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Advertisements & Notices

... OisJ5 0ST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY won P I or 1880. mad BEING THE MITY-FIRST ANNUAL EDMTON, It If Comprising. among other information: Official Directory-Street oft Directcry-Commerclat Directotry-Tradee' Directory-Law Direc- ?? Directory-Parliamentary Directory-Postal Directory City Directory-ConVeyanoe DIrecorfy-Banking Dietory ?? Pi The 1following are reviews of the edition of Wh current ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA.-For ADELAIDE, PORT Pill LLIP, and SYDNEY.v-Tbe 8ns British Mrg-te-built ship ANTESS of YARBOROUGH, A 1, 700) tfta, JOHN BENNXIrT, Jon, Cmmade, wll eav S. Kthein Duckes in a few days, gx heaboe ork ad wllcal a Platutla The acosueo. datin fr cbinandinteme~lst ?? Of the very best yentistog apartusand ~brrypatent fog-signas, ~in ?? fr~er ar~cuar eplyto JOHN WHuI'T Mak-an;ereot. . IIFIO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMAM te INDIA and CHINA vi EGYPT.- g.ccrMONTHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for aldlight ?? CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUYTA, SIGI0E, and HONG KONG. - 'The Pennittula ~ ~eect SteamN 4vlrtion Company book pitssengers. and re- as~l1caceh or he aoveports biy their steattsers, etart. ~ c~ticnipta o the20t ofevery imouth, and frotm Stiez ~~~tetV~tmnce t r Bomnbay can proceed by this C.,.a uesofte2th of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rid~,ta fon%,e liwreadV in S vol.. 8vo, withi Dorlzits. lSe., neatly bound, 42.. 1s 6R ftelOUSE of LRIS, h dA o fthe m n d Character. of A Ftsneo during the SeventeenUth and Eighteenth Centuries. ad By Dr. W. CGo'e TAklo Ph ThenO Memoirs are so clever and so brilliant, that we Id counsel the eonutry~ gtlcanwbo iB diccontented with the shlow. W en glltteringt his Belyu, his Defoe, and his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. Now ready at all the libraries, in 3 v0ls., post 8vo.. CO UNTRY QUA RTER S. A NOVEL. By the Countess of BLESSINGTON. With Portrait, and Memoir of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Miss Power. A tale of light-hearted Irish girls And light-heeled red-coats- full of incident. '-Atheniuum. This novel is one of the most lively and life-like of the author's ?? Gazette. Williat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l-RITISII and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL p StIL STEAM.SHIIIPS, appointed by the Adiiralty to Rail ioecnLlVE,1l1-OO and B3OSTON, and betwveen.LIVERPOOL EWYORK, ceiling at Halifax to land and receive passengers d e Sl~jes~ty s mails. PTi, followving or other vemeles axe appointed to sail from Liver- cccvrv alternate Saturday, namlely: . 'oNIAGARA, for BIOST6N, Saturday, January 12. ECROI'1A, for NEWV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE MORNING CHRONICLE LABOUR AND THE POOR. The demands conutantly made to obtain the early Numbers of THE MORNING CHRONICLE containing the Letters *a1 LABOUR AND THE POOR, in the MSTROPOmiTAN, AGaRlJF TURAL, and MANuyAcTuriRNO Disavate, have induced the Con- ductors of that Journal to direct the RiPusuIcATION of these Let- tersin SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-four Columns each), to be given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE to SHIPPERS for CALCUTTA.-All goods intended for the SOUBAliPDA, Catain 8. C. UMFRE. VILlE, miist be down and cleared at the West India Dock on or before Saturday, the 19th instant, as the ship proceeds to sea early oil Monday, the .1t-H. H. LINDSAY, East India-ebambers. OR BOMBAY (under engagement to the Ron. F last ludia Company, to sail from Gravesend the 30th January, last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUN-D for PROMOTING FEMALE EtMIGR'ATION. Thynepathie of the public have recently been interested by de- tailed aciounts of the condition of th lxulr, ?? especially of the suifeningn LI s-0100 of those who ame a ,oug the aset helpless of their sex-the working wonten lf the country. In tae fle trrltoli alone, 3S,500 wonen are ettgsged in the stogle bu~sinew t appiaret-MLkiaig. It isr Otiluated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SDIMS UEEVES, FORMES, ERNST, and THAL- BERG.-WEl)NE;i)h' EVENING next, January 16, will be ?? the THIIRTEENTIlio thc LONDON WEDNESiDAY CONCERTS (whic waill be thi eswt buit two of the series ?? fifteen), when the above unrlvalled artdeis evi ill a pear, together with Mi-sea Laocombe, Evies, and i'oole, and Mrs. Alexander Newto-, and Mr. Land.- Ticlets, ls. and ?? reserved aiNs, 4s. ; stalls, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 you braise the Oats you give your Horses P-(tale - L No. Then you lose one bushel out of every three, and your Ti cattle do not de hal so well-MARY WEDLAKE1 and Co.s OATT D BRUISING MILLS. Superior ChrA Engines, simple in construction, M doing from 5 to 500 ?? daily, and more. Nearly all respeet. P] able cowuhmasters and brewers in London uae these implements. 1 To be seen at 118, Fecehurih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j'1EA to INDIA and CIJINA vifa. EGYPT.- l:iiohr ,IINT`1ILYINMAIL STEAM1 CONVEYANCE for ,, *. 4 1lut golods to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUFI'A, JEA SINGiAPI'O and HONG KONG. - The Peninsular t, i ?? Navaigation Company book passengers ansi re- ,~~,resfor the o aiou'e ports by their steamers, start- Iotaasalaspso ot thle 20th of every nao~th, and front Suez ?? t ti 10t ofthe iionith. j ?? ...