have been tried, and telegraphic messages ex- changed between Dublin ...


... eiers' by J. D. Forbes, DC.L.; under the singular beading of Old Stores, several works are ?? Holland's Me- moirs of the Whig Party, Tom Moore's Diary, Life and Times of Madame de Stael, Life of Charles Mordaunt Earl of Peterbo- rough, Knight's Once ...

Wit and Humour

... to see business begun With more action, and less aspiring. The historion will write on our funeral stone, When resolved into Whig dust and Tory- They passed not a bill, but they raised not a loan; Be this their sole title to glory l-Punch. Question for ...

Review of the Week

... Riding, as a test of the largest county constituency in the kingdom. On Thursday the Ex Premier collected a large number of Whigs, Whig Radicals, and Free Traders at, andorganised an opposition to his successors. What the terms of the compact ...