... OXPORDSHIRE EPIPHANY SESSIONS. 'he E xinlil.m-l ?? 4>lqra 1;-- F- 9 ?? -. T'I'he Epiphany Sossiolis For this County cemmenced 01n Mlond~ay last, when the ?? 3agisGatus attendod:-- .J. WV. Ieley, Esq. ?? (lhainnall, the ):arquis of Blandford the Ian of Ahin--doen, Lord Norreys, M l., 1) U. Hareourt, Ksq. J.P., J. H. Laliigstoii Faq. Eq ., the Hoe, and Rev. F. Ilertie, J. If. Ashhbrrst, Esq., JJ ...


... THE TOTHILL-FIELDS CHARTISTJ I; : . PRISONERS. TnURSDAY, J.NsUAR1Y 3rd. We under. stand that Mr. VERuNON was this day libe. rated. from prison, after entering into sureties to keep the peace, &c. &c. We are sorry to- add that Messrs. ERNEST JONES and FUsSELL' still remain in confinement. FATAL ACCIDENT ON TOE EAST LANCASHIRE RAsM ?? Tuesday evening, one of the most dread- ful accidents which ...


... TEE COUNTY POLICE. To the Editor of tie Preston Chronicle. SBa,-Allow me a few lines in your paper to expose the doings of the county police, in reference to licensed vic- tuallers. There air in our neighhouihood only very few public houses; and I dare challenge any part of' the county to produce houses that aie nmore orderly kept. On Christmas Eve a gent. from Blackburn gave a storr, as it ...


... COUR ?? . COURT MlARTIAL, A Cout MarIa was held onl Tuesday, on boar ILM.S. Impeijsgiabdo, at Plymouth, for 'thle trial of Acting Lieutenant William Joist Lowry, of H.M. Sloop ]Jo/tomatet5, onl the four following charges : I' Fos shot the said Williami John Lowry, whien Ac- ?? Licutesnasit of Her Majesty's sloop .rth owgrie, and in -cotual service and full pay its Ter Majesty's fleet, did onl ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-FiiDnAY. ?? tailors, named Patrick Patnian, Patrick Lemon, and James Grimmon, inhabitants of one of the tenements in Gun-square near Seven-step-alley, ;Bishopsgate, a locality frequently denounced by the City of London Officer of Healtlh during the late cholera plague, were brought before Alderman Humphery upon the charge of having assaulted Ana Costello. The case, besides ...

Law Intelligence

... LaW Intefigence, NOTICE:s.-THIs DAY. BANKRUPTCY COURT, BASINGEIALLSTREET. Bnorm MelL. Qjwx8s81NsR GOMBunu -0. M. M'Le-d, Stockwe; brewer, chonice aaeigs, II; H. Search, Rotherbithe, carpenter, las esiata., II J; (. X. Roinbns, IlFord, victualler, last exam., 12; 11 Rowles, Attnonr innketeper, Isat exam., I 2j; . ohn Fenton, ATmy row, baker, Oise assiga., 1; Wnt and West, Strand, tailore,la ...


... in our usual Epiphany Quarter session of the peace wag corn- Og menced yesterday, at the Guildhlalc, before the Recorder, R. B. toCrowder, Esq., Q.C. o The calendar contains the names of fiftytwo prisoners, but in there are only 41 cases for trial. I ation The grand jury having been eworn, and the proclam ce against vice and immorality read, s '[ihe Recorder proceeded to charge the grand jury, ...


... TIE TOTHILL-FIELDS CHAPTIST I ..I . PRIS ONERS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd. We under- stand that Mr.- VERNON was this day libe- rated fr om prison, after entering into sureties .to keep~ the peace, &c. &c. Wye are sorry to add- thant- Mossrs;.-., ENEST JONES and . FUSSELt; still remain in confinement. . GALANT RE .CUE.-A correspondent of the NauiCt- cal Standard comintunicates the following ...


... THR POLICERGO URTS. NkNSiON-HoTJsE. MECHANICS' LODGING Houss.-Three taslorv, named Patrick Reenhsan, Patrick Lemon, and James Crimmon, inhabitants of one of the tenements in Gun-square, near S&ven-step-alley, Bishopsgate, a locality frequently de- nounced by the City of London officer of health during the late cholera plague, were breught before Alderman Hum- phery, upon the charge of having ...


... (Before Comamissioecr Mir. Sergeant Stephen.) S.tTrRDAYy -Hie Mazria Franoee. Tronirus, Bristol, Lodging-House ?? was a sitting for the last examination of the fbankrupt. Mr. Stone, instructed by Alessrs. Castle and Hen. sderso n,appearedfortheassignees; andMr.Prideaux. instrueted r by Mr. Teddy, supported the bankrupt. . There had been no balance-sheet filed, and Mrs. Thomas, I being examined ...


... COURT O bANlKRUPTCY-FRIDAY. [Before Mr. Commissioner Goulburn.] IN RE FERRIS. After the evidence in this case had been gone through, adi '4r. Stevenson heard on behalf of the bankrupt, His Honour said he would give the case his fullest consi. deration, and pronounce his judgment on Monday next, at eleven o'clock. [Before Mr. Commissioner Fane.] IN RE JOHNy COLSON. The bankrupt was a licensed ...


... On Monday last onlr.City Sessions were hold at the Town Voil, before the Rlecorder, Mr. gergeant Mlanning, Q. C. Tile Mayor (C. J. Sulet ls. ), Air; Alderman W. Thorp, Mr. A'idermon Go'dfry, 1,G. Aldenrralt J. Thorp. and J. Cl. Dudley, REqc. (Shetitf) attended the Riecorder. The usual Proclamsation agaist ic and immorality Iay inig been read by the 'Town Clerk, the Ititordelr addressed tise ...